Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:Late Night with the Devil is great, but it also contained AI images so that might be a turn off.

Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): dismissing concerns surrounding gamergate; account in junior phase
barksi wrote:
Doc Laserstein wrote:I try to not play games made by Nazis, but y'all do you.
He may be problematic to some but he is certainly not a Nazi, far from it. Grow up.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 months): dismissing concerns around representation
PunkSxE wrote:
Glasgow Mega-Snake wrote:Vavra is obviously an ass, but does any of that show enough in KC:D to call the game itself racist? (haven't played it)
It doesn't, although being historically accurate will have people saying the game is racist
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns around representation
milkastrawberry wrote:I'll probably catch a ban for this, but I wish the devs of hogwarts legacy were afforded the same compassion that people are showing for this team

and their situation was not even that bad as jk was kept as far from the project as possible (and the game turned out to be pretty progressive) while this vavra dumbass is literally the creative director and can put their shitty views in the game for all to see (like the treatment of women)

I know consistency is not the strongest quality of this site but this really rubs me the wrong way and feels completely arbitrary
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns surrounding representation
Ertleon wrote:
rras1994 wrote:I love how not having PoC is considered fine for historical accuracy purposes as an excuse but somehow having the main story being about a son of a blacksmith becoming a knight is somehow really historically accurate? The devs don't actually care about historical accuracy, they chose to not include PoC, just like they chose to have sexist portrayals of women, and they just happen to have a bigoted gamer gator as their head. People can got "Death of the Author" all they want but the authors views are clear all over this game , and still gets money and attention for his shitty views from this game and the new one.
I don't see a problem with a blacksmith becoming a knight. The story does not have to be 100% historically accurate even if the rest of the world is trying to be. The problem is rather that the games that say they are historically accurate like Kingdom Come are not actually historically accurate. they use their fake historical accuracy to justify women's role in the games or lack of poc and other things.

For me even fantasy games are allowed to try and be historically accurate to the time period if they want. but with for example Final Fantasy 16 "historical accuracy" was just an excuse to not include any poc.

At the same time Kingdom Come portrayal of the medieval period is pretty standard way to do it in mainstream media i feel. and when it comes to games it is probably one of the most accurate games there is. Should we improve how women/poc/minorities are represented in all historical media and other things? Yes. Hopefully the second game tries to improve on that front.
(04-15-2024, 08:46 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(04-15-2024, 07:41 PM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

I'm morbidly curious about this transition. 

He's got all the signs of being radicalised towards trans identity based on his politics and the people he associates with in real life and online.

He's got a wife who will now be stuck with a post op "lesbian". How long until she craves some dick? 

I'm thinking we'll get a relationship breakup thread within a year of the medical transition. Then a "I regret my decision" within two years.

The only question is whether Resetera survives long enough for the inevitable.

He wouldn’t have the balls to post that on era
Oh no..  omg

Not AI Images..!

Twohearts wrote:I've bought SLARPG like 3 times just to support the dev because a lesbian furry rpg is the best idea ever, so I would totally do this for games that I really truly loved, like Deltarune (Have official merch) Ace attorney (have official merch), Paleo Pines (don't have merch yet), and other cool smaller games. No way in hell I'd ever tip someone like Sony though unless they brought back Sly Raccoon. and also to echo what everyone else is sayig, of course publishers would abuse it.
Thank you for your service!

Twohearts wrote:Joke Ideas:
Super mario's rocket propelled grenade - Mario has an RPG and shoots it at bowser killing him for good, you play as Bowser Junior getting revenge
Super Maria HRT - Mario transitions and it's a more story driven platformer centered on self discovery and small moments, on a journey with Luigi and Birdo through a new kingdom. Perhaps there could be some cool new powerups, maybe a Mole Maria or a Centaur Maria, or Chef Mario. They'd work it out.

Real ideas - I dunno Mario Odyssy but with more cool worlds, I think the open course design for mario is peak and that Bowser's Furry was a bit too unfocused. Maybe like a fusion of mario and pikmin as in Mario is small and you have to platform around large versions of every day stuff. Maybe the whole game could be set in a house and the garden outside, maybe even make the house a bit "retro" setting the game in say a rural area, or in a past decade - I'm picturing something a bit like the house in Arrietty or maybe the house in Totoro.
You can tell it's a wind up because of how Chef Mario is casually thrown into the insane soup
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(04-15-2024, 09:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): dismissing concerns surrounding gamergate; account in junior phase
barksi wrote:
Doc Laserstein wrote:I try to not play games made by Nazis, but y'all do you.
He may be problematic to some but he is certainly not a Nazi, far from it. Grow up.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 months): dismissing concerns around representation
PunkSxE wrote:
Glasgow Mega-Snake wrote:Vavra is obviously an ass, but does any of that show enough in KC:D to call the game itself racist? (haven't played it)
It doesn't, although being historically accurate will have people saying the game is racist
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns around representation
milkastrawberry wrote:I'll probably catch a ban for this, but I wish the devs of hogwarts legacy were afforded the same compassion that people are showing for this team

