Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-26-2024, 11:55 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I said this before but Ubisoft lost the plot somewhere. I don't know what happened but their shit has regressed while the budgets seemingly keep going up. This is their big ass flagship title, more money spend on PR than any other Ubisoft title and then you get absolutely butchered looking characters with frozen faces

And of course it's buggy

So this is the animation of a AAA game.  lol
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
[Image: l7lYRTp.png]

Hawkes142 wrote:I haven't noticed that. As a matter of fact, I've been verbally assaulted by homosexuals who think that everyone should be gay. Here's the thing, though. If everyone's gay, then the entire human race would go extinct.

Before it gets nuked lol
The sad thing is the dev said that he's not against gay people, just against the "LGBT flag demons" who are harassing and review bombing.

And I actually kinda believe him. After all, simply being gay, lesbian, bi, etc. is never the problem, it's the terminally online mentally ill LGBTQ+ cancel nuts that are trying to ruin everyone's life that's the problem.

Of course ResetERA wouldn't even bother giving him the benefit of the doubt though. I severely doubt the dev said something like "gays are subhuman" like the posters have in their minds.

(08-26-2024, 11:15 PM)clockwork5 wrote: You should dig around in this thread a few weeks or so back and find Kyuuji. Not a hideous monster like Melody but I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a roll of Brawny paper towels. Kyuuji is basically that dude.
Wait, seriously?! There's pics of Kyuuji?
(08-27-2024, 12:17 AM)BananaBlast wrote: Wait, seriously?! There's pics of Kyuuji?

Pre trans pics, not post trans, yet
BananaBlast wrote:Wait, seriously?! There's pics of Kyuuji?

You'll quickly learn why Benji is also known as Benji the Doxxer  Embarrassed

(08-03-2024, 03:08 PM)benji wrote: Anyway, here's Kyuuji:
[Image: pre1.png][Image: pre2.png][Image: pre3.png]
(08-26-2024, 11:35 PM)Vertigo wrote:

PlanetSmasher, post: 127720101, member: 6260 wrote:When I was writing reviews I refused to do numerical scores because I think it doesn't make logical sense to try and sum an entire opinion of a whole game up in one single number. I tried to put a little block at the bottom that was kinda like "you might want to buy this if X, you might want to rent this if X, and you might want to skip this if X" as my summary but I really think reviews only work when you read the whole text instead of laser-focusing on a "magic number".

The man with knowledge and experience of everything strikes again.

Do you think all these things are real in his head, or do you think he knows he's a complete fucking liar?
(08-27-2024, 12:26 AM)Venice wrote: You'll quickly learn why Benji is also known as Benji the Doxxer  Embarrassed

(08-03-2024, 03:08 PM)benji wrote: Anyway, here's Kyuuji:
[Image: pre1.png][Image: pre2.png][Image: pre3.png]
Hooooly shit, no freaking way  Ohhh

You've got to be kidding me 😲

Granted he's not as hideous as I expected, but god damn that's just an average looking white nerdy dude! Nothing what I expected at all!

That guy as a trans woman though, now I'd imagine that's when it starts to look a lot worse!
Can yall stop demeaning people?
On the topic, in the ResetERA thread on NeoGAF, someone posted a picture of Patsy (the user that's "just a little lesbian", perhaps best known for having a huge meltdown over Cammy's fine supple ass). And it was a hideous trans woman with a dildo on the shelf lol:

Does anyone know if that pic is actually Patsy? It's so hideously bad I'm halfway expecting it's a joke!
Oh. Neogaf. That explains it.
5 users liked this post: nampad, FUME5, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
(08-27-2024, 12:17 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: [Image: l7lYRTp.png]

Hawkes142 wrote:I haven't noticed that. As a matter of fact, I've been verbally assaulted by homosexuals who think that everyone should be gay. Here's the thing, though. If everyone's gay, then the entire human race would go extinct.

Before it gets nuked lol

Now nuked, quotes on the post still exist for now though lol
(08-27-2024, 12:42 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Now nuked, quotes on the post still exist for now though lol
I assume ResetERA can now nuke posts and accounts completely, instead of only having the red text clarifying a mod edited out the offending content.

