Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(11 hours ago)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(Yesterday, 05:25 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Feels like it's just an Era thing tbh. I have never met anyone IRL who has developed such a cynical nature toward the thing(s) they love. It honestly feels like we all hate video games, consoles, developers, the industry, each other, and everything connected to these things.

I mean we laugh when games bomb, then drag publishers and devs through the dirt when they close the studio or have layoffs. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

Honestly, any time I've blocked Era on my phone, or been banned for an extended period, I've felt better and more optimistic about gaming and the world around me in general. The nature of this forum can slowly start to seep into your real life and just bum you out mentally.

The best way to go about it for me is to just avoid the site. I don't want to be around something that saps the love I have for my hobby.

If I'm wanting to get caught up with the industry, I login and skim the thread titles, and leave. If there's a new release or information about a game (trailers, gameplay reveals, etc.) and I want to know more, I check the first post, then leave. Participating in discussions on any part of this forum is just going to turn into the most passive aggressive argument you've ever been in, for hours, where neither person will even attempt to see the other's perspective.

The majority of everything posted here is so detached from the real world that it shouldn't be taken seriously, or be representative of anyone or anything, at all.

Can't help but read and comment on threads discussing the nature of this forum though. Smile


Quote:Era was a great place when it start.
It's still ok, but there's not a lot of feel good discussion.
There never was any good discussions on Ree.

You have to be kind with your words so you then punch em square in the mouth while their off guard.
That cynicism thread has far too much independent thoughts posting in it. Definitely gonna be locked, they’ll wait a few days like the cowards they are, then ban those criticizing the site/moderation.
Jade1962 wrote:I think that's just the nature of the discourse on ERA now. Everything is framed as a moral choice and you are either right or wrong.

Zor wrote:Yeah, I should be used to it by now I guess, but it's still disappointing to see sometimes.

Opinions being right or wrong versus, yknow, just having a personal opinion that only really needs to satisfy yourself.
Mobius and Pet Octopus wrote:there are some people who literally believe if you disagree with them then you're actually just wrong. That is a sign of narcissism.

But yeah, many Era members too often try to draw a line on literally every subject and on one side you're right and the other you're wrong. It's not a great place for nuance discussion at times because of that.

You know why that is, right? When you got certain users/groups that are allowed to talk over the entire community purely due to their mod protection, and their opinion is de-facto the "right" opinion to have or face banning, it sort of makes any sort of nuanced discussion impossible. Take that attitude in that thread into another thread about South Park, or Dave Chapelle, or anything about race, or basically anything the mods deem "sensitive" and watch how fast your ass gets banned, with the usual suspects cheering as you get the boot.

When simple facts like Muslim societies being extremely anti-LGBT is deemed racist rhetoric worthy of a 3 month ban, it's no wonder the discussion on ERA is as shit as you all bemoan.
"Dismissing concerns" is literally just a ban for disagreeing with someone. Hell, sometimes there isn't even a person they disagreed with and they just held the wrong opinion
Quote:I'm tired of reiterating why the ending "trolley problem" choice is dumb and reductive.

I just hope they're taking the comics into account because although they aren't amazing, they do actually manage to tell a story about Max learning to handle the responsibility that comes with her powers without resorting to Bury Your Gays

I hate when they whine about "bury your gays" as if every hetero relationship depicted in media has a happy ending (Romeo and Julia anyone ?) The only thing this does is putting a childish mandate on the story teller because the audience can't handle tragedy
(11 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I am not surprised that aggrieved nerds who still have a chip on their shoulder from being bullied for their nerdy-ass interests in middle and high school are using the current pop culture media landscape focused around these interests to assert control and power.
As someone who was bullied to the point of suffering from life long depression, trust issues and physical scars from physical assaults and being set on fire in part because of being nerdy (along with heavy homophobia and ableism), I will never truly understand how you can then turn around and attack others for enjoying the things you suffered for liking. I would have killed to have friends who like Pokémon, anime, prehistoric history and Fantasy back then.

If you said these two accounts were elaborate trolls, I couldn't form a suitable argument against you. It's impossible considering the level of cognitive dissonance between what they say they believe and how they act.
Manipulation is the game they play. They are playing forum politics, and they enjoy manipulating people. That’s a type of individual to avoid in all facets of life.
(9 hours ago)DocWager wrote: Manipulation is the game they play. They are playing forum politics, and they enjoy manipulating people. That’s a type of individual to avoid in all facets of life.

Worst of all they do it because they want power.  Not to see your boss or some undeserved authority figure fall on their ass and people laugh at them.  They manipulate because they know they should be the leader and therefore their actions are justified.
(Yesterday, 05:43 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: TheEchoesoftheLesbianFetish

Quote:After decades of seeing and experiencing mental health issues in gaming (both players and in-games) at best dismissed and at worse, screamed and harassed into silence by over protective fanboys (and in some cases as when it comes to RNG and gambling tactics used by companies to exploit children, people with issues like OCD and Autism and addictive personalities, turn out also have undisclosed shares in the companies being criticized), devs and publishers...

