Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
[Image: BhQySqu.png]
(03-24-2024, 11:13 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: [Image: BhQySqu.png]

"Let me tell you about the lore of Overwatch."
The tomboy genocide continues.  Gloomy
Should I send this ticket?
Quote:I'm taking what you have said in recent weeks in good faith. That you wish to clean up the more extreme rhetoric on your forum and want people to report the community sharing conspiracy theories tied to it.

Posters in this thread are refusing to accept any narrative except the ones they have constructed in their heads. There is no proof of a murder or even manslaughter. There is no possible construction of a coverup that makes sense. There is no federal crime that makes sense. Not every thing that happens that is unfortunate or even wrong means there are perpetrators of a crime. Multiple levels of officials in multiple independent positions including hospital staff do not engage in blatant crimes simply to upset people on the internet or contribute to a nebulous global ideological position.

That's not even actually why this is beyond the pale, what's actually beyond the pale are these posters demanding prosecution and persecution of minors and other innocents for what is not a crime. No one will be found guilty so the punishment will be the process. This is police abuse. Your progressive forum is outright supporting police abuse of innocent people and minors. And not even for an actual crime that occurred but which the guilty will go unpunished. Those posters and their social media allies are demanding the names of minors be published so vigilante justice can hold them accountable. Presumably forever, so they can never escape being guilty of a murder that didn't happen. Not to mention all the other innocents they seem to want drawn and quartered for refusing to not persecute minors for a non-crime. This is an extremely corrosive reactionary mindset with morals set in pre-medieval ages.

I'm not saying this because they're trans, which will be the accusation to avoid the substance of the critique, it's fair to note that I haven't written a ticket regarding commentary about Trump that's very similar. But Trump is a grown adult (allegedly) and in many cases has committed crimes of some sort even if not what your members are wanting him to be abused by the process for. So while I do not care for your members, pledged progressive as they are, to be advocating for violations of due process and police abuse the difference in kind makes this specific iteration worse in my opinion. If there are other threads I have not seen where members are advocating along similar lines in non-celebrity cases I will condemn those too, I just haven't seen them so they'll be news to me. You are aware enough of my commentary that you cannot have escaped my critique of members outright opposing due process in the past so this overall critique should not be strange.

It would be against my ways to call for bans of any type, I'm not. I'm saying that someone needs to push back on such things, the members are cowed completely in these topics, so it falls to the staff. I'd ask that you not be cowardly and simply close the thread without an admonishment for what they're advocating but I surely can't change your ways that much.

Feel free to just close this no matter what you choose to do about it, I'm not actually going to check the status nor expect a reply.
Or is it too much carepost poo-touching? I'm leaning in that direction.
(03-24-2024, 09:36 PM)Propagandhim wrote: Spinning in her grave if she found out I eat vegan.  


look, don't touch
I think it's harmless since it's just a prod at moderation instead of threatening to go to the feds or report to moba.

Edit: does seem a little careposting though.  Trumps But it's not as if they don't read this thread anyway.
(03-24-2024, 11:37 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I think it's harmless since it's just a prod at moderation instead of threatening to go to the feds or report to moba.
There's an importance in treating others as if you believe they have the capacity to reason. That forum is full of people who believe that only themselves have the capacity to think at all.
(03-24-2024, 11:30 PM)benji wrote: Should I send this ticket?
Quote:I'm taking what you have said in recent weeks in good faith. That you wish to clean up the more extreme rhetoric on your forum and want people to report the community sharing conspiracy theories tied to it.

Posters in this thread are refusing to accept any narrative except the ones they have constructed in their heads. There is no proof of a murder or even manslaughter. There is no possible construction of a coverup that makes sense. There is no federal crime that makes sense. Not every thing that happens that is unfortunate or even wrong means there are perpetrators of a crime. Multiple levels of officials in multiple independent positions including hospital staff do not engage in blatant crimes simply to upset people on the internet or contribute to a nebulous global ideological position.