I knew I wasn't just imagining things when that post featuring the Korean MAXIM model in the burka thread disappeared lol
(08-26-2024, 11:55 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I said this before but Ubisoft lost the plot somewhere. I don't know what happened but their shit has regressed while the budgets seemingly keep going up. This is their big ass flagship title, more money spend on PR than any other Ubisoft title and then you get absolutely butchered looking characters with frozen faces

And of course it's buggy

Hogwarts didn't have any of these problems.... just saying.
(08-27-2024, 12:42 AM)Snoopy wrote: Oh. Neogaf. That explains it.
Explains what?
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D

stopmrdomino wrote:
Hawkes142 wrote:
have you considered not using a username directly attached to your education accounts you actual child
(08-27-2024, 12:53 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

stopmrdomino wrote:
Hawkes142 wrote:
have you considered not using a username directly attached to your education accounts you actual child

That's doxxing according to the retards at Resetera
Holy fucking DOXX, B-dubs!
(08-23-2024, 07:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Hostility and dismissing concerns of misogyny over multiple posts. Account in junior phase.
RattleRaptorV82 wrote:
Lightsong wrote:Then maybe shut your mouth too? Why even talk about all of this if all you want is to play the game? If you don't care about the rights of woman and other minorities, then just ignore all this and don't argue against them like you are defenting the devs and their values.
maybe you should shut the fuck up ? ^^

Deleted member 165939
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns around misogyny, whataboutisms
Omnistalgic wrote:
Pai Pai Master wrote:great news for a lot of people here!
this developer and Shift Up sure have brought us back to the 90s/early 2000s
I don't know about that…I mean it's places like Resetera that dig deep enough to even highlight problematic devs in the first place. This is one of the few places that's bringing these issues to light. It's still going to be nuance with these discussions and not everyone is focused on the same thing.

I mean GTA is pretty terrible, I'm sure the devs there have been in the media before for not nice things, and even the content of the game is questionable. Are you saying everyone that plays it is essentially a bad person with no morales? I'm sure you aren't…

I'm all for highlighting crappy stuff, but I don't get what some of you want to see here? Like a mass boycott of certain games from every user since it's an informed forum? That's not realistic for so many nuanced reasons. I mean Era even took a hard stance on the HP games, I dunno, I just don't think anything about this place is throwing shitty views under the rug or celebrating bad stuff….
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Whataboutisms in a sensitive topic. Misrepresenting moderation.
Metalmucil wrote:ERA: We can't even talk about wizard game because the creator of the source material is a POS, regardless of the actual devs.

Also ERA: Don't talk bad about BMW, where the actual devs are POS, or you will be moderated. This game rules!

So glad this forum has its ducks in a row.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Whataboutisms in a sensitive topic. Account in junior phase.
Pragmatist wrote:
Scrooge McDuck wrote:*shrug* This is the usual line cited when somebody wants to have fun with clear conscience. Nobody's really stopping you. Do it. Have fun. Just own that you don't really care that much about the issue.
Honest question for you, as I agree with the point you replied to. How do you reconcile even supporting the industry at all given the links between consoles and slave labour? Have you owned it yourself by disposing of your own associated gaming products or found some justification for your patronage? Surely of all the sins committed by the industry, that is by far the most egregious right? And if you somehow have found a way to navigate all the moral landmines in the industry and indulge with a clear conscience, I salute you.

This place must have been in shambles when that revelation came to light, but most of us are still here buying and playing away. I'm sure some will dismiss this as a "whataboutism" but it doesn't make my query less valid.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent) - Trolling, Downplaying concerns over misogyny, Account in Junior Phase
dob wrote:
Twig wrote:I mean yeah you would, you're basically saying no one can ever grow to be better so it's not worth trying

there's plenty of evidence that people can be better though, or society would never move forward

we wouldn't even be HAVING this conversation if people couldn't be better
better doesn't mean conforming to western values. westerners and westernized asian people have no right to lecture us on anything. many these rhetorics from western "gamers" are nothing more than imperialism, plain and simple.