After decades of seeing Critics and reviewers being harassed and threatened for "hurting players hype" for giving their honest opinions and review scores or players who had genuine criticism and grievances (all weaponized by grifter chuds to attack people they don't like)...

After decades of being told I'm an idiot or being screamed for not liking/accepting shit like quest breaking bugs in Bethesda games or feeling scared to say my honest opinions about certain games online like BG3 because of toxic fanboys...


After years of discovering just how horrific and abusive so many of the companies making games actually are to the point I simply can't play Ubisoft games because of how much it affected me...
Hillary Clinton demands LGBTQ+ genocide: wrote:She even went as far as saying phones should be removed from schools.

“We’ve conducted a big experiment on ourselves and particularly our kids and I think the evidence is in,” she said. “We’ve got to do more, take phones out of schools. I’m so happy to see schools beginning to do that where kids turn their phone in when they walk in the door.”
Actually, I want to come back to this:
(Yesterday, 05:43 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: TheEchoesoftheLesbianFetish

Quote:After decades of seeing sexism and misogyny downplayed and justified by fans...

After decades of seeing and experiencing mental health issues in gaming...

After decades of seeing Critics and reviewers being harassed and threatened...

After decades of being told I'm an idiot...


After decades seeing seeing time and again the gaming community praising and rewarding arseholes because their good at games and treating white men as inherently smart...
This dude has only seen decades of one of these.
I think if he was legit set on fire that might explain some of the brain damage. I doubt he was, like cause fuck me, if you were set on fire, you had to have fucked up badly with something flammable or pissed off the wrong person.

Reminds me of that dumbass who set himself on fire this year and no one remembers him because someone did it for Trump like a week later

What a terrible tragedy that was

[Image: tenor.gif]
"White men are inherently smart." - Shigeru Miyamoto

I love echoes for smuggling in some ultra specific slights in there that don't really bother anyone else

Quote:After years of people screaming at LGBTQ+ for daring to discuss or even be happy about gay, bi, trans characters in new games without being bullied into silence by Gamers for "SPOILERS!!!!" (because our existence is a spoiler, cis and straight people aren't)...

Quote:Just attended a protest today. I've been going regularly for the past year to these and today had a much bigger showing than normal. I think what's going on in Lebanon and the fact that one year mark is so close is reigniting the spark in people to get their voices out there and fight back somehow.

B-Dumbs, are you fucking serious bro with allowing this shit? This is basically HamasEra asking for another October 7.

I would hazard to guess the misspelling of Israel is what people would call "dog whistling" for antisemitism. HamasEra tends to do that a lot. Plus they're retarded, so that might have something to do with it.

If literacy rates were required for a website to be allowed to function, RetardEra would have been condemned a long time ago.
(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Quote:Just attended a protest today. I've been going regularly for the past year to these and today had a much bigger showing than normal. I think what's going on in Lebanon and the fact that one year mark is so close is reigniting the spark in people to get their voices out there and fight back somehow.

B-Dumbs, are you fucking serious bro with allowing this shit? This is basically HamasEra asking for another October 7.

I would hazard to guess the misspelling of Israel is what people would call "dog whistling" for antisemitism. HamasEra tends to do that a lot. Plus they're retarded, so that might have something to do with it.

If literacy rates were required for a website to be allowed to function, RetardEra would have been condemned a long time ago.

Uh, what exactly are they planning to do on October 7? Remembering how people celebrated the attacks? Remembering how they ignored people warning about how much suffering this will cause in Gaza?
(9 hours ago)benji wrote:
(Yesterday, 05:43 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: TheEchoesoftheLesbianFetish

Quote:After decades of seeing and experiencing mental health issues in gaming (both players and in-games) at best dismissed and at worse, screamed and harassed into silence by over protective fanboys (and in some cases as when it comes to RNG and gambling tactics used by companies to exploit children, people with issues like OCD and Autism and addictive personalities, turn out also have undisclosed shares in the companies being criticized), devs and publishers...

After decades of seeing Critics and reviewers being harassed and threatened for "hurting players hype" for giving their honest opinions and review scores or players who had genuine criticism and grievances (all weaponized by grifter chuds to attack people they don't like)...

After decades of being told I'm an idiot or being screamed for not liking/accepting shit like quest breaking bugs in Bethesda games or feeling scared to say my honest opinions about certain games online like BG3 because of toxic fanboys...


After years of discovering just how horrific and abusive so many of the companies making games actually are to the point I simply can't play Ubisoft games because of how much it affected me...

[Image: quote-since-most-problems-are-created-by...-33-81.jpg]

noinspiration wrote:So when people talk about Bloober's treatment of sensitive subjects, is it as bad as say the treatment of race in Bioshock Infinite? Because I can tell you that if I ever hear tell of Ken Levine going near that subject again I'll be shouting "FUCK THIS GUY" from the hilltops.



