Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-17-2024, 03:09 AM)Tucker's Law wrote: The Erin Moriarty discourse is full fucking gaslighting; no straight man commenting on her looks during the first two seasons of The Boys had anything to say other than she was hot or beautiful and they would smash her without a second though.  If anyone actually was engaged in attacking her looks pre-changes, it was either women within her sphere being hateful and jealous whores (like they usually do in those situations), or gay guys who are weirdly hyper-critical of looks like that.

Its pretty gross for a bunch of men to be criticising a womans appearance, unless its to talk about how her clothes make her look like a whore, her jawline isn't square enough, or that her tits and ass are too shapely, in which case you get to dictate your preferences and get a protected thread to neg portrayals of women
(06-17-2024, 06:58 AM)benji wrote:
Brianna Wu wrote:I think the current American mainstream progressive movement started with the Sanders campaign. There’s a good argument it started with Gamergate, but I didn’t wanna say that because it felt too self-aggrandizing.
Thank you for your service!

Brianna Wu is used to intellectual dishonesty on Twitter for the same reasons lobbyists are used to corruption in politics
Shocked Pikachu
(06-17-2024, 07:44 AM)benji wrote: I shouldn't even have to use a controller to enjoy playing a game. One of my child headmates doesn't have any limbs, should she be excluded from gaming? I'm so tired of how capital-G Gamers look down on basic accessibility.

(06-17-2024, 12:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(06-17-2024, 12:40 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
That Demon Life wrote:I don't care what the studio did as long as the money isn't going straight to terrorism or something and I'd bet plenty of these people are posting these opinions from Apple Products, a company who has and continues to do much, much worse. I don't bother picking and choosing because there's no point and every big company is evil anyway.

Ban incoming?

melhadf wrote:Spoken like a true wizard game excuser.

There is always a point to picking and choosing, the fact that you don't feel the need says a lot about how few convictions you have. It must be nice to be so comfortable in life that you don't get companies trying to simultaneously take your money while trying to deny you rights or agency.


I would never support using a product even tangentially related to transphobia, as I was saying on Twitter just yesterday
Reply wrote:
Quote:It was always going to be this way. It is how they justify continuing to oppress Palestinians. Those that support Palestinians emancipation know that resisting occupation is legal and this is 100% an occupation.
Yep, by any means necessary, get rid of the occupying force. Acting like there is some noble and correct way to resist your own genocide is ahistorical nonsense.

cool forum
(06-17-2024, 11:57 AM)Echelon wrote: [Image: 17053367503083.jpg]

Holy shit lol. Why are they all STILL obsessed with the Kardashian look? She looked like a cute Anna Paquin circa X-Men and turned herself into "generic club whore" willingly. Fucking wild.

Ackshually that look is referred to as Bogged.

Anime Expert

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: bogdanoff-twins-1192959616.jpg?v=5842509...3e8b03dac6]
"Yes doctor, please make me look like an emaciated blow-up doll."

5 users liked this post: benji, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, D3RANG3D
(06-17-2024, 04:47 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:
Quote:It was always going to be this way. It is how they justify continuing to oppress Palestinians. Those that support Palestinians emancipation know that resisting occupation is legal and this is 100% an occupation.
Yep, by any means necessary, get rid of the occupying force. Acting like there is some noble and correct way to resist your own genocide is ahistorical nonsense.

cool forum

Why doesn't anyone call these cunts out? This quote tree even started by someone saying "Hey not every Palestinian with a gun is Hamas." which is a fair statement considering the state Gaza is in you can make an argument that it can be for self protection. However, these cunts then storm in and basically argue that everyone Palestinian with a gun is actually a freedom fighter and also completely justified in shooting any Israeli. Like what the fuck? That goes completely against the initial point.