and their situation was not even that bad as jk was kept as far from the project as possible (and the game turned out to be pretty progressive) while this vavra dumbass is literally the creative director and can put their shitty views in the game for all to see (like the treatment of women)

I know consistency is not the strongest quality of this site but this really rubs me the wrong way and feels completely arbitrary
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns surrounding representation
Ertleon wrote:
rras1994 wrote:I love how not having PoC is considered fine for historical accuracy purposes as an excuse but somehow having the main story being about a son of a blacksmith becoming a knight is somehow really historically accurate? The devs don't actually care about historical accuracy, they chose to not include PoC, just like they chose to have sexist portrayals of women, and they just happen to have a bigoted gamer gator as their head. People can got "Death of the Author" all they want but the authors views are clear all over this game , and still gets money and attention for his shitty views from this game and the new one.
I don't see a problem with a blacksmith becoming a knight. The story does not have to be 100% historically accurate even if the rest of the world is trying to be. The problem is rather that the games that say they are historically accurate like Kingdom Come are not actually historically accurate. they use their fake historical accuracy to justify women's role in the games or lack of poc and other things.

For me even fantasy games are allowed to try and be historically accurate to the time period if they want. but with for example Final Fantasy 16 "historical accuracy" was just an excuse to not include any poc.

At the same time Kingdom Come portrayal of the medieval period is pretty standard way to do it in mainstream media i feel. and when it comes to games it is probably one of the most accurate games there is. Should we improve how women/poc/minorities are represented in all historical media and other things? Yes. Hopefully the second game tries to improve on that front.

All of these people's historical knowledge comes from reading fantasy novels that use analogous versions of historical civilisations in their world building. None of them have actually read a history book let alone studied it in any serious manner...and that's fine, so long as you are not presenting yourself as some sort of subject matter expert like these retards.
(04-15-2024, 09:49 PM)Potato wrote: All of these people's historical knowledge comes from reading fantasy novels that use analogous versions of historical civilisations in their world building. None of them have actually read a history book let alone studied it in any serious manner...and that's fine, so long as you are not presenting yourself as some sort of subject matter expert like these retards.

I'm increasingly finding this less 'fine' as the world spins out of control.
(04-15-2024, 09:48 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: You can tell it's a wind up because of how Chef Mario is casually thrown into the insane soup

I just love how the mods can detect troll accounts based on some legitimate questions about the use of the word genocide, but they can't detect trollhearts even after all of the obvious bullshit.
(04-15-2024, 08:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly

[Image: Morrigan_1.jpg]
[Image: Morrigan_3-1-700x355.jpg]

I still think she looks like Gollum. Trumps

Do they not have soap and shampoo in Quebec?
4 users liked this post: benji, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(04-15-2024, 09:52 PM)Nintex wrote:
(04-15-2024, 09:49 PM)Potato wrote: All of these people's historical knowledge comes from reading fantasy novels that use analogous versions of historical civilisations in their world building. None of them have actually read a history book let alone studied it in any serious manner...and that's fine, so long as you are not presenting yourself as some sort of subject matter expert like these retards.

I'm increasingly finding this less 'fine' as the world spins out of control.

True. But that's why you need to be a little discerning in your choices rather than just picking up garbage from whatever agenda-driven idiot is spouting garbage this week.
Messofanego banned again. 

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Doesn’t he have a history of inflammatory commentary at this point?
(04-15-2024, 09:54 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
(04-15-2024, 08:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote: Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly

[Image: Morrigan_1.jpg]
[Image: Morrigan_3-1-700x355.jpg]

I still think she looks like Gollum. Trumps

Do they not have soap and shampoo in Quebec?

Why Quebecois criticise personal hygiene |OT| Her stench is part of her character
Quote:Hey, can we NOT be doing the exact same sort of shit the alt right and conservatives do regularly in regards to actual news sources?

There's critiquing stories and reporting and there's what you guys were just doing.

