Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
What do they think is going to happen? MOBA will take a look at everything that has happened and think “yes, this Nep sure is GM material”.
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, clockwork5, Alpacx, Potato, ClothedMac
(Yesterday, 08:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: If B-Lore's is a paid position, and he is successfully ousted, what happens if Moba doesn't promote from within and gets an outsider to replace him?

Moba discovers just how fucking crazy the users of their biggest (and probably only profitable) asset really are!!

3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, clockwork5, Alpacx
(Yesterday, 08:22 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Do you guys think the hormones made kyuujis hair grow back, does he wear a wig or is he a bald woMan? Asking for a friend.

Pretty sure taking estrogen makes you bald. That's why dudes in the juice lose their hair. Their body's reaction to too much testosterone is to ramp up estrogen production to counteract it.

I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(11 hours ago)Alpacx wrote:
(Yesterday, 08:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: If B-Lore's is a paid position, and he is successfully ousted, what happens if Moba doesn't promote from within and gets an outsider to replace him?

The drama from that would be almost as good as Era Presidente Nepenthe.

Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! Trumps

Now I want to play Tropico

I imagine the Moba guy would be like the British officer at the end of The Lord of the Flies as he sees how far the children have fallen into depravity in the absence of any responsible adult.
All the metacommentary and misrepresentation of admin/mod positions and yet no bans? Staff must be shaking right now, except Nep, that bitch celebrating dropping another body. Not a white body, but any pound of flesh is fine for the fur god.

Edit- Charlie xcx is a chick? Always assumed it was a dude, like Playboi carti (never seen playboy, so i assume it's a dude) I stopped listening to new shit like twenty years ago.
So you've never heard Beverly Hills by Weezer? Good call.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, books
(10 hours ago)Propagandhim wrote:
(Yesterday, 07:41 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
Morrigan wrote:OK I have to say it... Calling it "sexual harassment" is misleading IMO. The language was hostile, abusive, and vulgar, and of course, completely unacceptable. But it feels like a stretch to call it misogynistic or to imply any kind of sexual intent.

We can strongly condemn the behaviour and language used, and the hypocrisy and double standards and all of that, without resorting to an inaccurate or misleading framing of the situation.

Sometimes I feel sad at the tragic nature of Morrigan that clearly has a sane person trying to claw out from around the edges of her psyche.

But hypocrisy? Double standards? That’s bold things to say when your yelling out of the window in the glass mansion that NepNep built.

I find it so fucking funny that Nepenthe hasn't said this (What Morrigan said) herself, even though it's obvious.  She loves the forum going to bat for her and depicting her as a victim even if it means crushing her "coworker".   If there's an opportunity to turn Nepenthe into an aggrieved party, she'll take it even though she can easily deescalate the situation by not doing that.   She's just sitting back with her feet up.  The most selfish bitch ever.   lol

Any interaction on the topic is terrible for B-Dumbs right now. He just needs to keep his head down and weather the storm. They will drop it soon and move to new targets. As fucking idiotic as dumbs is, he knows that the best play is distance. 

He'll fuck this up when he makes his eventual statement by admitting that he was 100% wrong and everything they said about him was right. This will embolden them even more for the next crisis and dumbs will be even more cucked than ever.
(7 hours ago)Rendle wrote: So you've never heard Beverly Hills by Weezer? Good call.

Their last album was Pinkerton dammit.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Chudder Barbarity
(11 hours ago)Steven Snell wrote: Right now in Community Discussion:
[Image: 42f8ff2b65b2e148b01be513e00ac5c1.png]

[Image: 4857d9dbcc15188239d245a4112a3527.png]
(7 hours ago)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: cafa2b92069a1349b00e08bf48931ccf.png]
This poster I've never noticed before sure is taking this real seriously.
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Falcon511 wrote:Election day I will probably be on the edge of stroking out with all the stress.
Boys club rhetoric…

He's talking about having a stroke. We'll be the ones stroking our cocks with all the drama. 
(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Charli XCX for top of the page

[Image: gyhoe6nnhmjd1.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg...5a59a45e50]

Nice funbags, but damn she needs to get those caterpillars removed from her forehead.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, clockwork5
(7 hours ago)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(7 hours ago)Potato wrote:
(Yesterday, 06:05 PM)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: 70c8e72a09c78fb899ee49002a613469.png]

B-dubs is a dead man walking. Big Trans Boss Kyuuji piling on the pressure.

Nepenthe could always quit in protest...although that would require self-respect and morals.

Hmph Nep is willing to withhold her vote in protest but isn't willing to step down from a sexist website.

Nor delete her Twitter account apparently
Twitter is essential for instant news and their networking to avoid genocide... and niche porn.
138 guests. 

