Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
B-Dubs is a Zionist racist abuser of women.

Many such cases Trumps
He’s also a dumbass biiiiiaaaaatttttcccchhhh Rofl
All of this for “fuck off eat my ass” lol
(Yesterday, 02:43 PM)Jansen wrote:
(Yesterday, 02:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: From constructive:

Quote:But seriously, what is it about Gaming Forum managers and abusing women and femmes under their leadership? Because if I had a nickel for every time the manager of a popular gaming forum abused one of his femme staff members, not only would I have two nickels but the second one I acquired would've been split from the first.

There absolutely need to be repercussions for the way B Dubs spoke to Nep. He said what he said from a position of not only power but confident immunity. He said it from a position of a man talking down to a woman, and he said it with the full knowledge that no one could clock him for it behind his screen. He clearly isn't willing to discuss it or apologize, which means he'll do it again. And I can guarantee you that if he's willing to talk to a member of his staff this way in public, he's treating them worse in private.

And I 100% advocate for folks who rightfully take issue with his behavior to go around him to notify his actual bosses, MOBA. If anyone should be held accountable for how their behavior impacts the site, it's the one paid to oversee all of it. At the end of the day it's B Dubs that sets the tone for the forum, and he has no problem setting a tone of unapologetic abuse and misogyny. Which, I guess, isn't really bucking a trend in gaming these days.

What I find amusing about this is that b-chubs spoke to her exactly like he speaks to anyone else when he's mad but because Nep is a woman (let's ignore the non-binary stuff, that's inconvenient right now) it's now a huge problem.
I'd love to know what's going on behind the scenes, because if she's any smart Nep will know that this shit is bound to backfire the moment she goes off on another angry rant against some member.

Lmao which user posted this

"AmethystArcana" registered in 2017 but pretty much stopped posting after Cerium sold the forum. In the forum ownership thread they were also very vehemently defending the mods.

If I was I to conspiracy theories I'd almost wonder if this is Neps alt  lol
Quote:But seriously, what is it about Gaming Forum managers and abusing women and femmes under their leadership?

[...] he'll do it again. And I can guarantee you that if he's willing to talk to a member of his staff this way in public, he's treating them worse in private.

[...] he has no problem setting a tone of unapologetic abuse and misogyny.
Is this IrishNinja?

It's just so alarmist and over the'd think he broke her jaw in the grocery store going by this wording.

Spoiler: Top of Page implied sexual activity 👀 (click to show)
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQznAx3rZeVoYOrg_OVv5q...YBgJQ_lQ&s]
(Yesterday, 03:05 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(Yesterday, 02:43 PM)Jansen wrote:
(Yesterday, 02:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: From constructive:

What I find amusing about this is that b-chubs spoke to her exactly like he speaks to anyone else when he's mad but because Nep is a woman (let's ignore the non-binary stuff, that's inconvenient right now) it's now a huge problem.
I'd love to know what's going on behind the scenes, because if she's any smart Nep will know that this shit is bound to backfire the moment she goes off on another angry rant against some member.

Lmao which user posted this

"AmethystArcana" registered in 2017 but pretty much stopped posting after Cerium sold the forum. In the forum ownership thread they were also very vehemently defending the mods.

If I was I to conspiracy theories I'd almost wonder if this is Neps alt  lol

It sounds a like Nep alt:

"I'm using a fancy word for magic AND doing an alliteration at the same time, iamverysmart."
B-Dubs should retaliate, but I know why he doesn’t. not just because he’s a bitch, but he’s afraid that he’ll be labeled the next EvilLore. Funny we saw a couple of weeks ago him banning someone for daring to criticize their explanations for bans. Now when he’s being personally attacked for absolutely shitting on his subordinate, he clamps down. Like how much of a spineless ass do you have to be to not do anything? I remember substitute teachers stay silent when students abused them on purpose. This is no different, except he’s not a sub.
And that's after burning down the forum's normies to appease her racist ranting off site
(Yesterday, 03:22 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: And that's after burning down the forum's normies to appease her racist ranting off site

That’s the hardest thing not to repeat here because it’s still so baffling. Let’s go through it again. The most dramatic moment in the forums history, he goes on a death squad mission to hunt down forum members on an offsite Discord, then when they won’t comply, he eradicates the majority of them, and creates a mod approved thread for talking politics, that favors a one sided left wing stance. And he proudly announced it to forum members like he displayed dead bodies outsize his saloon. All for a mod he clearly doesn’t see eye to eye on politics.

