Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-11-2023, 10:01 AM)Nintex wrote:
(06-11-2023, 04:04 AM)Uncle wrote:

rras1994 wrote:

The “not worth the resources to include a female protag” is not a valid take

                         sexist to assume women are so shallow as to only ever want to play as women
is this?

ResetEra makes the same mistake that publishers and developers often do. They don't understand why women like their games.

Popular videogame characters among women are not those that you might expect. Lara Croft is on the list sure, but so are Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed 2), Link, Geralt of Rivia and others. If you look at the core franchises that soared in popularity among women (such as Zelda, Fire Emblem (especially Three Houses), 'Souls' games (especially Elden Ring), Xenoblade, Assassins Creed, Hogwarts Legacy, Final Fantasy 14/15 etc.) you can see clear trends of what they like. 

Those include things like engaging stories, character building, relationships, medieval/fantasy settings, customization, magic(or magic like abilities), mysteries and discovery. They also don't mind grinding as much, which is why they enjoy farming simulators. The gamer girl YouTubers usually rate things by comparing them to other things and they say something like: "Final Fantasy II is about as grindy as Story of Seasons 4 but not as bad as Atelier Sophie". And I'm sitting there like, jesus how bad must the grind be in those games they play. In the early days of Elden Ring, they also had these videos up that went like: "I grinded 20 levels between lunch and dinner for two days to beat the first boss and from that point on the game became very enjoyable Smile ".

There's also stuff that they in general dislike: guns, gritty realism, highly technical games, sci-fi(unless its more 'space opera' like Mass Effect or lore heavy) which is why I think the sci-fi horror game resurgence we had at last years Summer Games Fest went nowhere and despite their various attempts Battlefield was not able to diversify its player base.

Weirdly claiming that certain genres are more or less popular with women seems to be a big no no on circles like RE. Like when Nintendo had that Mother's day sale and they flipped their shit because it was a bunch of games that are presumed to be more popular with women
4 users liked this post: benji, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, YuYu
(06-11-2023, 09:11 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: you just know Princess Bubblegum looks like Ed Gein

[Image: 8KhxNWh.jpg]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Reply wrote:Of course if a political movement hates and fights reality reporting on reality will seem biased.

hmm Spiders
(06-11-2023, 12:11 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Weirdly claiming that certain genres are more or less popular with women seems to be a big no no on circles like RE. Like when Nintendo had that Mother's day sale and they flipped their shit because it was a bunch of games that are presumed to be more popular with women

I like the posts saying "well clearly they have internal data which would indicate which games women like," which is so irrefutably logical that these people managed not to get banned for downplaying, but they're still drowned out by all the shouting around them
2 users liked this post: HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:is that title supposed to sell me on it because it ain't....
Offended because the title is true on describing Ree
2 users liked this post: YuYu, Hap Shaughnessy
Reply wrote:UK era I need to know if this is legit or just English rage

Implied Facepalm

"US era, I need to know if these charges against Trump are legit, or if its just lib rage"
4 users liked this post: benji, YuYu, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower
American president gets arrested. Ree, I need to know if this is legit, or just Mexican rage
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

Sambo wrote:She was meant to be one of the good ones!

Kind of re-inforces my belief that all politicions are self-serving, regardless of what side of the aisle there on.

Username "Sambo" with an avatar of a black cat? hmm
2 users liked this post: books, Taco Bell Tower
Eric Cartman dateline='[url=tel:1686494397' wrote: 1686494397[/url]'] wrote:UK era I need to know if this is legit or just English rage

Implied Facepalm

"US era, I need to know if these charges against Trump are legit, or if its just lib rage"

I mean, there is a pretty big smoke on her side, and that shit about “quitting for mental health reasons” was BS of first caliber.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 03:37 AM)Uncle wrote:
(06-11-2023, 01:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Amalthea wrote:She's indeed like a witch, but more the kind that lures children in with a candy facade to eat them.

anyone else remember that time era got mad because people were downplaying/dismissing wicca as a legitimate practice?

(06-11-2023, 03:40 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: I sure do and it was one of the admins that got mad enough to close the thread.