That's not even actually why this is beyond the pale, what's actually beyond the pale are these posters demanding prosecution and persecution of minors and other innocents for what is not a crime. No one will be found guilty so the punishment will be the process. This is police abuse. Your progressive forum is outright supporting police abuse of innocent people and minors. And not even for an actual crime that occurred but which the guilty will go unpunished. Those posters and their social media allies are demanding the names of minors be published so vigilante justice can hold them accountable. Presumably forever, so they can never escape being guilty of a murder that didn't happen. Not to mention all the other innocents they seem to want drawn and quartered for refusing to not persecute minors for a non-crime. This is an extremely corrosive reactionary mindset with morals set in pre-medieval ages.

I'm not saying this because they're trans, which will be the accusation to avoid the substance of the critique, it's fair to note that I haven't written a ticket regarding commentary about Trump that's very similar. But Trump is a grown adult (allegedly) and in many cases has committed crimes of some sort even if not what your members are wanting him to be abused by the process for. So while I do not care for your members, pledged progressive as they are, to be advocating for violations of due process and police abuse the difference in kind makes this specific iteration worse in my opinion. If there are other threads I have not seen where members are advocating along similar lines in non-celebrity cases I will condemn those too, I just haven't seen them so they'll be news to me. You are aware enough of my commentary that you cannot have escaped my critique of members outright opposing due process in the past so this overall critique should not be strange.

It would be against my ways to call for bans of any type, I'm not. I'm saying that someone needs to push back on such things, the members are cowed completely in these topics, so it falls to the staff. I'd ask that you not be cowardly and simply close the thread without an admonishment for what they're advocating but I surely can't change your ways that much.

Feel free to just close this no matter what you choose to do about it, I'm not actually going to check the status nor expect a reply.
Or is it too much carepost poo-touching? I'm leaning in that direction.

(03-23-2024, 02:41 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
MIMIC wrote:Maybe I'm stupid but why would we warn Russia about anything?

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]
There's no point in sending it because none of it is about whether or not what they say is true. What matters is, Nepenthe can log on and FORCE YOU TO MOTHERFUCKER
TrumpsWhat's the worst that could happen?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
B-dubs making all sensitive threads members only  Existential
They'd probably definitely make tickets members-only. 

Maybe report the ticket to the FBI.
Members advocating for police abuse of minors. I SLEEP

Members making jokes off the forum about one of your staff being unhinged enough to get FBI attention. REAL SHIT
If you're on the right side of history you can do whatever you want.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Spoiler:  (click to show)
and the thin purple line. AMAB
Quote:We have 43 pages of name-calling, hostility, accusations of bootlicking, and just overall being assholes.

This thread is now locked.

That’s just the website at this point.
So were the accusations true?
I thought it's okay to bootlick video game devs.. well, as long as they pass the purity tests.
Exactly whose boots were licked? Are they talking about Capcom?

How dare they make incredible video games and be praised for it  Hmph
(03-24-2024, 11:30 PM)benji wrote: Should I send this ticket?
Quote:You're a bunch of retards.

You've got raging anti-semites on staff and conspiracy nuts all over your forum.

Kill yourselves.

I'm not actually going to check the status nor expect a reply.
Or is it too much carepost poo-touching? I'm leaning in that direction.

it's all asmongold's fault.  Princess Peach

Why'd capcom platform a racist bigot?

Edit: Top of page Gadot
[Image: wink-wonder.gif]
(03-24-2024, 10:37 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Cenauru wrote:I hope people see this and realize this is what a genocide looks like. States just deciding it's not illegal to kill trans and non-binary people.

Ioco wrote:  Holy crap all of the charges were dropped! Why hasn't anyone come forward and name the monsters that did this to Nex? Why are they being protected? 

Vonocourt wrote:So a legal kill.

meowdi gras wrote:  This is where the Feds need to step in and bring these murderers to justice. Not entirely optimistic that they will, though. 

I havent been following this thread, but i believe the coroner said the cause of death was self inflicted.  So, they're just choosing to ignore that...?