Holmes wrote:Calling selective service the draft is a little misleading because the country doesn't have a draft. I had to sign up for it when I immigrated here. Bringing back the draft would be political suicide.
Slayven's "tyranny of the minority" thread doesn't seem to understand that the inherent checks and balances of the constitution were enacted precisely to stop a "tyranny of the majority."  The Us president was specifically meant to be elected as a consensus of the individual states rather than as a result of a pure popularity contest held in the largest cities.  And the checks and balances come into play when for example, the Congress has two houses, one divided purely by population and the other equally amongst the states.  The one divided by population owns the purse strings, and the one divided by states is meant to be a check on spending that is not agreed to be a consensus of the individual states.  

If every US national government referendum was decided by popularity, the big cities would have already figured out that they could vote itself the largess out of the treasury and call it a day.  Unfortunately it's heading that way as soon as the Dems get a supermajority and add a bunch of leftwing states, pack the courts, etc etc.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Sir Wiart wrote:Update: Hamilton, Ontario is where all the cool people live. Seeing tons of people using umbrellas.
Canada's New Jersey. But that's none of my business...
(06-17-2024, 05:02 PM)HardcoreRetro wrote: "Yes doctor, please make me look like an emaciated blow-up doll."


It's a criminal enterprise.

Usually the women have a specific problem with their face, nose, eyes, chin whatever as they age and then the surgeon 'up-sells' more treatments Money
Of course they also have social proof of success stories "I used to be insecure about myself but now I'm the hottest gal in town" Popular
Reply wrote:On what planet is Bayonetta iconic enough for Smash but not Aloy? lmao

On what planet is Solid Snake iconic enough for Smash but not Aiden Pearce? lmao
They're really trying to make the Gears of War controversy happen:

Quote:It feels a bit sexist to me that the Coalition is kicking Kait's story to the side to do another prequel game (Maybe even series). I remember Noah Caldwell-Gervais going into how the series was moving away from being a dude boy series with 4 and 5.
That's because it is.
We got a group of boys hounding everyone that women are erasing male protagonists when we aren't.(GG2.0)

But here's an example of a woman MC being pushed out(and a black guy) and all we get it is "well those characters were horrible anyway, had nothing to do with being female."
Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)
If it wasn't for a few people in the gears thread I would probably get banned.(thank you Ash_Greytree & BlackheartVinyl)

Oh but don't worry, in five or six years they will finally finish the a comic book.
Fuck xbox.

Also, if Gears E-day is an example of "a woman* MC being pushed out" then wouldn't Gears 5 be an example of a "a male MC being pushed out"? They have no internal logic

*(Anyone else notice how they don't even use the word female anymore even when it's an adjective?)
(06-17-2024, 07:14 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:On what planet is Bayonetta iconic enough for Smash but not Aloy? lmao

On what planet is Solid Snake iconic enough for Smash but not Aiden Pearce? lmao

Aiden Pearce even has an iconic cap. What does Solid Snake have?
(06-17-2024, 11:57 AM)Echelon wrote: [Image: 17053367503083.jpg]

Holy shit lol. Why are they all STILL obsessed with the Kardashian look? She looked like a cute Anna Paquin circa X-Men and turned herself into "generic club whore" willingly. Fucking wild.

Holy shit. I haven't started the new season yet, is that what she looks like in the show now?
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-17-2024, 07:42 PM)HardcoreRetro wrote:
(06-17-2024, 07:14 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:On what planet is Bayonetta iconic enough for Smash but not Aloy? lmao

On what planet is Solid Snake iconic enough for Smash but not Aiden Pearce? lmao

Aiden Pearce even has an iconic cap. What does Solid Snake have?
What is more iconic than the cardboard box? 📦
Quote:Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)

Yeah, girls…

I think the big problem is that not even dude bros buy the games anymore, and there is not enough new “girls” ( Rolleyes ) fans to justify the new direction.

Again, say what you will about the dudebro era, but people seem to actually like those characters (beats me why, but they got tons of books and comics from them). And nobody seem to connect with the new ones and only reason why people care about the ending of 5 is because one potential death is Marcus Fenix’s son.
Boys lady is a sad sad story.