AliceAmber is the one that got her panties in a bunch and implied it was transphobic to make fun of witchcraft.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Switters, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Hopefully give a. New director there are changes regarding fairness to minority representation. We have entire franchises banned here for far less egregiously bigoted content, and it is all FORCED on you in Persona. At least in 4 I found no way around the homophobic content
1 user liked this post: YuYu
Quote:This is the full list of their release schedules for Atlus-published/developed games in the 2020s. Do whatever you will with it and push whatever agenda you want, just stop listing game release dates because we can do that in one bigger post. Note: I honestly don't care about what arguments you want to make about this, I just waned to flex my ability to list game release dates from memory.
Badass Egomaniac Anime Expert
Former mod Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Impressive to use Google?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
Neoxon wrote:I’m hesitant given that it’s Hashino and he has a long history of misogyny, homophobia, & transphobia.

That said, it’s probably late next year given that they haven’t done any English voice recording yet.

Holy shit, Neoxon. You are a fucking scumbag. Have some sort of self respect to not make yourself look like a performative asshat.
3 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower

Gotta hand it to the Taliban.
6 users liked this post: benji, Tucker's Law, YuYu, Potato, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
I was listening to this news report on the radio the other day, and they had an interview with one of the former poppy farmers talking about his livelihood and he was all "When you're starving and all you have is farmland, what am I supposed to grow to feed my family if not poppies for heroin?"


Spoiler:  (click to show)
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, YuYu, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
That dude in the Across the Spider-Verse thread getting ganged up on by Kyuuji and their cronies for daring to say he didn't think Gwen is trans.
Kyuuji wrote:
antispin wrote:I'm really sorry you have to go through this. Must be exhausting. You are a real hero for fighting this. Ideally, this shouldn't even be a fight but here we are... Just trying to show you my support.
Appreciate the support and kind words. For me the discussions around Gwen really highlight cisnormativity and the assumption that every character must be straight or cisgender to begin with, therefore there is a bar (and a particularly high one for trans people) that must be cleared before they are allowed to be seen as trans. Whereas if you start without that assumption and from completely neutral ground the flags alone are enough to suggest a trans identity.

Which is why it can be tiring when people position their stance as discussing why she's not trans because that's not what they're doing. They're not putting forward evidence to suggest that she is cis, they're pushing back on the evidence that she isn't as being 'not enough'. This gets particularly frustrating when people suggest she's "just an ally" because they offer no reasoning as to why it makes more sense that she's an ally than she's trans. More often than not it comes from the perspective that she can't be trans so there has to be another reason for why she hangs a trans flag on her wall. Few will admit that, but it is the basis.
DragonSJG wrote:BTW if this a BLM poster on Gwen's wall then Miles is in good hands

Spoiler:  (click to show)

She's trans racial too. :dolezel
I feel that the “Hoshino is totally a bigot, trust me” is going the way of “everything is transphobic” as it sounds everyone are trying to ignore anyone that brings it out in that thread.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Quote:I know some of y'all are missing your white favorites

But this casting is crazy diverse, Black, Filipina, Lebanese, Ecuadorian, Puerto Rican, Cuban and I'm guessing more

This is what we talking about in the other VO threads

Oh, so suddenly it doesn't matter anymore that the entirely japanese cast isn't voiced by asians?

Seriously, the flip flop on this every day
(06-11-2023, 06:47 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I feel that the “Hoshino is totally a bigot, trust me” is going the way of “everything is transphobic” as it sounds everyone are trying to ignore anyone that brings it out in that thread.

Quote:"Homo Butera" with a phallic eyeball tentacle coming out of its mouth doesn't exactly bode well for no homophobia but looks interesting. Persona 6 not hitting next year then obviously.

You see, this instantly makes me think of gay people

[Image: FyXFnk9aQAAbnXy?format=jpg&name=orig]
3 users liked this post: benji, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
egg wrote:I personally don't think Gwen is trans, nor do I think they were trying to imply that she was in the movie tbh. Wouldn't be mad if she was tho. Also crossed my mind that she's an ally and her Peter was trans.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:Why is this the middle ground so many want to settle on when the plot, dialogue and visual design makes it clear Gwen is the trans person.

