Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
PogiBrian has been banned for putting staff in danger and for mocking people who poop their pants.
basically crimes are fine as long they pander to me

nevermind how Blizzard would legit go "oh uh this overwatch character likes dick" right before some news about how they caused an employee to off themselves would come out.

It goes to show what alot of this is all about...if its not for me then its bad and therefore anyone who likes it hates me and since I am <insert thing here> they hate everyone like me.

They are simply selfish ass children who realized that crying wolf gets them what they want....hopefully companies will realize that its not worth it and actually stop listening to them lol.

I am all for equality and people living the life they wish to live (as long as it doesn't harm anyone); I think everyone should get media that appeals to them and is "for" them...and the media resetera wants is boring as fuck IMO.  But nothing is worse than wanting EVERYTHING to be the same in the name of so called equality.  Its ironically what they claim when some random sexy design drops and they go "I don't want it to not exist but not everything has to be like that" when the reality is that its not all like that and thats what makes it stand out.

Stellar Blade is probably going to be ass (lololololol) but the fact that its basically a high budget comiket game is awesome to me. Its people who worked to get to where they are and are creating shit they want to create and not some safe ass shit attempting to appeal to everyone is what makes the creative process great.

This goes both ways too...I am tired of every game being apart of some terminally online culture war. Sometimes you just want to be hyped about a game without it being used to own the libs or make the chuds mad or whatever

BUT as Wizard Game, PalWorld and many others have proven...Twitter isn't real and Reset's impact is so tiny lol. Maybe thats what makes them screech harder I guess
Quote:Perhaps that's more of an issue to criticize Nikke/Stellar Blade specifically.

In the case of Nikke, is pretty clear you guys neither play or are interested about the game beyond “horny designs and Korean culture war I don’t understand.” Is okay if you dislike the character designs and think is juvenile shit (it is). Is the puritanical smugness and self righteous ignorance that pisses other people off.

But hey, a dude(?) with a SheRa character avatar has al the right to judge others for their taste in media.

How can you not be cynical about this stuff. It blows my mind that RE sees something like this and thinks "Fuck yeah, I'll pay 5.99 for that!"
Yikes, hope 343i is limiting those items to only Black players so no cultural appropriation can occur. But with a place that employs virulent racists like Frank O'Connor I'm sure they don't give a shit about the harm to marginalized communities.
(02-02-2024, 04:46 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

How can you not be cynical about this stuff. It blows my mind that RE sees something like this and thinks "Fuck yeah, I'll pay 5.99 for that!"

That A-Train comparison is en pointe
(02-02-2024, 05:02 AM)benji wrote: Yikes, hope 343i is limiting those items to only Black players so no cultural appropriation can occur. But with a place that employs virulent racists like Frank O'Connor I'm sure they don't give a shit about the harm to marginalized communities.

Digital blackface is the best blackface
Didn't 343 get in trouble for fucking this up last year as well?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Wow. Palworld plagiarism thread is on page 6 now? Guess the dogs found a new car to chase.
(02-02-2024, 06:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Wow. Palworld plagiarism thread is on page 6 now? Guess the dogs found a new car to chase.

Stellar Blade.
(02-02-2024, 06:31 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-02-2024, 06:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Wow. Palworld plagiarism thread is on page 6 now? Guess the dogs found a new car to chase.

Stellar Blade.

Wanting to play and be a cute girl should not be controversial. Be better, Ree.
(02-02-2024, 06:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Wow. Palworld plagiarism thread is on page 6 now? Guess the dogs found a new car to chase.
Cis don't care.
In before the Resetera antisemitic conspiracy theories

[Image: 1706644644040?e=1709769600&v=beta&t=ecwt...39rd9ZptRY]
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(02-02-2024, 06:05 AM)Chumbawumbafan69 wrote: Didn't 343 get in trouble for fucking this up last year as well?

The items had apes as file names.

Another day. Another outrage hungry ree makes a complete twat out of themselves -

Quote:Why tf is that police comment included, why tf did someone in the police even say that. Who gives a shit about those 2 absolute failures of humanity.

The police comment -

"The teenagers were “both really intelligent kids”, according to DS Mike Evans, the head of crime for Cheshire police.

Though Ratcliffe was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder after his arrest, and Jenkinson with “traits” of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, both were “quite high-functioning”, said Evans. “I think that’s brought a level of arrogance or certainly confidence,” he added, describing them as “two warped individuals”.

