Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Trup1aya wrote:It’s gross. Even here I see stuff like “Israel has got to do this because Hamas wants to annihilate them”

And I’m like, “so you fundamentally agree that annihilating people is wrong, yet in the same sentence, you’ve come up with a justification for it.”

I just can’t… humans are a disease

nampad dateline='[url=tel:1697064834' wrote: 1697064834[/url]']
Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1697040341' wrote: 1697040341[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1697040031' wrote: 1697040031[/url]']were the old mods less unhinged and power tripping than nepenthe etc.? I don't know???
I'm going to say yes as a whole, only because I can't remember anyone particularly crazy outside of Lore/Besada/Amir0x. Maybe Dragona had a moment? Whereas every single mod on Era (except for based Hogwarts Legacy playing admin Coldsun) is some level of retarded.

Y2Kev is the biggest cunt of them all. And one of them is literally a pedo.

Aeana was also pretty unhinged outside GAF. Tried to cancel a Xseed dev (that become a little unhinged on his own) because she didn’t like a translation in a game.
(10-11-2023, 11:09 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Trup1aya wrote:It’s gross. Even here I see stuff like “Israel has got to do this because Hamas wants to annihilate them”

And I’m like, “so you fundamentally agree that annihilating people is wrong, yet in the same sentence, you’ve come up with a justification for it.”

I just can’t… humans are a disease

They're not wrong. We need to wipe out humanity to allow mother gaia to heal. Think of all the waste and damage the PS5 has caused.
Duckroll was a clown trying to pander to the ResetEra crowd

Bishoptl lost his marbles and started to see racism in his white toast 

They were all lunatics, maybe not bitch boy twink lusting for Nancy Pelosi or literally a convicted pedo level bad, but still pretty bad Trumps
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(10-11-2023, 11:13 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Aeana was also pretty unhinged outside GAF. Tried to cancel a Xseed dev (that become a little unhinged on his own) because she didn’t like a translation in a game.
I forgot that she used to be pretty snippy before she calmed down a bit. 

Red_Scarlet was the most based mod on GAF and turned me on to so many RPGs. Shout out to her wherever she is now.  Heartbeat
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
[Image: dLhcjMm.png]

Social Justice Warrior 2
my pronouns are gamer/headshot

Mr. Worldwide
Discovering Gaf's still going is like finding out your bum cousin still doesn't have a job
(10-11-2023, 11:27 PM)Propagandhim wrote: my pronouns are gamer/headshot

Mr. Worldwide

I had no idea Ted Cruz posted on the bire
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, benji, Propagandhim
(10-11-2023, 08:41 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: The Will Smith stuff is a true and honest live action example of how to police groupthink effectively.

Why the fuck do they care so much about defending the honour of Will Smith? How fast will they turn when the inevitable happens and he's decried for a massive weirdo? Why do they love his wife so much who has literally never been in anything ever except that one shitty Matrix game everyone hated? How come they just ignore the fact that he spent 2m dollars on a scientology school?

An intrigue wrapped in a riddle.

They don't give a shit about Will Smith.  Before the slap BCT and others regularly called him an Uncle Tom.  It's more that his kids are nonbinary, Jada is a "strong" black woman, and Chris Rock is evil because he's friends with white people.

And for the GAF mods, they weren't quite as bad as the Ree ones, but they sucked.  Which was why Ree was bragging about "transparent" moderation.  Bishop in particular was an asshole of the highest order and he was only "cool" with certain people (BCT and simps like Besada) so he could promote his dinosaur coloring book.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(10-11-2023, 10:25 PM)benji wrote: But remember, things are worse than ever on for trans people.

That's true, though, but not in the way they claim. They've been free to continually piss in the pool so much that they're all poisoning themselves.
Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1697066286' wrote: 1697066286[/url]']
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1697066030' wrote: 1697066030[/url]']
Aeana was also pretty unhinged outside GAF. Tried to cancel a Xseed dev (that become a little unhinged on his own) because she didn’t like a translation in a game.
I forgot that she used to be pretty snippy before she calmed down a bit. 

Red_Scarlet was the most based mod on GAF and turned me on to so many RPGs. Shout out to her wherever she is now.  Heartbeat

I dunno if she calmed down or not, but I’m sure my permabann was because of her getting offended that I didn’t share Jeremy Parish melodrama about Sting trying to appeal to Otakus to survive.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Greatness Gone
This smarm basket thought he was going to deliver giant dad lecture about YT ads -

Quote:So disheartening to see how many people want all of the content for free and/or come up with specific reasons not to pay for it. If you don't like the ads you are fed and don't want to pay for Premium, how do you expect content creators to get paid for the work they do?