The invisible hand of the market drove the knife across the wrists.
I'm a member but I don't even see an option to access the Sensitive Threads outside a direct link to a thread?
(03-25-2024, 12:36 AM)I don't swear wrote: I'm a member but I don't even see an option to access the Sensitive Threads outside a direct link to a thread?
It's functions more like a tag on threads should, not a separate forum. Click on the "sensitive threads" forum listing at the top of one of them and it should take you to it:
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.
(03-24-2024, 03:57 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Jeb wrote:I'm not Palestinian but I am Arab, so throughout my life when I see US politicians throw themselves to arm Isreal, fund and protect the slaughter of people like me, I get the feeling they see people like me as human sacrifices, people who's lives can be thrown away for their own political ambitions.

This is how I see US politicians, I saw it in George W Bush, Barack Obama , Trump and now Joe Biden.

Not just on Palestine but with also the Iraq war and the US Drone program too.

I've always seen these people as monsters.

This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

Especially when its their side I'm talking about, such as Joe Biden, particularly in an election year, they want the image of their ideal politician and so they treat issues like Palestine with either a hand wave or as an inevitability I simply have to let go and move on from.

Its infuriating.
(03-24-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816
I don't know what you guys think is so bad about these posts. Imagine if it was an non-inclusive space like Twitter:
[Image: GJU6f34bsAAmYSR?format=png&name=small]
(03-25-2024, 12:39 AM)benji wrote:
(03-25-2024, 12:36 AM)I don't swear wrote: I'm a member but I don't even see an option to access the Sensitive Threads outside a direct link to a thread?
It's functions more like a tag on threads should, not a separate forum. Click on the "sensitive threads" forum listing at the top of one of them and it should take you to it:

Amazing new system!
(03-25-2024, 12:44 AM)benji wrote:
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.
(03-24-2024, 03:57 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Jeb wrote:I'm not Palestinian but I am Arab, so throughout my life when I see US politicians throw themselves to arm Isreal, fund and protect the slaughter of people like me, I get the feeling they see people like me as human sacrifices, people who's lives can be thrown away for their own political ambitions.

This is how I see US politicians, I saw it in George W Bush, Barack Obama , Trump and now Joe Biden.

Not just on Palestine but with also the Iraq war and the US Drone program too.

I've always seen these people as monsters.

This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

Especially when its their side I'm talking about, such as Joe Biden, particularly in an election year, they want the image of their ideal politician and so they treat issues like Palestine with either a hand wave or as an inevitability I simply have to let go and move on from.

Its infuriating.
(03-24-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816
I don't know what you guys think is so bad about these posts. Imagine if it was an non-inclusive space like Twitter:
[Image: GJU6f34bsAAmYSR?format=png&name=small]
Have jews ever thought about, you know.. just not existing anymore?   Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

Spoiler:  (click to show)
This is a joke about the far left, FBI! I'm not for the extermination of the jewish people. Stahp
(03-25-2024, 12:58 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
This is a joke about the far left, FBI! I'm not for the extermination of the jewish people. Stahp
It's cool, this is America, you're allowed to call for people's extermination for anti-colonialist reasons or any others.

Something that the members of hate about the country and liberalism in general. Apparently because it doesn't allow the police to abuse more people, especially minorities, innocents and minors, than they already do.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:Use OneTab, OP. I have 27k tabs there (yes I have issues) with no problems at 16gb

Quote:I have over 100 tabs at all times, including while I'm using Photoshop or Lightroom or whatever, and I have never had any issue with 16gb ram.

Quote:I regularly have 60-80 tabs open with Chrome and its beyond fine.

What are these people doing that requires so many tabs

Or snuff videos from war zones.

But that's the same thing for them I guess.  Trumps
(03-25-2024, 01:12 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Use OneTab, OP. I have 27k tabs there (yes I have issues) with no problems at 16gb

Quote:I have over 100 tabs at all times, including while I'm using Photoshop or Lightroom or whatever, and I have never had any issue with 16gb ram.

Quote:I regularly have 60-80 tabs open with Chrome and its beyond fine.

What are these people doing that requires so many tabs
The people I'm familiar with who do this use them as bookmarks. Article I'll read later and never do. Game I'm going to not play. Job I'm not going to apply for. Etc.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle

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