"“I think if it hadn’t been Brianna, it would have been one of the other four children on that list,” Evans said. “It’s just that Brianna was the one who was accessible at that time, and then became the focus of those desires.”

I actually can't believe this idiot read the report and their first reaction was to criticize the detective's comment. They are absolute scum.
I think we're missing the big picture here, which is a sterling opportunity for Kyuuji to get some delicious attention and backpats for copying and pasting
(02-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Uncle wrote: if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead

Just to pick up on this because its a bug bear of mine - slavery DOES still exist today, and not in the US centric "yeah, prisoners get paid less than minimum wage for their all expenses paid term of incarceration and its mostly black people sooooo...." line of thought, and its fucking infuriating when - again, mostly Americans - talk about slavery like it was a thing that only really affected america or black people and is all finished now.

Like, if its the worst thing that can happen to someone being an absolutely fundamental removal of essential human rights by making other humans property, then maybe you should spend some fucking time and effort fighting that than bitching about fucking pronouns or whatever, just because its not overtly happening on your doorstep (but ah shit, my new yeezys!)
(02-01-2024, 11:32 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The bio description for Wonder woman is pretty cringe

It's supposedly written from the perspective of Lex Luther which seems hard to imagine. From the scenes I've seen it also seems like Wonder Woman receives a lot of respect etc. while the male heroes keep getting humiliated.

Like cool if the game is out to take a dump on the justice league but then at least have the consistency to also do it to wonder woman

They solved 'toxic masculinity' by uhhhhh being a homogenous martial theocracy with an ongoing policy of literally executing any men that step foot on themyscira?
[Image: Wnzt9CJ.png]
(02-02-2024, 12:24 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Uncle wrote: if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead

Just to pick up on this because its a bug bear of mine - slavery DOES still exist today, and not in the US centric "yeah, prisoners get paid less than minimum wage for their all expenses paid term of incarceration and its mostly black people sooooo...." line of thought, and its fucking infuriating when - again, mostly Americans - talk about slavery like it was a thing that only really affected america or black people and is all finished now.

Like, if its the worst thing that can happen to someone being an absolutely fundamental removal of essential human rights by making other humans property, then maybe you should spend some fucking time and effort fighting that than bitching about fucking pronouns or whatever, just because its not overtly happening on your doorstep (but ah shit, my new yeezys!)

it was funnier and more succinct to pretend slavery doesn't still exist today and that the only context it ever existed in was Roots and Brother Future
(02-02-2024, 12:48 AM)Propagandhim wrote: But you're not working hard.  You have no marketable skills and refuse to acquire them even though you're a grown woman living in your parents' house. You draw furry art and write about globs of cum, but it doesn't make money.  Listen to me, the globs of cum are not making you money - they're slowing you down (heheheheh).  You're not seeing the cum for the trees.  You don't seem to care to find the time and energy to take some path forward - *any* path, even if it leads to make your life better, but you will find the time to squelch speech and opinions on an internet forum and bitch about an entire race of people for years on end.   You work at a CVS or something as a cashier and complain that white people hand you change wrong.  Capitalism is race blind - if someone is going to pass up the opportunity to use the skills and talents of someone because they're the wrong race, there will be a 10000x more people that won't because your labor is incentivized, not your skin.  They care about making money.   The woman throwing you her change isn't doing it because you're black.  Nepenthe, listen, come close: they're doing it because you're a detestable bitch with a face made for extremely rapid punching.  Not because white people can't stand to give the black bodies money.  Yes, I know, the misogynoir of black bodies is the engine of capitalism.  It is the third industrial revolution in the shuck and jive economy. I know, I get it.   Welll shiiiiet massa, I is jus' a po' cashyeeea at da dollah store, I ain't wanna bothah nobody.  Da white folk here look extry grumpy ta-day, i certainly don't wish for my currency to be thrown at mah hands cuz I's being uppity in dis hyeah CVS.  I don't  wan trouble nobody none. nuh-uh-uh, sir.  Stop it, Nepenthe.  Stop talking like that. Get ahold of yourself.  Stop shucking.  Stop shucking the glob of cum out of that furry dick and listen to me for a moment: You spend all your time on an internet forum bitching about a sinister race with ubiquitous and global power diminishing "your people" instead of trying to figure out how to make your life better.     This isn't capitalism or white peoples' fault - this is you refusing to, as you put it: "grow the fuck up."   It doesn't matter how many Ibrahim Kendi or Robin D'Angelo books you read, nothing will ever get better until you take accountability for why people throw change in your face - it's because you're a whiney cunt that lives in one of the wealthiest countries on earth in the best time on earth.   I've had a long week and ya boi had a little too much to drink on a Thursday.  So if anything here offended you, I'm sorry, the capitalism made me do it.  is this thing still on?