Please register so I can tell you you're all retarded directly.
(8 hours ago)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: Charli XCX for top of the page

[Image: gyhoe6nnhmjd1.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg...5a59a45e50]

I just thought you should know this content is really problematic and degrading towards women, they aren't here to be objectified or ogled for your lurid pleasure
Only tasteful Gal Gadots should be posted.  Hmph
I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but hot Israelis are always welcome at the Bore, known hate site and nexus of the vidya gaming universe
I think our many white guests need to learn about cultural appropriation in the furry community:

Also available, along with the deleted content, at:

And do please read what B-Dubs was responding to:
(11 hours ago)benji wrote: I had missed this, but Nepenthe literally dismissed concerns of B-Dubs death:
B-Dubs wrote:There's a HUGE difference between the Trump voters who literally run around being racist shitheels and bragging about it, people who have been tacitly endorsing the GOP's bigotry the whole way through, and people who have to hold their noses to vote for people in order to protect the people they love from literal death. Fuck that. Seriously, if Trump gets in office and the ACA goes away I'm dead. So if I vote to prevent that, to protect myself from literally dying or going into a debt that I can't ever really climb out of, then I'm endorsing everything Harris does? If I vote for Harris to protect my LGBTQ+ friends from the literal libsoftiktok people taking over the government and persecuting them then I'm endorsing genocide in Gaza?

As a response, Nepenthe effectively conceded that yes, she'd prefer that B-Dubs and trans people be genocided than sully her hands by voting for Democrats:
Nepenthe wrote:I am not bullshitting Dubs. You know me. However, you were bullshitting when you earlier compared the Ukranian people to the Palestinians.

We can pretend like voting for only A, B, C of a Democrat's platform is not a wholesale endorsement of the entire platform while simultaneously saying all Trump voters inherently supported a racist platform even while they were insisting to our faces that they were economically anxious and wanted the tax breaks. Or we can maintain some level of actual political and moral consistency and examine our place within a system that constantly promotes imperialist outcomes.

And it's not even really an extremely strong moral condemnation I'm leveling at loyal Democrats, at least no more than what I leveled at myself for voting for Obama and Biden (especially Biden, because hoo-boy I haven't forgotten what he did to my people with the crime bill). I'm not even saying anything I haven't leveled on myself, and I would not necessarily be convinced by anyone in this thread that I was not complicit within this country's awful foreign policies when I cast my vote for these men. I also wouldn't want the assuagement or pity. My choices are mine and mine alone to deal with. Being an American means inherently being stuck as a cog in this death machine and, if you're somewhat empathetic, it's a constant struggle with trying to do your best to mitigate the damage you will wring as an unwilling participant in this system for the time you've got on this Earth.

If anyone votes for Harris to protect their loved ones, then that's the lever they're pulling. But they cannot then turn around to me and say that they care equally for anyone affected by Middle Eastern policy. Like, on the surface, they're admitting that their family and friends come first. And humans being humans are going to act in ways that protect those whom they consider to be part of their proverbial tribe or pack. This isn't really surprising or excessively condemnable, per se; I'm not Peter Singer levels of extreme.

Hell, I imagine if you rig the hypothetical situation enough, I could be convinced to vote for Harris if, like, I was absolutely convinced me and my family were going to be wiped out if I didn't, because I also have an instinct of self-preservation. Indeed, this instinct not being activated right now in this election could be used against me by you and others to say I truly think trans Americans and Americans with disabilities are worth sacrificing.


All I am looking for is some level of moral consitency and a willingness for people to examine their complicitly in an effort to understand why people like me have taking the position that they have.
Changes the context of B-Dubs' response doesn't it?
Sounds like Nep is gonna try to assassinate Bdubs through Stochastic terrorism.
Idealistically expecting voters to abstain from voting in their interests and maintain a perfect moral stance in a political system that she acknowledges is flawed, with real consequences and negative outcomes to marginalized folx = I sleepy sleep

Someone sed eat me = my shit is real and on fire
"But benji, B-Dubs sucks and deserves to feel the wrath of what he's encouraged and excused for so long."

You're right, but we hope to be better than them which is why we defend someone when they're innocent or it's otherwise justified no matter who they are.
I remember when cultural appropriation was cultural sharing.  Hmph
I don’t think BDumbs deserves to be labeled a sexual abuser by a bunch of psycho assholes. Yeshrug
B-dubs deserves to be and should be fired. And so should Nep. And neither deserves it for this "incident," but rather their years-long ineptitude at fostering a stable community instead of a sniping warzone. The fact that people there are acting like Nep is some poor victim when all she's ever done is screw people over and ruin discussions while advocating for dead white babies and dead jews is wild.
Lmao at calling for someone’s job because they told someone to eat their ass. It’s like those parental advisory moms in the 90s got their own forum.
I think B-dubs and Nep shouldn't be fired because who else will make us chuckle? We don't need Resetera becoming normalized.  Hmph

A radicalized Resetera is a funny Resetera when the neo libs fight back.

I can't believe b-chuds would pull down his pants, shit on nepenthe's face, and demand she eat his whole ass clean.

Honestly been heartbroken all week hearing this news. It seems inevitable that men in power will abuse their position to rape women, which is why i'm writing an open letter demanding benji preemptively step down before his out of control sexual urges cause him to sexually assault one of our female members.

Don't worry, I will gladly take over. since I am not a cis white male, I am pure of heart and will not rape anyone except TERF cunts they deserve it.
(5 hours ago)benji wrote:

[Image: tku0rjevy0181.jpg]

[Image: b4j09h18qq9b1.jpg]

I'm pretty sure it was a shit posting account (been banned for awhile now)

We better get the return of old Ethan in goblin mode. Go off king.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(8 hours ago)DocWager wrote: And you people slobber over Gal Gadot.

Gadot has the bloodlust in her
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia

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