Quote:At risk of being banned like the others I have to ask for more specificity. What was the inflammatory commentary? Is it against the rules to criticize the NYT's role in this conflict and issues with their reporting?
No, absolutely not. Sounding like a conservative by going off about "the liberal media" is something we should maybe be trying to avoid though.

If you want to make actual criticisms then that's more than fine, and it's actually welcome, but we absolutely DO NOT need to be using the same sort of rhetoric those conservative assholes do. Especially when we're using sources that have had the exact same sorts of issues we're critiquing to do it.

Just don't appropriate conservative rhetoric, it's not a huge ask. There's ways to criticize reporting and the news, going on about the liberal media isn't it.

You can no longer say that the NYT sucks  lol

The asylum isn't having it
(04-12-2024, 10:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Pomerlaw wrote:Trump was a libtard! Totally clears the President thank you!!!
                 Ableist rhetoric
is this?

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Ableist Rhetoric
Just win baby
Why can't they just allow people to have a discussion without screaming at them like they're children over every little thing.  What is the fear with letting people talk?

"The NYT sucks"
"Why do you think that?"
"Because of this"

Okay?  Did the world end?
(04-15-2024, 10:03 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Hey, can we NOT be doing the exact same sort of shit the alt right and conservatives do regularly in regards to actual news sources?

There's critiquing stories and reporting and there's what you guys were just doing.

Quote:At risk of being banned like the others I have to ask for more specificity. What was the inflammatory commentary? Is it against the rules to criticize the NYT's role in this conflict and issues with their reporting?
No, absolutely not. Sounding like a conservative by going off about "the liberal media" is something we should maybe be trying to avoid though.

If you want to make actual criticisms then that's more than fine, and it's actually welcome, but we absolutely DO NOT need to be using the same sort of rhetoric those conservative assholes do. Especially when we're using sources that have had the exact same sorts of issues we're critiquing to do it.

Just don't appropriate conservative rhetoric, it's not a huge ask. There's ways to criticize reporting and the news, going on about the liberal media isn't it.

You can no longer say that the NYT sucks  lol

The asylum isn't having it

As always B-Dubs is shit about introducing rules because he treats it like it has always been this way while in reality people have been shitting on the NYT, CNN etc. Endlessly without consequences
(04-15-2024, 09:54 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
(04-15-2024, 08:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote: Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly

[Image: Morrigan_1.jpg]
[Image: Morrigan_3-1-700x355.jpg]

I still think she looks like Gollum. Trumps

Do they not have soap and shampoo in Quebec?

Of course they don't it's like France.
B-dubs getting shit on by the same people he fostered.  lol

They eat their own, B-dubs. Don't be a bitch, tell them to cry ab it.
(04-15-2024, 10:17 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(04-15-2024, 10:03 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Hey, can we NOT be doing the exact same sort of shit the alt right and conservatives do regularly in regards to actual news sources?

There's critiquing stories and reporting and there's what you guys were just doing.

Quote:No, absolutely not. Sounding like a conservative by going off about "the liberal media" is something we should maybe be trying to avoid though.

If you want to make actual criticisms then that's more than fine, and it's actually welcome, but we absolutely DO NOT need to be using the same sort of rhetoric those conservative assholes do. Especially when we're using sources that have had the exact same sorts of issues we're critiquing to do it.

Just don't appropriate conservative rhetoric, it's not a huge ask. There's ways to criticize reporting and the news, going on about the liberal media isn't it.

You can no longer say that the NYT sucks  lol

The asylum isn't having it

As always B-Dubs is shit about introducing rules because he treats it like it has always been this way while in reality people have been shitting on the NYT, CNN etc. Endlessly without consequences

Probably someone in the Discord went "derp derp chuds derp derp" and then B-Dubs took ACTION.

(04-15-2024, 10:16 PM)Propagandhim wrote: Why can't they just allow people to have a discussion without screaming at them like they're children over every little thing.  What is the fear with letting people talk?
"The NYT sucks"
"Why do you think that?"
"Because of this"
Okay?  Did the world end?

Free Speech is Dangerous Reeeeee 
Imagine people having their own opinions and thoughts.

Everything on ResetEra from the horrendous design to the dumb rules, discords and the poor modding is designed to kill discourse and discussions.
Every post is basically someone screaming into the void, there is seldom any interaction between posts unless to lick the ass of a mod, ban bait another poster or participate in the sanctioned ResetEra FunTM.
Lock the Israel / Hamas thread. Remove thread making privileges from the suspects. Thread ban them if they do what they do in new threads. Simple, right?