Oh brave new world! That has such people in it!
(06-16-2024, 10:53 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(06-15-2024, 07:53 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
(06-15-2024, 07:22 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Edit: oh wrong thread. A whatever

Spoiler that before Propagandhim sees it.

I punched a hole in my coffee table

(06-17-2024, 12:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(06-17-2024, 12:40 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
That Demon Life wrote:I don't care what the studio did as long as the money isn't going straight to terrorism or something and I'd bet plenty of these people are posting these opinions from Apple Products, a company who has and continues to do much, much worse. I don't bother picking and choosing because there's no point and every big company is evil anyway.

Ban incoming?

melhadf wrote:Spoken like a true wizard game excuser.

There is always a point to picking and choosing, the fact that you don't feel the need says a lot about how few convictions you have. It must be nice to be so comfortable in life that you don't get companies trying to simultaneously take your money while trying to deny you rights or agency.


Avalanche Studios is denying people’s rights and agency? Huh news to me
(06-17-2024, 07:27 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:It feels a bit sexist to me that the Coalition is kicking Kait's story to the side to do another prequel game (Maybe even series). I remember Noah Caldwell-Gervais going into how the series was moving away from being a dude boy series with 4 and 5.
That's because it is.
We got a group of boys hounding everyone that women are erasing male protagonists when we aren't.(GG2.0)

But here's an example of a woman MC being pushed out(and a black guy) and all we get it is "well those characters were horrible anyway, had nothing to do with being female."
Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)
If it wasn't for a few people in the gears thread I would probably get banned.(thank you Ash_Greytree & BlackheartVinyl)

Oh but don't worry, in five or six years they will finally finish the a comic book.
Fuck xbox.

I have three comments for this quoted post:
  1. Obvious Alt-account is obvious
  2. If you bought an Xbox for a game that wasn't even announced, you are functionally retarded, even if the likelihood of Gears appearing on Xbawks is up there with Kirby showing up on Nintendo
  3. "New girls" (presumably as in people who are newly girls Teehee) aren't fucking deeply invested in an ongoing storyline that their first entry into the series is Gears 5 COME ON.
(06-17-2024, 08:19 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)
Yeah, girls…
I think the big problem is that not even dude bros buy the games anymore, and there is not enough new “girls” (  ) fans to justify the new direction.
Again, say what you will about the dudebro era, but people seem to actually like those characters (beats me why, but they got tons of books and comics from them). And nobody seem to connect with the new ones and only reason why people care about the ending of 5 is because one potential death is Marcus Fenix’s son.

I think the adult console gaming audience can be divided in 4  - 5 player bases
1. The players that stick to a single live service game, the folks playing Fortnite or GTA Online. Probably the biggest group
2. The players that simply continue to play their old games and consoles, on the PlayStation side this is about half of all PS4 owners that could still upgrade
3. The 'core' gamers that play the latest games based on reviews and public reception, the folks that show up day 1 to buy stuff like Elden Ring or Spider-Man 2
4. The bigger niches, these would be the JRPG players, Fire Emblem fans, Sonic fans, Zelda fans, Metroid fans, Farming Sim players etc. Nintendo has simply accumulated a lot of these niche groups with the Switch and Valve with Steam, together they form a large player base. Sony has cultivated some of these too like the fighting game community
5. The casual gamers that play a few games next to their other activities, either through GamePass or any of the other services like EA Play, not a very big group and not really invested in any particular franchise or game

The big problem is that Xbox doesn't capture any of the more active audiences. 
1. Apart from Minecraft (which is not just on Xbox) they don't have big succesful live service games. Sea of Thieves is already bleeding players on PS5 shortly after release just like it did on PC. 
2. They cut off meaningful Xbox One support much quicker than Sony dropped PS4 support. So there are few Xbox One players left to persuade to upgrade.
3. Microsoft is struggling to get the big games out and they either fall short of expectations (HALO Infinite) or they drop them on GamePass with little fanfare
4. They don't have enough 'niche' groups because they wasted their own franchises like HALO and Forza, although the Bethesda take-over helps a bit with this. (but not when Elden Ring releases in 2028)
5. This is their bread and butter now and that is the problem, because these people aren't invested in whatever they are playing or the platform they are playing it on