I don't see how threads like this are any different from threads showing how to pirate games or movies. The end result is the same: how can we deny hardworking content creators the amount of money they need to stay afloat?

If your favorite channel has embedded ads or externally added ads or asks you to pay for Premium, it isn't because they don't like you or they're subservient to a "greedy company", it's because they want to not lose money on what they're creating and maybe make a tiny bit of money for themselves so they can pay the bills and keep making content.

Then Nep Nep stepped in -

Quote:YouTube isn't forcing ads to help the poor creators. They're forcing ads to get you to buy Premium. They absolutely know the ads are trash in terms of quality, targeting, and frequency within a video. But actually using resources to make the ad breaks more palatable (only at the beginning and end, quality short ads, not repeating ads, ads that aren't so loud or grating, etc.) to where customers were willing to sit through them without ad block doesn't get people to sign up to Premium.

I will take my ad block off from YouTube when YouTube makes the ads not fucking suck. Don't force a shitty time on me and then say I'm morally culpable for dealing with it.

He pussied out in the only way smarmy cunts like he could -

Quote:Apologies for trying to represent people that need to pay for their content and don't want to go broke doing it.

I thought in late stage capitalism we were all in this together. Looks like this is another time and place where corporations are causing us to pick sides against each other, even though neither side has enough money.

Thanks for all the feedback, I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on.

Nep Nep calls him a clown -

Quote:We've never been all in this together, and part of the reason why is because middle class folks will utilize socialist language meant for actual class and colonial liberation on upholding capitalism, like by, I don't know, defending the advertising habits of a multibillion dollar corporation.

Clown shoes.

Tries to act superior -

Quote:Thanks to you all for the feedback. I apologize to everyone for writing a post picking the incorrect side of an argument. I'll continue to look for ways to financially support content creators, but I'll do my best to make sure that it is done only through the correct means.

Nep's having none of it 

Quote:No one is saying that you cannot experience YouTube without Adblock. If you want to continuously watch those annoying Honkai Star Rail ads or the random Heritage Foundation recommendation about how Democrats are the Antichrist, then go for it. It's your time to waste, not mine.

The problem was trying to take some moral high ground by arguing that the ads are for creators' benefit (they're not; they're for the shareholders'), and then doubling down on the moral shaming by saying that not engaging in ads is somehow akin to perpetuating capitalism, which fundamentally doesn't make sense.

Guaranteed that cunt put himself on her ban list
Is this what Nep considers abuse from the lower caste chuds?
Quote:If you want to continuously watch those annoying Honkai Star Rail ads or the random Heritage Foundation recommendation about how Democrats are the Antichrist,

WTF is she watching, I follow VTubers and even have the game in my phone but I did not get Honkai ads, never mind the other shit.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Nintex
One of those rare times when I think go on you mad cow, get in there and put the fear of God in the cunt
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(10-12-2023, 01:01 AM)Snoopy wrote: Then Nep Nep stepped in -

Quote:YouTube isn't forcing ads to help the poor creators. They're forcing ads to get you to buy Premium. They absolutely know the ads are trash in terms of quality, targeting, and frequency within a video. But actually using resources to make the ad breaks more palatable (only at the beginning and end, quality short ads, not repeating ads, ads that aren't so loud or grating, etc.) to where customers were willing to sit through them without ad block doesn't get people to sign up to Premium.

I will take my ad block off from YouTube when YouTube makes the ads not fucking suck. Don't force a shitty time on me and then say I'm morally culpable for dealing with it.
Nep Nep calls him a clown -

Quote:We've never been all in this together, and part of the reason why is because middle class folks will utilize socialist language meant for actual class and colonial liberation on upholding capitalism, like by, I don't know, defending the advertising habits of a multibillion dollar corporation.

Clown shoes.
Nep's having none of it 

Quote:No one is saying that you cannot experience YouTube without Adblock. If you want to continuously watch those annoying Honkai Star Rail ads or the random Heritage Foundation recommendation about how Democrats are the Antichrist, then go for it. It's your time to waste, not mine.