It reeks of "you can't have Gwen, but you can have the boy who turns themself into a murderous monster and is in the film for less than 15 seconds."
None of that comes across as Gwen being trans to me. Her dad thought she was a vigilante that murdered Peter which seemed like he was basically his son. That would be a hard thing for any parental/father figure to accept. The dialogue seems was something that all Spider people deal with and have to come to terms with because they are hiding parts of themselves from the people they care about. That's part of why Miles struggles to tell his parents he's Spider-Man. And the visual design is Spider Gwen's aestheitc from the comics. Pink, white, and blue/teal are the colors associated with Spider-Gwen.

And like I said I'm not against Gwen being trans but I also don't think they were trying to imply that she is either.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:And gwen gushing over spiderwoman knowing the difference between sex and gender?

Get the fuck out of here with this gatekeeping nonsense. The colours literally saturate to just the trans tricolour when Gwen talks to her Dad. You don't have to notice it to be a thing.

In fact, I'm going to scream facts at you, trans women don't want to be visually different to cis women!
Her gushing doesn't make her trans, she can feel that exact way because she's an ally is glad someone else gets it. And no one is gatekeeping anything. Those colors (Blue, Pink, and White) are commonly associated with Gwen so of course she will be saturated with them. It's literally a stylistic signature of Spider-Gwen. They're literally the colors of her suit.
egg wrote:
Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Why are you fighting people on this
I'm sharing my interpretation of the movie just like everyone else.
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): concern trolling with regards to trans representation
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:How do you interperet me? Or Kyuuji?

Trans people see imagery and connect and you want to clamp down.

Think about that. Even just for 15 seconds, think.
Kyuuji wrote:Don't worry it's not the first time in the thread they felt the need to respond to someone trans by shutting down the idea she's trans, in favour of claiming she's an ally. Totally ok with her being trans tho btw.
TheGummyBear wrote:This is where I go off of eggs.

Because fuck egg.
Ahh yes, fuck me because I interpreted a movie differently than you and still have no issue with Gwen being trans lol.
egg wrote:
Malakym wrote:Nah, you interpreting the movie different is your business. That's fine.
However, fuck you for reading this thread, seeing a bunch of trans joy (which nowadays I can tell you is pretty fucking rare) and deciding that your contrarian bullshit is either wanted or important. You're not even in the same league as the girls here in terms of actually bringing receipts for your theories, so your insistence that your take should be taken equally as seriously comes off pretty bad.
Not trying to take the joy away from anyone, because again I'm all for Gwen being trans but i dont think thats what they were going for. I can feel differently, voice how i see things differently and still be supportive of that same idea. That shouldn't take the joy away from anyone because it's all speculation at the end of the day and again, I'm not against a trans gwen. Yall quick to throw fuck you around and act like I have a problem with something when I don't.
egg wrote:
HStallion wrote:It's a touchy subject if you haven't realized and you're not really doing anything in this thread but aggravating the people in the thread you supposedly support. Maybe read the room already.
It is a touchy subject for sure, but if it's a discussion everyone should be able to address how they interpret & see things respectfully. How is it okay that people can see Gwen as 100% trans based off what they were presented with and voice that openly and confidently but me stating that I see those exact same things as something completely different somehow a problem. We're all speculating about unconfirmed things in a thread about the movie.

I have nothing against Gwen being trans, but I should also be allowed to discuss why I think she's not just like they should be able to discuss why they think she is. Me wanting to share that should not result in people acting like I'm transphobic or anti-trans, or trying to take away from how they feel, or that im going for their joy when im not. I also shouldn't have to shut up because they feel strongly about their interpretation and me sharing what I feel doesn't align with theirs.
Kyuuji wrote:Not going for our joy but directly replied to a trans person excited that Gwen was trans with "no lol". Then came back later in the thread at a point when we were literally like "we barely get anything, just give us this" just to reassert that you see no reason to think she's trans.

