Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-01-2024, 05:30 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote:—and-so-does-his-base.811614/?post=118464357#post-118464357

Nepenthe wrote:This is pretty much the cyclical nature of this country with every major leap forward, because there's never any actual social or legal consequences for being a bigoted piece of shit.

No consequences for being a bigot if you’re a resetera admin either But that's none of my business...

Imagine if we made being a nasty cunt illegal? 

Almost every woman would be in jail for crimes against other women.

There would actually be a trans genocide.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
SkipTracer wrote:From the whole showcase the incredibly old fashioned sexist outfits in Stellar Blade really stood out. I'm not 13, can a woman just look like a woman please ffs?
I see many women look like that, infact when I go to the gym especially I see tons especially in their black leggings.

None of this is new, let devs make the characters they has no bearing on real life at all.
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
ClickyCal wrote:Damn what a worthless post to bury your account on.
PAFenix wrote:Oh damn I didn't know Stella Blade was about a woman going to the gym in workout clothes.
Nothing wrong with some good lookin ass In fantasy game, nice asses do exist in life
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
Malakym wrote:Yeah you see that in the gym, not in fucking war zones like this game takes place in. Also I'm sure the guys you see in the gym are similarly dressed down; do you understand the idea of appropriate attire for the situation?
It's fantasy.. Go back and watch Conan the barbarian and you'll see that none of that matters.. It's suspending some disbelief.
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
Edalyn wrote:Nothing wrong except nobody cares about your boners, play with one joystick my guy.
Why do you care about my boner? My wife cares, but you.. Why do you care about someone's boner?
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
MoonlitSeer wrote:Do you really think this is the right topic for that? My god. Get some perspective man.
Theres nothing wrong with it, it's fantasy... It's meant to tip toe the line.
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Misogynistic trolling over multiple posts
Hollywood Hitman wrote:
The Quentulated Mox wrote:Do you have a point you're getting at or are you just following the coomer flowchart?
y2kyle89 wrote:To think someone would use Hulk Hogan as an avatar for such posts /s
Coming from some fucking nerds that use pronouns, that's rich 😂
Quote:I’ve talked about this many times. I have a lot of regrets about Gamergate, the biggest one that I got drawn into focusing my efforts on an online culture war that could not be won instead of using the backchannel power I had to get policies enacted.

Gamers never give up. Winning is like the whole point of gaming.
That's what you people never understood and why you could never beat us. Punch 

And now we have Korean butts with LEDs on PlayStation, Pokemon with guns on Steam and git gud games are more popular than ever.
The opposite of everything that you wanted happened and most of your sites are dead.

GamerGate won a tremendous victory.
(02-01-2024, 09:59 PM)benji wrote: Also slavery itself is anti-capitalist, you don't own your labor or capital.

a slave doesn't own their labor, but isn't monetizing humans as property the most capitalist thing possible
if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead
(02-01-2024, 10:31 PM)benji wrote: Brianna Wu is still a complete moron, fraud, scammer and unrepentant liar who should never be trusted about anything.

Yeah, she is scummy as hell. It is also not the first time she changes her political alignment for convenience.
(02-01-2024, 10:28 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:23 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:09 PM)Propagandhim wrote: That started from this tweet btw:


Let me guess, they turned on you Briana?  And now they're the crazy ones?

She's been coming over to the moderate normal side the past couple years, been good to see

I believe it was the reaction from the left to the october 7th attacks that pushed her over the edge. She suddenly started to appear in my twitter feed once she made that switch which is kind of amusing

Definitely been before that, at least since last summer. Might be her biggest move however
(02-01-2024, 10:42 PM)Uncle wrote: if slavery still existed today do you think gamer slave owners would force some of their slaves to learn mobas and be their support and win games on pain of punishment

or like instead of going to the smash tournament you send your slave as your representative instead

 my slave when I tell him to mine resources in Starfield all day Do you think people would really do that?
Let's cut down the chatter comrades and let's get to work. Which dick should we suck tonight - Apple's or Microsoft's? Praise the sun why not both.
Shecky Fragbaum dateline='[url=tel:1706826082' wrote: 1706826082[/url]']
So did all the Palworld feels get repurposed to tell Steller Blade to "Put some goddamned pants on young lady, you're not going out like that."

Is funny how many of the biggest Palworld haters are also hating Stellar Blade, like Dice.
(02-01-2024, 10:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Shecky Fragbaum dateline='[url=tel:1706826082' wrote: 1706826082[/url]']
So did all the Palworld feels get repurposed to tell Steller Blade to "Put some goddamned pants on young lady, you're not going out like that."