Like you can see eventually it would boil over between the two. Especially when Nep in a far left fascist rhetoric is incapable of having a fair conversation with anyone outside her political beliefs. What a fatal mistake, and now his sanity is broken! You just have to laugh.
(10-16-2024, 06:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
When you put the mouse on B-Duds name, what does "Solutions 1" mean? What
Xenforo has a feature where users can post questions and then mark one of the replies as a solution. Like "can metroid crawl?" and someone posts "roll into a ball, press down" then they mark that as the solution.

They might be testing it somewhere. I think Lore tested it and decided it was unnecessary versus regular threads. The Q&A forum on Kiwi Farms is the only one I actually know of regarding a forum using this feature, except all the questions and answers are facetious/sarcastic/etc.

(10-16-2024, 04:38 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:if someone is miserable because they're trans it's usually not because they're trans but because systems and society make it hard to be trans. people being weird about it. lack of access to medical transition. social stigma. 

it's not because being trans is bad. it's because cis people hate us.
This is something you can literally say for any person or group. It's just an argument to excuse anything a person does because unfalsifiable tautology.

(10-16-2024, 08:06 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:I can't recommend strongly enough that you adopt a radically accepting worldview. Your reaction to queers, furries, therians, otherkin, neopronouns, plural systems and any and all other weird, niche identities should be "oh, that's neat, tell me more."
This isn't being accepting, for one thing it's demanding interest in the thing. That's not acceptance. I'm accepting of religions because I don't want the state to shut them down and re-educate them like they're Israeli citizens. That doesn't mean I want every religious person to tell me their own idiosyncratic views on a topic I know is false and I'm entirely skeptical of their ability to explain coherently in the first place.
Jeb wrote:The richest nation in the world bombing the fuck out of one of the poorest nation in the world.

All for their genocidal ally.

Remember when it was bannable to equate Yemen with the Houthis? lol
Plagiarize wrote:Frankly I don't yet know that I can keep living in this country if Trump gets reelected because it could potentially kill me to stay here.

Trumps ENBY genocide? 

If you convince yourself that you will be systematically hunted and killed when Trump is elected, then masturbating in your filthy computer chair all day becomes a daring act of principled resistance.

Thank you for your service!
(Yesterday, 03:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Plagiarize wrote:Frankly I don't yet know that I can keep living in this country if Trump gets reelected because it could potentially kill me to stay here.

Trumps ENBY genocide? 


He will go from this…
[Image: BigBossMan-1.jpg]

To this…

[Image: mountie-wwe.jpg]

After the election.

From prison rape, to rape & sadomasochism.
(Yesterday, 03:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Plagiarize wrote:Frankly I don't yet know that I can keep living in this country if Trump gets reelected because it could potentially kill me to stay here.
If Nep becomes Admin, Benji will be assassinated. Which to be fair isn’t so bad.
(Yesterday, 03:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Jeb wrote:The richest nation in the world bombing the fuck out of one of the poorest nation in the world.

All for their genocidal ally.

Remember when it was bannable to equate Yemen with the Houthis? lol

I hope Timothy Chalamet is okay.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, killamajig
(Yesterday, 03:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Plagiarize wrote:Frankly I don't yet know that I can keep living in this country if Trump gets reelected because it could potentially kill me to stay here.

Trumps ENBY genocide? 


But doesn't he know that it's already a genocide? Is he a genocide denier??
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, killamajig
If they want to punish Dubs they should make him get out of bed and try to climb some stairs as penance, otherwise, and I mean this, all of you fuck off and eat the hell out of me.
(Yesterday, 04:15 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(Yesterday, 03:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Plagiarize wrote:Frankly I don't yet know that I can keep living in this country if Trump gets reelected because it could potentially kill me to stay here.

But doesn't he know that it's already a genocide? Is he a genocide denier??
Can we also point out that he'd be going back to the UK where Labour is currently enacting Joanne's genocide and has Kyuuji and others stockpiling HRT?
(Yesterday, 04:28 PM)Switters wrote: If they want to punish Dubs they should make him get out of bed and try to climb some stairs as penance, otherwise, and I mean this, all of you fuck off and eat the hell out of me.

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
I know it’s been said here before, but he spoke to her the same way they all speak to each other. The admins, the mods, the trans mafia, the women’s wardrobe police, Hamas central, the chuds, the woke, the libs, the leftists.

The all just constantly disrespect each other. Some get banned some don’t and while there seems to be a pattern of who doesn’t get the hammer, I don’t think that’s especially important, because they all keep doing it. 