You're also not discussing why you think she's not, as much as disagreeing with why we think she is. You haven't offered anything up other than dismissals of what we've put forward. Well, aside from the "Peter is trans" thing which has like no actual thought put into it.

Meanwhile we have:
  • Gwen has a large trans flag on her bedroom wall with 'protect trans kids' written on it
  • The artists drew a trans flag on her fathers jacket and made his commendations the trans colours, tying both him and his daughter to the concept of trans pride
  • When she details how she's had to live hiding half of who she is from everyone the colours in the scene immediately snap to blue (not teal), white and pink, including banding on her hair
  • Her relationship with her father can easily be interpreted as an allegory to the trans experience of having a parent discover your identity and reject you, forcing you to find community and safety with others like you
  • She gushes when Jessica Drew uses sex instead of gender to refer to her unborn child ("we don't know the sex yet")
  • She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
  • Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

                          White face?

is this?
2 users liked this post: YuYu, Taco Bell Tower
(06-09-2023, 01:02 AM)Venice wrote:
(06-09-2023, 12:22 AM)Jansen wrote: Planetsmasher banned

Hopefully he'll try to find a job during his timeout.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Is there a demand for unfunny comedian school graduates?

Not without that glorious 100k post accolade included on his resume. The staff did him DIRTY, ensuring he will be back just in time for Final Fantasy XVI shitposting in two weeks AND still have too much time on his HANDS.
2 users liked this post: Venice, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
egg wrote:I personally don't think Gwen is trans, nor do I think they were trying to imply that she was in the movie tbh. Wouldn't be mad if she was tho. Also crossed my mind that she's an ally and her Peter was trans.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:Why is this the middle ground so many want to settle on when the plot, dialogue and visual design makes it clear Gwen is the trans person.

It reeks of "you can't have Gwen, but you can have the boy who turns themself into a murderous monster and is in the film for less than 15 seconds."
None of that comes across as Gwen being trans to me. Her dad thought she was a vigilante that murdered Peter which seemed like he was basically his son. That would be a hard thing for any parental/father figure to accept. The dialogue seems was something that all Spider people deal with and have to come to terms with because they are hiding parts of themselves from the people they care about. That's part of why Miles struggles to tell his parents he's Spider-Man. And the visual design is Spider Gwen's aestheitc from the comics. Pink, white, and blue/teal are the colors associated with Spider-Gwen.

And like I said I'm not against Gwen being trans but I also don't think they were trying to imply that she is either.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:And gwen gushing over spiderwoman knowing the difference between sex and gender?

Get the fuck out of here with this gatekeeping nonsense. The colours literally saturate to just the trans tricolour when Gwen talks to her Dad. You don't have to notice it to be a thing.

In fact, I'm going to scream facts at you, trans women don't want to be visually different to cis women!
Her gushing doesn't make her trans, she can feel that exact way because she's an ally is glad someone else gets it. And no one is gatekeeping anything. Those colors (Blue, Pink, and White) are commonly associated with Gwen so of course she will be saturated with them. It's literally a stylistic signature of Spider-Gwen. They're literally the colors of her suit.
egg wrote:
Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Why are you fighting people on this
I'm sharing my interpretation of the movie just like everyone else.
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): concern trolling with regards to trans representation
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:How do you interperet me? Or Kyuuji?

Trans people see imagery and connect and you want to clamp down.

Think about that. Even just for 15 seconds, think.
Kyuuji wrote:Don't worry it's not the first time in the thread they felt the need to respond to someone trans by shutting down the idea she's trans, in favour of claiming she's an ally. Totally ok with her being trans tho btw.
TheGummyBear wrote:This is where I go off of eggs.

