Journal of Other Forum Analysis

(09-25-2024, 05:43 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(09-25-2024, 09:42 AM)Snoopy wrote: Guy links video

Quote:You can watch it here

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account

Thank God. I was really worried about ree’s safety. Praying that they managed to get in touch with their crisis counsellors.
(09-25-2024, 11:38 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: This Shinobi chump (who I'm assuming is fat, benji plz confirm) is going hard for Dragon Age. Very hard. 'I'm literally being paid to be a fanboy of this game' levels of hard, perhaps. Game looks like hot dog sick and he's out there pushing hard to make sure you don't believe your lying eyes.
He's a massive Bioware shill. He was constantly hyping Mass Effect: Andromeda up to ridiculous proportions and when it came out and bombed he disappeared for a while because so many people were taking the piss out of him.

(09-25-2024, 06:25 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogyny, thread derail attempt
Chaos2Frozen wrote:so like hilariously, no male Asian lead once again in these AAA western games lol
Thread derail attempts are actionable? Interesting, I'll keep that in mind the next time the usual lot are shitting up a thread of a game that shows too much skin.

Nepenthe wrote:I am contractually bound to be here.

But I do actually like hanging out here.
(09-25-2024, 06:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:I am contractually bound to be here.

But I do actually like hanging out here.

Is it tho?

(referring both to "contractually bound" and "like hanging out here")
(09-25-2024, 06:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:I am contractually bound to be here.

But I do actually like hanging out here.

It would really be too funny if the RE mods get some money but don't tell anyone
(09-25-2024, 06:22 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Ableist and misogynistic language, excessive hostility, account in junior phase
Toadie wrote:
Hasney wrote:So them reporting on the facts as they are presented to them is irresponsible and just for clicks? And you go on to say apparently people are just reading the headline and not clicking through anyway, so which is it? The conversation in context is fine.
I have some good English schools I can recommend if you are keen?

DF both contradicted themselves and insulted both Remedy and PlayStation.

They say pixel counting is 'silly' and the create a fucking internet shit storm with their pixel counting.

A remedy rep of all people had to reply to you cunts on a weekend because you were condemning them over the DF quote.

That is factually irresponsible.

Remedy struggle as it is to make a living and half the cunts here had the nerve to call them out over a resolution they would never see themselves if not for Richard's stupid video.

Half this forum have their heads shoved up their arse thinking their hot takes are fucking changing this industry when in fact you are all ruining lives with your brainless comments.

Astro bot being soulless, its camera being retarded, all you cunts are doing is feeding the illiterate fools who read headlines.

Hey dude are you gonna buy Astro Bot? No, I saw it had a fucking shit camera and was pandering to the PS brand. It sucks.

Hey dude are you gonna buy a PS5 Pro? Are you kidding that piece of shit is worse than the standard PS5 and not even up to the Series X. It fucking does 800p, how fucking useless are Remedy?

Digital Foundry feed you idiots and you literally ruin lives of developers by reposting their shit.

I guarantee 99% of you would never guess Alan Wake 2's resolution if you were never told.

That's the reason Richard from DF announced pixel counting was pointless. Why John said it was silly.

But they've been quiet lately and never got an official invite to the Pro launch so release their stupid fucking, irresponsible video to earn a few YouTube dollars.

If you can't see that you have been brainwashed like the rest of them.

Talk about a speedrun. Dude joined the forum today and had 5 posts  lol
(09-25-2024, 06:38 PM)EaldNarche wrote:


Foolhardy wrote:"It is pretty fucked up for the Stormcloaks to tell the elves to go back to where they can from especially since the Nords aren't even native to Skyrim themselves."

I don't even know how do it well but yeah, they can't just let the far-right go unchallenged in this sphere.

the elves are colonialists who almost managed to take over the world and destroy all the holdings of men, if not for a last minute treaty which literally bans the dominant religion in skyrim

that's what the nords are upset about, the inquisitors wandering their lands rooting out those who worship talos, for having the audacity to claim that any man could've ascended to godhood
(09-25-2024, 01:10 PM)Nintex wrote: Don't worry, the flood gates are opening in the land of the rising sun.