CenaToon wrote:There's definitely a big chunk of people that doesnt know about wukong's dev story, but there's definitely people that knew and decided to buy the game anyway.

It is what it is. That happens in all kind of entertainment. A lot of people knew about Michael Jackson's behavior was when he was alive and still decided to buy his music. A lot of people knew about CDProject being transphobes and they did not buy cyberpunk for that, but for being an unplayable mess. But after the game patched? Instabuy for a lot of people, knowing that nothing changed inside CDPR. Just to put random examples.

You can advice people to not buy the game and explain the reasons, but in the end, if the game/music/movie is good (and in this case this game is good) people will buy it anyway. It's sad, but also it's nothing new.

To take something positive of this situation, it will encourage chinese investors to bet on chinese devs to create more ambitious projects, not just indie games (i know the chinese gacha market is massive, but you know im talking about traditional single player experience) It's good that more markers opens, and more AAA devs also appears from not just the same USA/Japan/Europe.
the dev's quotes were completely mistranslated and taken out of context by someone who obviously is not familiar with mainland chinese slang. this has been documented over and over by actual native speakers, like me. comparing it to michael jackson is some kind of ridiculous cope.
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
mouser9169 wrote:
dob wrote:the dev's quotes were completely mistranslated and taken out of context by someone who obviously is not familiar with mainland chinese slang. this has been documented over and over by actual native speakers, like me.
Don't keep us in suspense. What is your translation?

I hate relying on a single source of information, and yes, some pieces of IGN's translation strike me as being idioms translated literally. But so far, I've seen lots of criticism of the piece, but not a lot of people actually putting their own translation out there. And it's more than one or two phrases here. It seems to be a pattern.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of misogyny. Account in junior phase.
jason3077 wrote:
CenaToon wrote:There's definitely a big chunk of people that doesnt know about wukong's dev story, but there's definitely people that knew and decided to buy the game anyway.

It is what it is. That happens in all kind of entertainment. A lot of people knew about Michael Jackson's behavior was when he was alive and still decided to buy his music. A lot of people knew about CDProject being transphobes and they did not buy cyberpunk for that, but for being an unplayable mess. But after the game patched? Instabuy for a lot of people, knowing that nothing changed inside CDPR. Just to put random examples.

You can advice people to not buy the game and explain the reasons, but in the end, if the game/music/movie is good (and in this case this game is good) people will buy it anyway. It's sad, but also it's nothing new.

To take something positive of this situation, it will encourage chinese investors to bet on chinese devs to create more ambitious projects, not just indie games (i know the chinese gacha market is massive, but you know im talking about traditional single player experience) It's good that more markers opens, and more AAA devs also appears from not just the same USA/Japan/Europe.
Personally I couldn't care less what they're opinions are. I'm not doing detective work into every developer at every studio for every game I want to play. I care if they are capable of making a good game. I'm definitely not going to feel shame for playing this or HP games or anything I want. On the flip side there's nothing wrong with people who feel different though. Anyone can protest social injustice if they choose to. More power to them.
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
titanfyx wrote:
SilentPanda wrote:
I'm a chinese native but have lived abroad for 14 years. I'm fluent in chinese but even I'm not confident with being able to understand or keep up with chinese speakers due to all the slang or figures of speech there is in the language. Often knowing what individual words mean isn't enough.

That said, I'm not saying they are or they aren't. It's just even me being fluent in the language makes it hard for me to be confident these texts don't have contexts or slang that I'm missing. When I speak to chinese exchange students or natives, it's a whole different ball game.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

There's a video here of someone more informed than myself going over some of the contexts where these messages were posted. Could they be biased? Maybe. Could we argue this woman is secretly affiliated with Game Science? I'm not sure.