Because fuck egg.
Ahh yes, fuck me because I interpreted a movie differently than you and still have no issue with Gwen being trans lol.
egg wrote:
Malakym wrote:Nah, you interpreting the movie different is your business. That's fine.
However, fuck you for reading this thread, seeing a bunch of trans joy (which nowadays I can tell you is pretty fucking rare) and deciding that your contrarian bullshit is either wanted or important. You're not even in the same league as the girls here in terms of actually bringing receipts for your theories, so your insistence that your take should be taken equally as seriously comes off pretty bad.
Not trying to take the joy away from anyone, because again I'm all for Gwen being trans but i dont think thats what they were going for. I can feel differently, voice how i see things differently and still be supportive of that same idea. That shouldn't take the joy away from anyone because it's all speculation at the end of the day and again, I'm not against a trans gwen. Yall quick to throw fuck you around and act like I have a problem with something when I don't.
egg wrote:
HStallion wrote:It's a touchy subject if you haven't realized and you're not really doing anything in this thread but aggravating the people in the thread you supposedly support. Maybe read the room already.
It is a touchy subject for sure, but if it's a discussion everyone should be able to address how they interpret & see things respectfully. How is it okay that people can see Gwen as 100% trans based off what they were presented with and voice that openly and confidently but me stating that I see those exact same things as something completely different somehow a problem. We're all speculating about unconfirmed things in a thread about the movie.

I have nothing against Gwen being trans, but I should also be allowed to discuss why I think she's not just like they should be able to discuss why they think she is. Me wanting to share that should not result in people acting like I'm transphobic or anti-trans, or trying to take away from how they feel, or that im going for their joy when im not. I also shouldn't have to shut up because they feel strongly about their interpretation and me sharing what I feel doesn't align with theirs.
Kyuuji wrote:Not going for our joy but directly replied to a trans person excited that Gwen was trans with "no lol". Then came back later in the thread at a point when we were literally like "we barely get anything, just give us this" just to reassert that you see no reason to think she's trans.

You're also not discussing why you think she's not, as much as disagreeing with why we think she is. You haven't offered anything up other than dismissals of what we've put forward. Well, aside from the "Peter is trans" thing which has like no actual thought put into it.

Meanwhile we have:
  • Gwen has a large trans flag on her bedroom wall with 'protect trans kids' written on it
  • The artists drew a trans flag on her fathers jacket and made his commendations the trans colours, tying both him and his daughter to the concept of trans pride
  • When she details how she's had to live hiding half of who she is from everyone the colours in the scene immediately snap to blue (not teal), white and pink, including banding on her hair
  • Her relationship with her father can easily be interpreted as an allegory to the trans experience of having a parent discover your identity and reject you, forcing you to find community and safety with others like you
  • She gushes when Jessica Drew uses sex instead of gender to refer to her unborn child ("we don't know the sex yet")
  • She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
  • Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Quote:At least we know where Niitsuma went after he left Capcom.
Quote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

She’s attractive Teehee
Quote:- She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
- Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

(06-11-2023, 08:33 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Quote:- She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
- Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").


And here I thought all the "transvestigators" were right-wingers. She's trans because of her shoe size  Dead
Quote:Really quiet in our showing today. There were two noisy men talking behind us who only lasted 10 minutes before leaving, so either got the wrong screen or didn’t appreciate the attention on Gwen 🤷‍♂️

Clearly those two men were transphobes wanting to ruin the viewing for everyone
(06-11-2023, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
egg wrote:I personally don't think Gwen is trans, nor do I think they were trying to imply that she was in the movie tbh. Wouldn't be mad if she was tho. Also crossed my mind that she's an ally and her Peter was trans.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:Why is this the middle ground so many want to settle on when the plot, dialogue and visual design makes it clear Gwen is the trans person.

It reeks of "you can't have Gwen, but you can have the boy who turns themself into a murderous monster and is in the film for less than 15 seconds."
None of that comes across as Gwen being trans to me. Her dad thought she was a vigilante that murdered Peter which seemed like he was basically his son. That would be a hard thing for any parental/father figure to accept. The dialogue seems was something that all Spider people deal with and have to come to terms with because they are hiding parts of themselves from the people they care about. That's part of why Miles struggles to tell his parents he's Spider-Man. And the visual design is Spider Gwen's aestheitc from the comics. Pink, white, and blue/teal are the colors associated with Spider-Gwen.

And like I said I'm not against Gwen being trans but I also don't think they were trying to imply that she is either.
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:And gwen gushing over spiderwoman knowing the difference between sex and gender?

