Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-10-2024, 10:12 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: Mod homework Everybody is laughing at you!

Ever give Bork any homework assignments?
(03-10-2024, 10:12 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
(03-10-2024, 10:11 PM)benji wrote: Actually, what I think that's saying is that all the staff are going to read a bunch of articles about ways to spot antisemitism. From like the ADL or SPLC or something. lol
More like from Al Jazeera and electronic intifada
New rule: all Bire members are required to memorize this:
Constructive, Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:When I get done filing a police report, I'll talk to you all straight up.

Just give me time to actually sit down at a computer and breathe.

Thank you.
(03-10-2024, 09:39 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote:
FEUER FREI. dateline='[url=tel:1710106449' wrote: 1710106449[/url]']
so let me get this straight

b-dumbs is perma banning people for stuff done/said/posted off-site

but nepnep's twitter isn't the same? what she posts on it? her antisemitism on there (nevermind the stuff on the forum of hers)

so why is nepnep not being removed from staff and perm'd either?

l m a o

They always have banned for posting things offsite.  I got permed for posting at the old bore place.  Thank god they’ll never find us now, all our PoliEra members can continue posting without fear of reprisal.

Pwnz right now
Do you think people would really do that?
(03-10-2024, 10:17 PM)nobody of note wrote: Constructive, Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:When I get done filing a police report, I'll talk to you all straight up.

Just give me time to actually sit down at a computer and breathe.

Thank you.

What part of don't talk to the cops did she not understand at the armed police abolition meetings?
Isn't all the pictures posted public knowledge?

I'd really like to see her response to it all. Not joking. If there were more than just once public twitter posts or photos and information that she herself had given out.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, kaleidoscopium
(03-10-2024, 09:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
strider blaze wrote:And I'm still baffled she hasn't said a single thing about Roe v Wade.

Kinsei wrote:That would require her to care about women's rights. With so many people willing to rush to her defense, she doesn't even need to pretend she cares anymore.

inquisitive ghost wrote:Don't be. Terfs are basically just MRAs of a different stripe. They don't actually care about the rights they claim to be campaigning for. They're only interested in oppressing someone else in a predatory attempt to elevate their own status.

Kagari wrote:The irony being, her defenders think she's some champion of women's rights.

I do find them continuing to attack without doing a single google search to be explained now, for they consider google a doxxing tool. 

You see, they want her to say something now, not way back when it actually happened. It's because that decision and her response happened BEFORE they suddenly became women and decided to tell women how to be feminists.
Five hundred threads or more on over the last four years: "NEVER CALL THE COPS, PEOPLE WILL DIE"

Nepenthe after people find out about her public calls for ethnic cleansing: "When I get done filing a police report"
(03-10-2024, 10:17 PM)benji wrote: New rule: all Bire members are required to memorize this:

[Image: zpUwvX0.png]

(03-10-2024, 10:17 PM)nobody of note wrote: Constructive, Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:When I get done filing a police report, I'll talk to you all straight up.

Just give me time to actually sit down at a computer and breathe.

Thank you.

Benji, can I get the site when you go to jail?
(03-10-2024, 09:45 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: We've removed them from our site, now remove them from your discord. They should become nothing, nobody. They never existed.

Who knew the take a carrot society would turn out so authoritarian? Who knew that the PoliEra discord would CHOOSE an authoritarian government once the Jews Zionists colonisers were executed excommunicated banned?
That damn dirty Benji. The new Joshua Moon.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1710109059' wrote: 1710109059[/url]']
Lonewulfeus dateline='[url=tel:1710108745' wrote: 1710108745[/url]']
Mod homework Everybody is laughing at you!

Ever give Bork any homework assignments?
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1710108750' wrote: 1710108750[/url]']
benji dateline='[url=tel:1710108662' wrote: 1710108662[/url]']Actually, what I think that's saying is that all the staff are going to read a bunch of articles about ways to spot antisemitism. From like the ADL or SPLC or something. lol
More like from Al Jazeera and electronic intifada
New rule: all Bire members are required to memorize this:

Quote:"ACAB" meaning "All Cops are bastards" is an anti-police slogan originating with the British left in the 1920s. In recent years, ACAB has been co-opted by far-right and neo-Nazi groups, particularly skinheads and football hooligans, who have come to see law enforcement as an obstacle to their goals.

Uh oh, looks like resetera has ANOTHER right wing extremism problem.

Edit: beaten
If this cracker ass cop from the Lithonia Police Department contacts the forum about this I will never stop making fun of Nepenthe for anything she ever says from that moment on:
[Image: Donald%20Dejarnette2-police%20department.jpg]
Oh shit, I just doxxed a cop.
Now we wait with bated breath. Will Benji fold and release all information about us Bore members or will he stand strong as our domain is removed and forced to moved to
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, Polident
(03-10-2024, 10:31 PM)benji wrote: Oh shit, I just doxxed a cop.

He looks pretty friendly.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Potato, JoeBoy101
(03-10-2024, 10:17 PM)nobody of note wrote: Constructive, Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:When I get done filing a police report, I'll talk to you all straight up.