It makes it pretty damn easy to laugh at them because they just constantly headshot each other.
(Yesterday, 04:53 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
booshka wrote:AI generated shit is frequently a reflection of the white supremacist structures it was created under. Techbro engineers and whatever prompts people put in leads to this kind of shit.

a tacit statement that black people never would've invented AI...?
Can someone please link to the start of the Nep and Bdubs drama? Missed it and would like to know what happened.
(Yesterday, 05:37 AM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(Yesterday, 05:00 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: what the fuck is a NEOPRONOUN?! Heh

People who want to be referred to "it" instead of he or she. I wish I was joking but I'm not.

this isn't quite right

"it" is an existing pronoun, not a neo one

neopronouns are when you go deer/deerself as in "deer went to the store to buy deerself a pepsi, I'm really happy for deer"

or perhaps bore/boreself
(Yesterday, 04:42 PM)nampad wrote: Can someone please link to the start of the Nep and Bdubs drama? Missed it and would like to know what happened.
That's the thing, literally nothing happened. They disagreed about if people should vote for Harris or not vote at all. B-Dubs posted and deleted an overly harsh reply in response to Nepenthe dismissing his concerns as usual, then edited out a more sensible reply:
(10-14-2024, 11:11 PM)benji wrote:
(10-14-2024, 10:58 PM)railGUN wrote: Can someone post a link or recap on what B-Dubs did?
Took issue with Nepenthe's rantings about how important it is to not vote for Kamala Harris or Democrats.
(10-13-2024, 02:00 AM)benji wrote:
(10-13-2024, 01:50 AM)BIONIC wrote:
The funny part is that B-Dubs didn't edit that post, he deleted it.

He edited out an entirely different post that Nepenthe replied to that led to that response:
[Image: S0E0kj2.png]
Look at the post number and timestamp:
[Image: 56P5wuy.png]

You can see Nepenthe reply to it further down with the text preserved in her quote:

If you click on either of IrishNinja's or Nepenthe's quotes, the link takes you to "oops" page:

If it was the post B-Dubs edited out it would take you back to it.

B-Dubs tried to back out of this by rescinding all of his entirely fair criticism of Nepenthe's position. Like Boredfrom said: cuck. And not the good kind that lets other men have sex with their wives.
(10-13-2024, 01:05 AM)benji wrote:
(10-13-2024, 12:58 AM)negativecrepe wrote: what did bdumb say to nep
IrishNinja quoted the whole thing:
[Image: egkGMXo.png]
Rasberries were a creation of white supremacy.
I am of the opinion that Nepenthe and co do actually want Trump to win, if for no other reason than it lets them bleat endlessly about how it was everyone else to blame, especially the people who voted for his opponent, all day every day.

Think about it. The Hamas thread gets a years long extension! Think of all the death to israel posting! Think about how they can worry each other about being put in camps! They obviously miss it.

Otherwise they'd, you know, vote for the other fucking candidate.
B-Dubs needs to be replaced because he let the site become an anti-Semitic, terrorist sympathizing shithole.

Look at this latest thread about Houthis as an example:

Jeb wrote:
Maledict wrote:The Houthi's are a murderous regime that literally enslaves people and sexual assaults and abuses people.
Spare me the fucking excuses, you think those bombs differentiates Houthi's and the fucking poor that are barely making ends meet?

Is that your excuse why you gotta bomb more arabs?

You remind me of those that excuse the Palestinian Genocide to save the LGBT community, as if that was ever the intention.

Kiyamet wrote:I remember when liberals were angry at Trump for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia to use in Yemen

Now democrats are bombing Yemen directly

"but Iran and the Houthis are evil" they say

And so Yemen continues to suffer

( while also not being allowed to retaliate against the ones murdering them )

kambaybolongo wrote:
Maledict wrote:The Houthi's are a murderous regime that literally enslaves people and sexual assaults and abuses people.
damn might as well launch a full scale invasion, good point

spineduke wrote:
Maledict wrote:The Houthi's are a murderous regime that literally enslaves people and sexual assaults and abuses people.
So by your standards we should raze all of Israel to the ground.

Look how much glossing over what the Houthis are in that thread. Look how much push back Maledict got for stating what should be a non-controversial fact.
(Yesterday, 04:49 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I am of the opinion that Nepenthe and co do actually want Trump to win, if for no other reason than it lets them bleat endlessly about how it was everyone else to blame, especially the people who voted for his opponent, all day every day.

Think about it. The Hamas thread gets a years long extension! Think of all the death to israel posting! Think about how they can worry each other about being put in camps! They obviously miss it.

Otherwise they'd, you know, vote for the other fucking candidate.
I think it's important to emphasize that they are not taking the position of either a principled non-voter or a single-issue voter. They do not reject the process, nor will they vote for the candidates who agree with them. Instead their entire focus is demanding that Harris deliberately harm her chances by aligning with them before they will offer her their irrelevant votes. (With strong hints that if she does this will still be insufficient or they will find other reasons to refuse.)

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