So she'll play Capcom remakes but not the Silent Hill one? The fuck is going on?

She's one of the most passing trans women as well.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Sue Lightning aka Sue Kalergis. I may have watched her spicy videos. I'll let you be the judge if I did
(8 hours ago)Propagandhim wrote:

noinspiration wrote:So when people talk about Bloober's treatment of sensitive subjects, is it as bad as say the treatment of race in Bioshock Infinite? Because I can tell you that if I ever hear tell of Ken Levine going near that subject again I'll be shouting "FUCK THIS GUY" from the hilltops.


They totally missed the point of the story in Bioshock Infinite. Fucking idiots, the lot of them.

It's probably too complicated (spoilers, its not) for their tiny, HRT mangled brains. Mongoloid fucks.

(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(8 hours ago)Propagandhim wrote:

noinspiration wrote:So when people talk about Bloober's treatment of sensitive subjects, is it as bad as say the treatment of race in Bioshock Infinite? Because I can tell you that if I ever hear tell of Ken Levine going near that subject again I'll be shouting "FUCK THIS GUY" from the hilltops.


They totally missed the point of the story in Bioshock Infinite. Fucking idiots, the lot of them.

It's probably too complicated (spoilers, its not) for their tiny, HRT mangled brains. Mongoloid fucks.


Oh yeah, can you tell me even one example of a worker revolution that turned into a nightmare that's as cruel as the rulers it replaced?

I mean at least two examples?

I mean at least three examples?

I mean at least four examples....
Speaking of imaginary

Quote:Melody Shreds 🏳️‍⚧️
My girlfriends and the other girls I fuck are gonna be crushed to hear about this.
"Fuck" probably mean ERP in Final Fantasy XIV.  Yuck
(8 hours ago)Jansen wrote: Speaking of imaginary

Quote:Melody Shreds 🏳️‍⚧️
My girlfriends and the other girls I fuck are gonna be crushed to hear about this.

(8 hours ago)Jansen wrote: Speaking of imaginary

Quote:Melody Shreds 🏳️‍⚧️
My girlfriends and the other girls I fuck are gonna be crushed to hear about this.

Is the whole app/site filled with people like this? Because if I was an investor I'd be furious.

If it's a tumblr 2.0, just put a fucking stick in it already.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

I would hazard to guess the misspelling of Israel is what people would call "dog whistling" for antisemitism. HamasEra tends to do that a lot. Plus they're retarded, so that might have something to do with it.
Coming from IrishNinja, I’d bet money on it.

I know especially retarded internet people have taken to calling it “IsNOTreal”.

Quote:He looks like a school shooter


Quote:Space X getting nationalized if Harris wins.
Quote:There goes Dickarus, flying close to the sun again. He will thoroughly deserve every bit of government attention coming his way, and the way of his businesses, if - hopefully when - Harris is elected.
(8 hours ago)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Quote:Just attended a protest today. I've been going regularly for the past year to these and today had a much bigger showing than normal. I think what's going on in Lebanon and the fact that one year mark is so close is reigniting the spark in people to get their voices out there and fight back somehow.

Uh, what exactly are they planning to do on October 7? Remembering how people celebrated the attacks? Remembering how they ignored people warning about how much suffering this will cause in Gaza?
Celebrating the day people started fighting back. Punch
Quote:It's hard to explain how much of a fucking loser Elon is.
Quote:If only a sinkhole could open up beneath that rally
Quote:I honestly can't think of anyone more cringe than Elon.

He's just cringe personified and distilled into a person.
Quote:What's wild is that he has been a complete piece of shit for several years, continually gets worse and worse year after year and yet he still has fans. Makes you wonder about people.
[Image: GZKcmOIWEAA9vFL?format=jpg&name=small]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:The anti-dev rhetoric on Era has really gotten out of control this past year. We like to pretend this is a pro-dev space because people say all the right things about crunch and lay-offs, but the average user hasn't done anywhere near enough to legitimately interrogate their role as a gamer in all of that, and whether the way they conduct themselves online actually reflects those beliefs.

Just looking at the "Graphic Fidelity I Expect Next Gen" thread as an example. The amount of posts there that are thinly veiled versions of "devs are lazy" or "devs are ripping us off by not doing more of X" is so disappointing. And many of the same people saying things like that will be the first to complain about bloated development times and games taking so long to release these days. It's so contradictory, but even if it wasn't, it's just straight up shitty.

Concord was also an incredibly depressing example of what OP described. People all over the internet, including Era, were actively wishing for the game's failure, which in turn can mean nothing other than job insecurity for the devs. It's totally fine that people weren't sold on the game's reveal or beta, and it's totally normal (if unfortunate) that a game would flop as a result. But people salivated in that failure, and used it as some sort of proof that they were right to behave the way they had been. Whether or not the game was a smash hit or an utter flop, nothing could justify the kind of rhetoric that developed around Concord.


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