Or just let everyone have free reign and ban no one. That'd be way more fun.  Trumps
(04-15-2024, 10:01 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Messofanego banned again. 

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Doesn’t he have a history of inflammatory commentary at this point?

Nola is also banned  lol

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Quote:TBH I really struggle to understand how the NYTimes remains credible in the eyes of so many liberals up and into the present on foreign policy and big cultural issues.

They have been universally terrible going back to at least the 90's, and especially with what I thought should have tarnished their rep indefinitely with how they completely failed leading up to the Iraq War.

Like I think I commented late last year, but I could only laugh when the NYtimes, in a total repeat of history, printed the absurd artist renderings of IDF fear-mongering fantasies about the Gaza tunnels under hospitals. Like it literally was a repeat of the MSM publishing Rumsfeld's Mountain fortress nonsense.

the NYTimes has been arguably the most vital resource for manufacturing consent for US imperialism the last 25 years because they do the leg work of getting on board center and liberal left citizens which both directly influences those groups but also then gives far-right outlets and Republicans a "well-regarded" MSM source they can point to and say "even the NYTimes agrees with us!"

I can't believe B-dubs banned the only oppressed Palestinian voice off the site for 1 week..

Richter1887 did nothing wrong!  maf
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(04-15-2024, 12:29 AM)Snoopy wrote: Considering how much they hate her I'm surprised Ree aren't crowing about Grimes's Coachella disaster.

I mean, when this is your response to being a shit fake musician, the hate is kind of justified.

Quote:I want to apologize for the technical issues with the show tonight.  I wanted to come back rly strong and usually I always handle every aspect of my show myself - to save time this was one of the first times I've outsourced essential things like rekordbox bpm's and letting someone else organize the tracks on the sd card etc.  i had a bad feeling beforehand not having run everything thru the cdjs myself and tho I flagged it I wasn't insistent.  the big lesson for me was a mix of
1 if u want it done right, do it yrself
2 be a cunt even if ppl feel bad
3 probably pretend it's fine and engage w the crowd rather than spend a whole show slumped over the desk trying to fix software when ur meant to be entertaining.

I will personally organize all the files next week.  I will not let such a thing happen again. 

I've spent months on this show, making music and visuals, and admittedly am not in the best mood atm

But, yeh - next week will be flawless, everything will run thru my hands

Some good lessons learned.  Bless y'all.  The cdjs were showing me bpms like 370 so I couldn't even mix manually by ear and the front monitors were off so it was literally sonic chaos on my end trying to guess how stuff was sounding for u guys

Plz forgive me! Love, always 🤍


Get fucked!!!
First they came for gaming side, and I did not speak out—because I was not a gamer.

Then they came for PoliEra, and I did not speak out—because I was not a genocide denier.

Then they came for the Hamas vs Israel posters, and I did not speak out—because I was not a terrorist.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
(04-15-2024, 10:34 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(04-15-2024, 10:01 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Messofanego banned again. 

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Doesn’t he have a history of inflammatory commentary at this point?

Nola is also banned  lol

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Quote:TBH I really struggle to understand how the NYTimes remains credible in the eyes of so many liberals up and into the present on foreign policy and big cultural issues.

They have been universally terrible going back to at least the 90's, and especially with what I thought should have tarnished their rep indefinitely with how they completely failed leading up to the Iraq War.

Like I think I commented late last year, but I could only laugh when the NYtimes, in a total repeat of history, printed the absurd artist renderings of IDF fear-mongering fantasies about the Gaza tunnels under hospitals. Like it literally was a repeat of the MSM publishing Rumsfeld's Mountain fortress nonsense.

the NYTimes has been arguably the most vital resource for manufacturing consent for US imperialism the last 25 years because they do the leg work of getting on board center and liberal left citizens which both directly influences those groups but also then gives far-right outlets and Republicans a "well-regarded" MSM source they can point to and say "even the NYTimes agrees with us!"


The Islamocide begins!!!!

Go gettem Christian warrior for Jesus B-Chuds!!!
The second Resetera Nakba has begun..  Stahp
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Iori is such a dumb fuck:

Quote: [Image: raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa:ca443f4786.jpg]

Quote: [Image: 2gi1lylqezh21.jpg]

Iori wrote:there is immense irony in a white child telling this to a black man here

ERAsure of the marginalized!
Does Iori believes in the replacement theory? Thinking
Loudninja wrote:jk rowling is a holocaust denier is trending so good job stupid ass


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