Just give me time to actually sit down at a computer and breathe.

Thank you.

Quote:While the word “doxxing” isn’t used in the U.S. federal criminal code, it is a federal crime to make “restricted personal information” of certain individuals publicly available if it was done with an intent to threaten, intimidate or in an act of violence.

“Restricted personal information” can include the social security number, home address, home phone number, cell phone number, personal email address or home fax number, the law says.

The federal law applies to the following individuals and their immediate family members:

    An elected official or employee of the U.S. government or military servicemember
    Jurors, witnesses or any other officer of any federal court in the U.S.
    An informant or witness in a federal criminal investigation or prosecution
    State or local worker or elected official whose restricted personal information is made available because of participating in, or assistance provided to, a federal criminal investigation.

The punishment for doxxing someone in any of those categories is up to five years in prison and a fine.

Legislation that would make doxxing a federal crime if committed against anyone in the U.S. – not just certain individuals or groups – was introduced in 2016, but it hasn’t made it out of committee.

give it a few years Nepenethe then you can go after those evil discorders in your own state!
Oh... it was tabled... what does that mean? Let me use the evil doxxing tool of google:

Quote:Basically, tabling a bill has two meanings. One practical and one political. The practical meaning is that a bill is sent from the floor of whatever Congressional House it was introduced into to a committee. This can be a relevant committee or one that is completely unrelated to its purpose.

The political meaning is derived from the practical meaning. Tabling a bill has the political connotation of sending a bill to a place where no meaningful action towards making it a law will be taken on it in the future. This is especially where sending a bill to a mismatched committee means it will never emerge.

Bills that don't become law in the two years of a Congressional session must start again from the beginning of the process, so tabling a bill can effectively kill it for a specific session.

Better luck next time Gloomy
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Tucker's Law, Gameboy Nostalgia
When staff have these hours long meetings do they have to wear their hoods the whole time when it's just chat or is that only for video conferencing?

You know those Era types. They like to say they wish people were killed. Just look at the Nex Benedict thread. Maybe someone on the Discord got a little too upset.  Wink
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:Chaya should never live a day in peace and comfort for what she does on a regular basis.
Messofanego wrote:She's a terrorist and deserves the worst of consequences.
cinch wrote:I hope Chaya falls into a wood chipper, i'm putting that out into the universe. Rip to the victim, makes me sick to my stomach
Mister Jack Frost wrote:Anyone got her apartment location? No particular reason, I just wanna talk with Chaya UwU
Since the drama started bitch was yucking it up in over watch and dragon ball threads, and these dumb fucks believe the police report sob story? Rofl
This did remind me to check the forum's e-mail, it was full of undeliverable mail due to all those bots from the other week. One of the stolen e-mails used did an auto-reply back. Patricia is going to be out of the office until August apparently.
(03-10-2024, 10:36 PM)benji wrote: This did remind me to check the forum's e-mail, it was full of undeliverable mail due to all those bots from the other week. One of the stolen e-mails used did an auto-reply back. Patricia is going to be out of the office until August apparently.

I hope she's alright. :(
Just so we're clear, are we now saying cancel culture does exist?  Win
(03-10-2024, 10:35 PM)BIONIC wrote: Since the drama started bitch was yucking it up in over watch and dragon ball threads, and these dumb fucks believe the police report sob story? Rofl

You aren't kidding lol
Nepenthe roughly 11 hours ago wrote:Have the games been especially sweaty today? I feel like every game I'm fighting for my life, lol. But it's fun though; win or lose, I like when it's not a complete stomp or slog.

Nepenthe roughly 8 hours ago wrote:I fought and won against a stack. Guy on my team called out the team comp before we even left spawn, and namely to watch for the Winston. Sweaty ass match, but a fun one!

"Maam during the alleged assault on your household, what were you doing?"

"Uh.... attacking sweaty chuds online..."
I guess all there is left is K-pop Era.

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
"What if someone used what you posted and actually did something like make a threat?"

Maybe don't develop a community culture where that's encouraged?
(03-10-2024, 09:12 PM)benji wrote: isn't a "harassment site" even though the users post their tweets attacking people, swarm other places, get people fired, promote suicide, constantly dehumanize others (like when staff call for ethnic cleansing or say they don't give a shit about certain populations), organize in secret, etc. all while none of this is even pushed back against by the community and instead constantly justified alongside actual violence.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-10-2024, 10:31 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Now we wait with bated breath. Will Benji fold and release all information about us Bore members or will he stand strong as our domain is removed and forced to moved to

3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
Been out the house since early this morning. I come back and see B-Dumbs now holding the PoliERA thread hostage to force the PoliERA Discord to ban people he don't like? lol 

I must assume the narcs he planted in the PoliERA Discord is feeding him info.
(03-10-2024, 10:47 PM)Polident wrote:
(03-10-2024, 10:31 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Now we wait with bated breath. Will Benji fold and release all information about us Bore members or will he stand strong as our domain is removed and forced to moved to

Which of you guys will be there to pick me up when I get out of prison? Kiss

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