She could be lying, or making it all up to defend them. But I'd like to give then the benefit of the doubt as they have nothing to gain. They're not one of those big channels making money from internet rage, who inflame on purpose.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent) - Troll Account, downplaying concerns of misogyny, Account in Junior Phase
gg1988 wrote:It's absurd to translate Chinese to English literally and use it as evidence to prove the poster is sexist.
US people can never understand how some Chinese sentence can be so insulting translated to English while Chinese just laugh about it.
For those "evidence" of game creators being sexist, reaction of average Chinese people after reading them will be like:
The writer tries to look interesting and close to players by using vulgar words in a poetry-like form, displaying their excitement and worries after their trailer became viral. The resulted post is not sexist, just stupid and look uneducated.

The "good to jerk off" comment is also not sexist as read by average Chinese audience.
Chinese people don't find something sexist when there exist equivalent self-sexualizing terms used by both men and women. There is an even more popular term used by stupid female weibo/xiaohongshu users, "I'm ovulating right now", meaning they see some guy very attractive (mostly male artists). It's so annoying to some people and there are countless posts about these words and their usage. There are so many similar words people asking government to ban, not because they are sexist, but they are just vulgar and annoying, including some other words used by the game creators. "I'm wet", "Giving you some lower body enjoyment". They are frequently used by both men and women on Chinese internet.

Also I can understand why they told streamers to not discuss certain topics like feminist propaganda. Because that is no.1 bomb on Chinese social platforms. On Chinese social media, men complain they are devalued because there are so many requirements on them, like most men in China give most of their earnings to their wives to keep, also most men are expected to own a home before getting married, all these stuff. While women also think they are devalued, because on average women are paid less than men, harder to get a job because employers are unwilling to hire women who can potentially start their job for a week and become pregnant then start full pay leave for one year, etc. It backfired so hard because cultural difference. I think they should just say: stick to the game, restrain from unrelated topics like politics.

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Troll Account
mpx wrote:What is wrong when people for example go to Phillipines to search for girlfriend / wife becuse womens there are traditional womens like here in the west 50 - 100 years ago? 🤔
(08-27-2024, 01:01 AM)Potato wrote: That's doxxing according to the retards at Resetera
I wish someone would call out the fact that someone posting Nep's public twitter posts against Jews was considered "doxxing" by the staff, but posting someone's MIT education profile isn't.

Of course, if someone did, they'd just nuke the post and account altogether  Rolleyes

(08-27-2024, 01:18 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Urgh, I almost feel bad for them. Trying to reason and provide a sense of pragmatism, but immediately getting banned because mods are on their period.
(08-27-2024, 01:18 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent) - Troll Account, downplaying concerns of misogyny, Account in Junior Phase
gg1988 wrote:It's absurd to translate Chinese to English literally and use it as evidence to prove the poster is sexist.
US people can never understand how some Chinese sentence can be so insulting translated to English while Chinese just laugh about it.
For those "evidence" of game creators being sexist, reaction of average Chinese people after reading them will be like:
The writer tries to look interesting and close to players by using vulgar words in a poetry-like form, displaying their excitement and worries after their trailer became viral. The resulted post is not sexist, just stupid and look uneducated.

The "good to jerk off" comment is also not sexist as read by average Chinese audience.
Chinese people don't find something sexist when there exist equivalent self-sexualizing terms used by both men and women. There is an even more popular term used by stupid female weibo/xiaohongshu users, "I'm ovulating right now", meaning they see some guy very attractive (mostly male artists). It's so annoying to some people and there are countless posts about these words and their usage. There are so many similar words people asking government to ban, not because they are sexist, but they are just vulgar and annoying, including some other words used by the game creators. "I'm wet", "Giving you some lower body enjoyment". They are frequently used by both men and women on Chinese internet.

Also I can understand why they told streamers to not discuss certain topics like feminist propaganda. Because that is no.1 bomb on Chinese social platforms. On Chinese social media, men complain they are devalued because there are so many requirements on them, like most men in China give most of their earnings to their wives to keep, also most men are expected to own a home before getting married, all these stuff. While women also think they are devalued, because on average women are paid less than men, harder to get a job because employers are unwilling to hire women who can potentially start their job for a week and become pregnant then start full pay leave for one year, etc. It backfired so hard because cultural difference. I think they should just say: stick to the game, restrain from unrelated topics like politics.