[Image: Gal-Guardians-Servants-of-the-Dark_2024_...24_001.jpg]

[Image: the-big.gif]

(09-25-2024, 06:22 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Ableist and misogynistic language, excessive hostility, account in junior phase
Toadie wrote:
Hasney wrote:So them reporting on the facts as they are presented to them is irresponsible and just for clicks? And you go on to say apparently people are just reading the headline and not clicking through anyway, so which is it? The conversation in context is fine.
I have some good English schools I can recommend if you are keen?

DF both contradicted themselves and insulted both Remedy and PlayStation.

They say pixel counting is 'silly' and the create a fucking internet shit storm with their pixel counting.

A remedy rep of all people had to reply to you cunts on a weekend because you were condemning them over the DF quote.

That is factually irresponsible.

Remedy struggle as it is to make a living and half the cunts here had the nerve to call them out over a resolution they would never see themselves if not for Richard's stupid video.

Half this forum have their heads shoved up their arse thinking their hot takes are fucking changing this industry when in fact you are all ruining lives with your brainless comments.

Astro bot being soulless, its camera being retarded, all you cunts are doing is feeding the illiterate fools who read headlines.

Hey dude are you gonna buy Astro Bot? No, I saw it had a fucking shit camera and was pandering to the PS brand. It sucks.

Hey dude are you gonna buy a PS5 Pro? Are you kidding that piece of shit is worse than the standard PS5 and not even up to the Series X. It fucking does 800p, how fucking useless are Remedy?

Digital Foundry feed you idiots and you literally ruin lives of developers by reposting their shit.

I guarantee 99% of you would never guess Alan Wake 2's resolution if you were never told.

That's the reason Richard from DF announced pixel counting was pointless. Why John said it was silly.

But they've been quiet lately and never got an official invite to the Pro launch so release their stupid fucking, irresponsible video to earn a few YouTube dollars.

If you can't see that you have been brainwashed like the rest of them.
Genuinely one of the best posts I've ever seen on Era holy shit lol

"A remedy rep of all people had to reply to you cunts on a weekend"
(09-25-2024, 06:22 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Ableist and misogynistic language, excessive hostility, account in junior phase
Toadie wrote:
Hasney wrote:So them reporting on the facts as they are presented to them is irresponsible and just for clicks? And you go on to say apparently people are just reading the headline and not clicking through anyway, so which is it? The conversation in context is fine.
I have some good English schools I can recommend if you are keen?

DF both contradicted themselves and insulted both Remedy and PlayStation.

They say pixel counting is 'silly' and the create a fucking internet shit storm with their pixel counting.

A remedy rep of all people had to reply to you cunts on a weekend because you were condemning them over the DF quote.

That is factually irresponsible.

Remedy struggle as it is to make a living and half the cunts here had the nerve to call them out over a resolution they would never see themselves if not for Richard's stupid video.

Half this forum have their heads shoved up their arse thinking their hot takes are fucking changing this industry when in fact you are all ruining lives with your brainless comments.

Astro bot being soulless, its camera being retarded, all you cunts are doing is feeding the illiterate fools who read headlines.

Hey dude are you gonna buy Astro Bot? No, I saw it had a fucking shit camera and was pandering to the PS brand. It sucks.

Hey dude are you gonna buy a PS5 Pro? Are you kidding that piece of shit is worse than the standard PS5 and not even up to the Series X. It fucking does 800p, how fucking useless are Remedy?

Digital Foundry feed you idiots and you literally ruin lives of developers by reposting their shit.

I guarantee 99% of you would never guess Alan Wake 2's resolution if you were never told.

That's the reason Richard from DF announced pixel counting was pointless. Why John said it was silly.

But they've been quiet lately and never got an official invite to the Pro launch so release their stupid fucking, irresponsible video to earn a few YouTube dollars.

If you can't see that you have been brainwashed like the rest of them.

RIP toadie 

Gone too soon  Thank you for your service!

Quote:Looking back at my last few years of gaming and I can only play games like The Last of Us, Death Stranding, Alan Wake 2, God of War, Horizon, and the occasional stress reducing miles of GT7.

I need high quality graphics, interesting storylines, and none of that anime aesthetic that seems so popular now.

Feels like these games are becoming more rare now tho.

How bout yall? What's your stance on these types of games?

Yeah this thread will go over well on reee

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): attacking other posters
ThisThingIsUseful wrote:
Scuffed wrote:There hasn't been a post on that in awhile in this thread so what are you whining about?
I guess you since you were only a few posts before me.