(02-02-2024, 12:30 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-02-2024, 12:24 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Uncle wrote: if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead

Just to pick up on this because its a bug bear of mine - slavery DOES still exist today, and not in the US centric "yeah, prisoners get paid less than minimum wage for their all expenses paid term of incarceration and its mostly black people sooooo...." line of thought, and its fucking infuriating when - again, mostly Americans - talk about slavery like it was a thing that only really affected america or black people and is all finished now.

Like, if its the worst thing that can happen to someone being an absolutely fundamental removal of essential human rights by making other humans property, then maybe you should spend some fucking time and effort fighting that than bitching about fucking pronouns or whatever, just because its not overtly happening on your doorstep (but ah shit, my new yeezys!)

it was funnier and more succinct to pretend slavery doesn't still exist today and that the only context it ever existed in was Roots and Brother Future

My annoyance is with people
Spoiler:  (click to show)
like Nepenthe
who parrot the same dumb shit and are actively proud of their own ignorance about, well, everything outside their current fucking line of sight rather than boreans who are generally working on at least a couple of different levels of ironic self deprecation

(02-02-2024, 03:40 AM)benji wrote: Maybe it's all coordinated by the incels!

They prefer to be called 'asexuals' on era wag
(02-02-2024, 12:01 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I think we're missing the big picture here, which is a sterling opportunity for Kyuuji to get some delicious attention and backpats for copying and pasting

Kyuuji the homophobe, misogynist enlightened will be along soon enough with extra concern face.
It really boils my piss that I just know they’re dying for it to pinned as a trans killing so they can run with that forever that terf island and Joanne have got the scalp in the bank. They will be eating off this forever more.

It is fucked up what those kids did to her and they deserve everything they get but do not weaponise this to try and further your pathetic notion there’s a genocide going on
(02-02-2024, 12:24 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Uncle wrote: if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead

Just to pick up on this because its a bug bear of mine - slavery DOES still exist today, and not in the US centric "yeah, prisoners get paid less than minimum wage for their all expenses paid term of incarceration and its mostly black people sooooo...." line of thought, and its fucking infuriating when - again, mostly Americans - talk about slavery like it was a thing that only really affected america or black people and is all finished now.

Like, if its the worst thing that can happen to someone being an absolutely fundamental removal of essential human rights by making other humans property, then maybe you should spend some fucking time and effort fighting that than bitching about fucking pronouns or whatever, just because its not overtly happening on your doorstep (but ah shit, my new yeezys!)

Cool it with the sinophobia. Like the islamophobes bringing it up about Qatar during the ‘22 World Cup, you have to respect other cultures. Do better.
(02-02-2024, 12:05 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Imagine this reply if it was posted now.

very funny to go back to older threads, everyone but like two people on this page are banned or deleted
The duality of the ResetEra non-binary man:

From yesterday:

[Image: aT3G5B9.png]

SharpX68K wrote:Fuck digital.

From 3 weeks ago:

[Image: xZrmbSH.png]

SharpX68K wrote:Getting close to Infinite Wealth's release, Sega please consider releasing all of these games individually on digital stores

Palworld screechers are now moving into this thread

Stellar Blade out! Palworld in!
Venice dateline='[url=tel:1706886877' wrote: 1706886877[/url]']
The duality of the ResetEra non-binary man:

From yesterday:

[Image: aT3G5B9.png]

SharpX68K wrote:Fuck digital.

From 3 weeks ago:

[Image: xZrmbSH.png]

SharpX68K wrote:Getting close to Infinite Wealth's release, Sega please consider releasing all of these games individually on digital stores

That’s pretty blatant post mining.
LinkStrikesBack wrote:"If", lol.

"If" there isn't any legal issues with what pal world has obviously done as perhaps the most blatant plagiarism in entertainment media is a LONG time, the entire videogame industry will become the Wildwest in short order because that would mean everyone has carte blanche to straight rip other successfully models, make the most minor of changes, if that, and ship it as a new product.


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