Perfect Dark is a perfect example of a Microsoft product with seemingly no audience. The people that wanted a Perfect Dark (Zero) sequel, wanted it 20 years ago.
Those gamers have moved on to other games or stopped playing games by now. For the new audience, Perfect Dark is hardly a franchise they recognize because it has been neglected for so long. My Xbox friend list is basically a grave yard, only a few people out of hundreds I connected with since the Xbox 360 days still play on Xbox. Most of the people I have connected with on Switch (some transfered from Wii, to Wii U and finally Switch) still play games.

Xbox is in the same boat as the GameCube was. Sure, they had Tales of Symphonia but that just wasn't enough compared to the number of RPGs on PS2. They had some quality first party games but also games that weren't as good as the previous entries. 'New' games like the Capcom 5 didn't really have an audience on the platform. All the controller gimmicks could not hide the lower budgets and content cuts. Ironically Xbox captured a chunk of the market with HALO(fps niche), SEGA games(Dreamcast owners), Online play and best graphics.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-17-2024, 09:25 PM)who is ted danson? wrote: a

The only coherent post in the history of the bore.
(06-17-2024, 08:19 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)

Yeah, girls…

I think the big problem is that not even dude bros buy the games anymore, and there is not enough new “girls” ( Rolleyes ) fans to justify the new direction.

Again, say what you will about the dudebro era, but people seem to actually like those characters (beats me why, but they got tons of books and comics from them). And nobody seem to connect with the new ones and only reason why people care about the ending of 5 is because one potential death is Marcus Fenix’s son.

The funny thing is that dudebro Marcus Fenix is now actually more of a novelty for a videogame character than the new characters they introduced, who especially in Gears 4, felt like they could also fit into Uncharted. I'd also dare say that the fans of a franchise with the chainsaw rifles probably skew male

cool forum of totally mentally stable users
"I was just rewatching old footage of when people were dying from contagion and there were riots on the streets, and thinking: 'damn, I miss that shit'"
LIFE is defined by such things (if you let it)
(06-17-2024, 09:57 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(06-17-2024, 08:19 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Del and Kait both deserve better but fuck the new girls & fans who bought xboxs just for Gears 6. (Learned my lesson)

Yeah, girls…

I think the big problem is that not even dude bros buy the games anymore, and there is not enough new “girls” ( Rolleyes ) fans to justify the new direction.

Again, say what you will about the dudebro era, but people seem to actually like those characters (beats me why, but they got tons of books and comics from them). And nobody seem to connect with the new ones and only reason why people care about the ending of 5 is because one potential death is Marcus Fenix’s son.

The funny thing is that dudebro Marcus Fenix is now actually more of a novelty for a videogame character than the new characters they introduced, who especially in Gears 4, felt like they could also fit into Uncharted. I'd also dare say that the fans of a franchise with the chainsaw rifles probably skew male

And depending of the ending of Gears 5, it would make him a “sad dad” type of character. I have no idea why they decided to make a last choice ending when one dramatically affects the main character of your franchise in a big way and the other is “whatever”. 

I dunno what would be the appeal of a hyper depressed Marcus Fenix. Unless they wanted to kill him off… and Microsoft obviously said: hahahahahaha… fuck you, no!

another standup comedy honeypot thread, whos gonna make it out of this one alive?

MJForumPoster wrote:Shane Gillis has a great sense of humor.

zeovgm wrote:Does he?

[2 articles about the same SNL firing]

As a bonus, here's him posing with white supremacists:
[pic of him with trump and kid rock]

There's Zeo to come in and scold everyone lol

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