Get the fuck out of here with this gatekeeping nonsense. The colours literally saturate to just the trans tricolour when Gwen talks to her Dad. You don't have to notice it to be a thing.

In fact, I'm going to scream facts at you, trans women don't want to be visually different to cis women!
Her gushing doesn't make her trans, she can feel that exact way because she's an ally is glad someone else gets it. And no one is gatekeeping anything. Those colors (Blue, Pink, and White) are commonly associated with Gwen so of course she will be saturated with them. It's literally a stylistic signature of Spider-Gwen. They're literally the colors of her suit.
egg wrote:
Sign My Guestbook! wrote:Why are you fighting people on this
I'm sharing my interpretation of the movie just like everyone else.
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): concern trolling with regards to trans representation
egg wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:How do you interperet me? Or Kyuuji?

Trans people see imagery and connect and you want to clamp down.

Think about that. Even just for 15 seconds, think.
Kyuuji wrote:Don't worry it's not the first time in the thread they felt the need to respond to someone trans by shutting down the idea she's trans, in favour of claiming she's an ally. Totally ok with her being trans tho btw.
TheGummyBear wrote:This is where I go off of eggs.

Because fuck egg.
Ahh yes, fuck me because I interpreted a movie differently than you and still have no issue with Gwen being trans lol.
egg wrote:
Malakym wrote:Nah, you interpreting the movie different is your business. That's fine.
However, fuck you for reading this thread, seeing a bunch of trans joy (which nowadays I can tell you is pretty fucking rare) and deciding that your contrarian bullshit is either wanted or important. You're not even in the same league as the girls here in terms of actually bringing receipts for your theories, so your insistence that your take should be taken equally as seriously comes off pretty bad.
Not trying to take the joy away from anyone, because again I'm all for Gwen being trans but i dont think thats what they were going for. I can feel differently, voice how i see things differently and still be supportive of that same idea. That shouldn't take the joy away from anyone because it's all speculation at the end of the day and again, I'm not against a trans gwen. Yall quick to throw fuck you around and act like I have a problem with something when I don't.
egg wrote:
HStallion wrote:It's a touchy subject if you haven't realized and you're not really doing anything in this thread but aggravating the people in the thread you supposedly support. Maybe read the room already.
It is a touchy subject for sure, but if it's a discussion everyone should be able to address how they interpret & see things respectfully. How is it okay that people can see Gwen as 100% trans based off what they were presented with and voice that openly and confidently but me stating that I see those exact same things as something completely different somehow a problem. We're all speculating about unconfirmed things in a thread about the movie.

I have nothing against Gwen being trans, but I should also be allowed to discuss why I think she's not just like they should be able to discuss why they think she is. Me wanting to share that should not result in people acting like I'm transphobic or anti-trans, or trying to take away from how they feel, or that im going for their joy when im not. I also shouldn't have to shut up because they feel strongly about their interpretation and me sharing what I feel doesn't align with theirs.
Kyuuji wrote:Not going for our joy but directly replied to a trans person excited that Gwen was trans with "no lol". Then came back later in the thread at a point when we were literally like "we barely get anything, just give us this" just to reassert that you see no reason to think she's trans.

You're also not discussing why you think she's not, as much as disagreeing with why we think she is. You haven't offered anything up other than dismissals of what we've put forward. Well, aside from the "Peter is trans" thing which has like no actual thought put into it.

Meanwhile we have:
  • Gwen has a large trans flag on her bedroom wall with 'protect trans kids' written on it
  • The artists drew a trans flag on her fathers jacket and made his commendations the trans colours, tying both him and his daughter to the concept of trans pride
  • When she details how she's had to live hiding half of who she is from everyone the colours in the scene immediately snap to blue (not teal), white and pink, including banding on her hair
  • Her relationship with her father can easily be interpreted as an allegory to the trans experience of having a parent discover your identity and reject you, forcing you to find community and safety with others like you
  • She gushes when Jessica Drew uses sex instead of gender to refer to her unborn child ("we don't know the sex yet")
  • She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
  • Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?
These fucking weirdos think everyone's trans, unless stated otherwise. GAMERGATE!

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