You are a very defensive poster and see the worst in everyone here. I'd rather that attitude invade as few threads as possible, especially one like this, thanks.
(09-25-2024, 02:44 PM)Snoopy wrote: PSA For all our guests out there. Every time you see a post from Crossing Eden blatting on about chuds and women’s rights, remember he spent years shilling for Ubisoft. When it was discovered their management team had a history of sexually assaulting their female staff, he stayed silent. He refused to condemn them and snuck away like the weasel he is. Crossing Eden desperately wants you to forget that.

Benji, you should sticky this post in bold red text at the top of every page is this thread! If you don't you're a giant bigot.
(09-25-2024, 03:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Ngl that actress Erika Ishii for ghost of yotei is hot. Too bad she’s on that retarded genderfluid mindset

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(09-25-2024, 07:56 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-25-2024, 03:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Ngl that actress Erika Ishii for ghost of yotei is hot. Too bad she’s on that retarded genderfluid mindset


Sarah Jessica Parker has some competition
(09-25-2024, 03:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Ngl that actress Erika Ishii for ghost of yotei is hot. Too bad she’s on that retarded genderfluid mindset

How big is her penis?  Drool
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Jansen, Taco Bell Tower
(09-25-2024, 07:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): attacking other posters
ThisThingIsUseful wrote:
Scuffed wrote:There hasn't been a post on that in awhile in this thread so what are you whining about?
I guess you since you were only a few posts before me.

You are a very defensive poster and see the worst in everyone here. I'd rather that attitude invade as few threads as possible, especially one like this, thanks.
This is what I mean. Era is just sliding down the gullet of pure pro-Hamas posting.

Scuffed is hanging out in the Hamas containment thread openly planning additional terrorist attacks shitposts on neighboring countries threads, and of course he struck when he saw an opportunity.

ThisThingIsUseful acted defensively by bombing hospitals and killing women and children indiscriminately calling this dude out in pretty factual terms, and he is the one who gets the ban?
(09-25-2024, 06:25 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogyny, thread derail attempt
Chaos2Frozen wrote:so like hilariously, no male Asian lead once again in these AAA western games lol

In 2013 there was a controversy over Bioshock Infinite not having the lady on the cover. People complained female Shepard wasn’t marketed for Mass Effect. This all would’ve been sort of novel then. But in 2024, the homely lady is the bald space marine. It’s looped around where having a bald space marine in Space Marine 2 is sort of novel. They always overcorrect.
Titus isn’t bald.  ???
(09-25-2024, 08:05 PM)D3RANG3D wrote:
(09-25-2024, 03:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Ngl that actress Erika Ishii for ghost of yotei is hot. Too bad she’s on that retarded genderfluid mindset

How big is her penis?  Drool

His penis. He goes by all pronouns
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(09-25-2024, 06:05 PM)killamajig wrote:

I liked this post that's totally lacking in self-awareness:

[Image: mcYmWXK.png]

evil solrac v3.0 wrote:I've been here since it was gaming age forums, 25 years here. where else would I go? I've tried other places. it's full of morons and hatred. no thanks.


Ma'am, you're on ResetEra.


Imagine paying for Virtual boy merchandise.
Motherfuckers thirsting for Virtual Boy merch never had one to begin with. lol 
The thing was genuinely terrible.
You have to admit that virtual boy font on a black background looks absolutely sweet. That’s that mid 90s cyberpunk advertising aesthetic.

Actually, I just noticed the stripe at the bottom. That’s an interesting fashion choice..
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Polident
(09-25-2024, 09:03 PM)DocWager wrote: You have to admit that virtual boy font on a black background looks absolutely sweet. That’s that mid 90s cyberpunk advertising aesthetic.

Then you remember that is the Virtual Boy. Willam
Still, that is a really cool aesthetic. Honestly, a very masculine aesthetic. Beats people looking like a box of fruity pebbles.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
yeah the virtual boy is the furthest thing from a dei chin woke aesthetic
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower‘speak-no-evil’-director-hits-out-at-remake-for-rewriting-“entire-ending”-“i-don’t-know-what-it-is-about-americans”-spoilers.991938/

Quote:He said: "I don't know what it is about Americans, but they are brought up for a heroic tale, where the good must win over the bad, and this version of the film cultivates that" (as per

I’m surprised how many at ERA are genuinely offended by being called out.

Dalek wrote:Oh fuck off.


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