Is funny how many of the biggest Palworld haters are also hating Stellar Blade, like Dice.

Art is sacred!

(02-01-2024, 10:40 PM)Uncle wrote: a slave doesn't own their labor, but isn't monetizing humans as property the most capitalist thing possible
If "monetizing humans as property" is the most capitalist thing possible then socialism is the most capitalist thing possible.

I'd also note that slaves were typically a financial drain. They actually cost more than free laborers. Ironically, one of the reasons the Plantation economy was so inefficient is that the culture viewed accruing more slaves as how to become wealthier so they almost never sold slaves unless they were problems or they had to address their amassing debts. They also became very paranoid about abolitionists buying them to free them if they were put on the market.
(02-01-2024, 10:51 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Shecky Fragbaum dateline='[url=tel:1706826082' wrote: 1706826082[/url]']
So did all the Palworld feels get repurposed to tell Steller Blade to "Put some goddamned pants on young lady, you're not going out like that."

Is funny how many of the biggest Palworld haters are also hating Stellar Blade, like Dice.

Art is sacred!

"Art" that caters to the wrong gaze isn't art, it didn't go through the proper artistic process or else it would have become ethical.
(02-01-2024, 10:22 PM)Potato wrote:
(02-01-2024, 02:06 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:08 AM)Potato wrote: The tide turned on their shit a while ago. Pushback is everywhere and started with the trans garbage. Women are pushing back on the puritan bullshit too.

not corporately/mainstream-media-wise

the suicide squad game is brand new and has this harley and the progress flag and all that

Boards around the world are now focusing on profitability and there are mass redundancies going on. I'd say anyone working in DEI better sharpen up their resume. 

The Suicide Squad game is a hangover of the excesses of the past and will be another in the long line of go woke, go broke financial disasters like Saints Row, The Marvels, Ant Man, The Little Mermaid, Forespoken etc. 

Meanwhile you've got Top Gun Maverick as the vanguard of much more traditional masculine storytelling, as well as surprise hits like Sound of Freedom and Oppenheimer coming through. Traditional storytelling never really went away and neither did chick flicks (see Barbie), but what we're seeing is a complete rejection of that forced diversity bullshit and that's currently following through to business decisions that are going to influence mainstream culture for the next decade or more.

On the gaming side, Sony just showcased literal T&A dressed up as an action game in their Soy of Play show. Shit is changing and it's changing fast.

Is there a big contingent of people bitching about being woke or whatever? 

All the complaints I have seen is being a technical mess at points and having atrocious mission design. 

(Barbie is a chick flick? Well, I guess in the strick sense, I just associate those films with romance, something that Barbie deliberately subverts).
The woke thing about Suicide Squad is how they off Batman and how the Joker is now soy.  lol

There's this videogame 'writing' outfit all the corpos hire that comes up with that shit.
(02-01-2024, 10:58 PM)Nintex wrote: The woke thing about Suicide Squad is how they off Batman and how the Joker is now soy.  lol

There's this videogame 'writing' outfit all the corpos hire that comes up with that shit.

That sounds like typical “I hate this game, let me show this scenes out of context”. (I just know that Harley kills Batman unceremoniously and a Joker was in a video titled “introducing elseworlds”).

Isn’t the game also in a blatant “to be continued” or at least with (deluded optimistic) to be continued in DLC, BUY THE SEASON PASS.
(02-01-2024, 10:40 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 09:59 PM)benji wrote: Also slavery itself is anti-capitalist, you don't own your labor or capital.

a slave doesn't own their labor, but isn't monetizing humans as property the most capitalist thing possible

Slavery (serfdom) as you're describing it is feudal, not capitalist. The problem is that capitalist has become short hand for 'involves markets' and because we're in a capitalist system and everyone is thick as fuck, the assumption is that 'making money off of stuff' is the worst thing one can do, when we've got about 100k years of human history indicating that actually, people appointing themselves as the boss of everyone else for spurious reasons like who their dad was or what god has said to them this morning is the default.
(02-01-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote: That sounds like typical “I hate this game, let me show this scenes out of context”. (I just know that Harley kills Batman unceremoniously and a Joker was in a video titled “introducing elseworlds”).