You know, I imagine the wukong devs likely have pretty conservative views about women, but at the same time I'm surprised that people can look at sentences like this and assume there's nothing getting lost in translation

Quote:“I want to expand our workforce and hire more people. I want to be licked so much that I can't have an erection anymore"

"I know you guys just happen to be so horny. I'm glad that the trailer has given you some satisfaction. My goal is to give blowjobs to people who appreciate my work, and to help people who share my vision achieve orgasms".
(08-27-2024, 12:37 AM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: Can yall stop demeaning people?

Sir, this is a hate site.
(08-27-2024, 01:18 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Whataboutisms in a sensitive topic. Misrepresenting moderation.
Metalmucil wrote:ERA: We can't even talk about wizard game because the creator of the source material is a POS, regardless of the actual devs.

Also ERA: Don't talk bad about BMW, where the actual devs are POS, or you will be moderated. This game rules!

So glad this forum has its ducks in a row.

Love how the takeaway here isn't that it's nonsensical and even impractical to ban discussion of games, but that we need to ban more and more shit to reconcile all the nonsense and impracticality.
I don't feel bad. They knew the risks by playing with the zoo animals.  lol
(08-27-2024, 01:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Troll Account
mpx wrote:What is wrong when people for example go to Phillipines to search for girlfriend / wife becuse womens there are traditional womens like here in the west 50 - 100 years ago? 🤔

This person is not trolling.  They legitimately believe what they are saying and are posting in earnest.  

Stop using that word wrong GET THAT ASS BANNED
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Joke
BUNTING1243 wrote:Women Drivers, What Is Wrong With Y'all?
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Rhetoric
FizzMino wrote:
AuthenticM wrote:lol the fragile men in here, acting like a woman just punched down on men.

To be fair, if someone posted asking why women are such wild drivers they would be getting fucking dogpiled over it....

Either way, people are definitely very impatient on the roads these days. I get honked at daily because I refuse to speed in the right lane lol
(08-27-2024, 01:50 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Joke
BUNTING1243 wrote:Women Drivers, What Is Wrong With Y'all?
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynist Rhetoric
FizzMino wrote:
AuthenticM wrote:lol the fragile men in here, acting like a woman just punched down on men.

To be fair, if someone posted asking why women are such wild drivers they would be getting fucking dogpiled over it....

Either way, people are definitely very impatient on the roads these days. I get honked at daily because I refuse to speed in the right lane lol

But... but that's not misogynist. They're providing examples of how it would be misogynist to say this shit about women you dumbfucks. 
Why are the mods so exceptionally bad at picking ban reasons
(08-27-2024, 01:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
God this thread is nothing but virtue signaling cringe, like every other fucking Ree thread discussing heterosexual relationships. I know for sure these fuckers are just mad because they can't go out and do it themselves. They're too busy going the terminally online male feminist route, eternally stuck in the friendzone (if they even have any IRL friends).

And say what you want about passporting, but this fucking idiotic "uhhh it doesn't count, they're still incels" and "uhhh these poor women are just enslaved by gender roles and don't know any better" is just total bullshit. I'm pretty sure the definition of an incel means a person that cannot get laid no matter how hard they try, so they literally wouldn't be incels if they're actually having sex. I know someone close to me who's in a relationship with a really sexy woman from a foreign country. And they have sex pretty regularly. Absolutely not an incel in any way.

PlanetSmasher wrote:I didn't know this was a thing until just now, but I am also completely unsurprised that it is a thing. Gross shit, but it's basically the endpoint of the 90s-anime-nerd "I need a Japanese girlfriend" orientalist trope, evolved to its ultimate gross-out form via a few extra decades of incel buildup.
PlanetSmasher lying again. I'm about 95% sure he mentioned Passport bros before. And it has nothing to do with anime. Odd how someone who hates anime with a burning passion (namely big boobed anime girls) can't stop thinking about anime.
Is it just me or is Era going through something? So many bans and just…weird shit in the past few weeks.

Spoiler: Top of page smut (click to show)

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