Isn’t the game also in a blatant “to be continued” or at least with (deluded optimistic) to be continued in DLC, BUY THE SEASON PASS.
I've seen the scene in context and it's totally fine and I could see it being in the comics unchanged. (In effect, Harley is doing what villains never do, just shoot the most dangerous guy with no powers in the face.)

Joker is upcoming playable DLC character, I don't know anything about it other than it's Joker from an alternate universe since the one in the Arkhamverse died back in City.

The ending has them going into the multiverse but seems more like hedging their bets incase a sequel is desired rather than an intentional sequel hook. Many of the Rocksteady leads already all left the company before finishing the game.
Kind of want to play the game but sure as hell I’m not going to pay 70 dollars for it. 

It was a bad bet to make this the final game in the Rocksteady’s Batman universe if they plan to continue the story in DLC.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Ending with them actually killing the Justice League is kind of a bummer, even though the squad is likable.
I think the comic/cape games outside of maybe PlayStation Spider-Man games have peaked anyway. 

Not sure why MS is doing a Blade game in 2027(?) but then again their tent pole release this year is Indiana Jones I don't
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-01-2024, 11:13 PM)benji wrote: The ending has them going into the multiverse but seems more like hedging their bets incase a sequel is desired rather than an intentional sequel hook. Many of the Rocksteady leads already all left the company before finishing the game.


Okay, let me read the synopsis.




Quote: Cop User Banned(Permanent): Troll Account
Airaizor wrote:Looks really good. Will buy two copies - digital and physical to support these wonderful developers.
(02-01-2024, 11:23 PM)Nintex wrote: Not sure why MS is doing a Blade game in 2027(?) but then again their tent pole release this year is Indiana Jones I don't
Because there's a new Blade movie coming.
(02-01-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:58 PM)Nintex wrote: The woke thing about Suicide Squad is how they off Batman and how the Joker is now soy.  lol

There's this videogame 'writing' outfit all the corpos hire that comes up with that shit.

That sounds like typical “I hate this game, let me show this scenes out of context”. (I just know that Harley kills Batman unceremoniously and a Joker was in a video titled “introducing elseworlds”).

Isn’t the game also in a blatant “to be continued” or at least with (deluded optimistic) to be continued in DLC, BUY THE SEASON PASS.

The bio description for Wonder woman is pretty cringe

It's supposedly written from the perspective of Lex Luther which seems hard to imagine. From the scenes I've seen it also seems like Wonder Woman receives a lot of respect etc. while the male heroes keep getting humiliated.

Like cool if the game is out to take a dump on the justice league but then at least have the consistency to also do it to wonder woman
(02-01-2024, 11:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned(Permanent): Troll Account
Airaizor wrote:Looks really good. Will buy two copies - digital and physical to support these wonderful developers.

Not room for debate, we need to go scorched earth on this chud developers for the crime of firing someone for a political context we don’t fully understand and making lewd games.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Xenophobia; Drive-By Posting
Deleted member 52065 wrote:The less things Chinese companies get control of or become involved with the better.
(02-01-2024, 11:32 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:58 PM)Nintex wrote: The woke thing about Suicide Squad is how they off Batman and how the Joker is now soy.  lol

There's this videogame 'writing' outfit all the corpos hire that comes up with that shit.

That sounds like typical “I hate this game, let me show this scenes out of context”. (I just know that Harley kills Batman unceremoniously and a Joker was in a video titled “introducing elseworlds”).

Isn’t the game also in a blatant “to be continued” or at least with (deluded optimistic) to be continued in DLC, BUY THE SEASON PASS.

The bio description for Wonder woman is pretty cringe

It's supposedly written from the perspective of Lex Luther which seems hard to imagine. From the scenes I've seen it also seems like Wonder Woman receives a lot of respect etc. while the male heroes keep getting humiliated.

Like cool if the game is out to take a dump on the justice league but then at least have the consistency to also do it to wonder woman

Eh, I think I know the reason:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Is not evil Luthor, but Earth 2 Luthor.

Also, isn’t she the only one that isn’t brainwashed? That’s why she gets the more sympathetic point of view.
The real problem with that is it wasn't written by anyone familiar with how Themyscira's (let alone the Amazons in general) been portrayed for the last 40 years.
Guys, it sounds like the game has many low points but it doesn’t sound like the game is particularly “woke” or “soy”.
(02-01-2024, 11:40 PM)benji wrote: The real problem with that is it wasn't written by anyone familiar with how Themyscira's been portrayed for the last 40 years.

That I can totally see.

But the big problem is that most people playing this game probably don’t know it either.

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