The problem was trying to take some moral high ground by arguing that the ads are for creators' benefit (they're not; they're for the shareholders'), and then doubling down on the moral shaming by saying that not engaging in ads is somehow akin to perpetuating capitalism, which fundamentally doesn't make sense.
Now do AI art, Nepenthe. Society
"Fuck content creators and the workers if Google shareholders (aka mostly workers) also benefit." - Nepenthe, on morals
I don't even know what capitalism means anymore. It's a boogeyman bitch eating crackers word that explains nothing yet explains everything depending on if you want to shit on someone. Or not. I don't know. Fuck Joanne!
(10-12-2023, 01:34 AM)books wrote: I don't even know what capitalism means anymore.
It's okay, like most anti-capitalists, Nepenthe's never known what even she means by it. She's just knows she's against it, whatever it is.
I get why YouTube premium sucks overall, but I remember RE celebrating when you tube took a heavy hand in content moderation that resulted in an even shittier version of YouTube and content creators paid less. 

And those shit videos targeting children still exist but you cannot say cunt anymore
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, books, HaughtyFrank
If Nep or any mod was able to make a living on YouTube residuals, they'd fucking love it. Unfortunately, none of them seem to have any sort of talent that separates them from anybody, so this is what we have: A self-hating jealous Nissan Versa driving fox vs. the world.

Im no psychologist, but having watched a lot of Criminal Minds on cbs, she's essentially mirroring the people she is against (what take of hers isn't essentially grand wizard type racism?) hoping to get people to take the bait with her shit takes and then she gets to attack.

As an aside, that Ubisoft shill poster needs to come back and make some grand statements about the new Iraqi ass creed game because it's been way too serious on that site the past few days.

Eta- their idiocy generally makes me laugh but not so much lately.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Has NepGPT ever looked at without an adblocker on? You wanna talk about lining shareholders of a corporation’s pockets, maybe look in the mirror you dumb bitch.
(10-12-2023, 02:09 AM)railGUN wrote: Has NepGPT ever looked at without an adblocker on? You wanna talk about lining shareholders of a corporation’s pockets, maybe look in the mirror you dumb bitch.

Exactly what I was thinking, that site is abhorrently bad without an adblocker on. For a while it was a bannable offense to tell people to run an adblocker on era too 🤣

Iirc cerium confirmed the site was pulling in between 10 and 20k profit a month from ads too.
The beheaded babies are still unconfirmed (probably a Biden’ Brain fart). RE back in shilling for Hamas.
(10-12-2023, 02:09 AM)railGUN wrote: Has NepGPT ever looked at without an adblocker on? You wanna talk about lining shareholders of a corporation’s pockets, maybe look in the mirror you dumb bitch.
And MOBA doesn't even give a cut to the "content creators" or "employees" like Google. But that's none of my business...
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1697072492' wrote: 1697072492[/url]']
This smarm basket thought he was going to deliver giant dad lecture about YT ads -

Quote:So disheartening to see how many people want all of the content for free and/or come up with specific reasons not to pay for it. If you don't like the ads you are fed and don't want to pay for Premium, how do you expect content creators to get paid for the work they do?

I don't see how threads like this are any different from threads showing how to pirate games or movies. The end result is the same: how can we deny hardworking content creators the amount of money they need to stay afloat?

If your favorite channel has embedded ads or externally added ads or asks you to pay for Premium, it isn't because they don't like you or they're subservient to a "greedy company", it's because they want to not lose money on what they're creating and maybe make a tiny bit of money for themselves so they can pay the bills and keep making content.

Then Nep Nep stepped in -

Quote:YouTube isn't forcing ads to help the poor creators. They're forcing ads to get you to buy Premium. They absolutely know the ads are trash in terms of quality, targeting, and frequency within a video. But actually using resources to make the ad breaks more palatable (only at the beginning and end, quality short ads, not repeating ads, ads that aren't so loud or grating, etc.) to where customers were willing to sit through them without ad block doesn't get people to sign up to Premium.

I will take my ad block off from YouTube when YouTube makes the ads not fucking suck. Don't force a shitty time on me and then say I'm morally culpable for dealing with it.

He pussied out in the only way smarmy cunts like he could -

Quote:Apologies for trying to represent people that need to pay for their content and don't want to go broke doing it.

I thought in late stage capitalism we were all in this together. Looks like this is another time and place where corporations are causing us to pick sides against each other, even though neither side has enough money.

Thanks for all the feedback, I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on.

Nep Nep calls him a clown -

Quote:We've never been all in this together, and part of the reason why is because middle class folks will utilize socialist language meant for actual class and colonial liberation on upholding capitalism, like by, I don't know, defending the advertising habits of a multibillion dollar corporation.

Clown shoes.

Tries to act superior -

Quote:Thanks to you all for the feedback. I apologize to everyone for writing a post picking the incorrect side of an argument. I'll continue to look for ways to financially support content creators, but I'll do my best to make sure that it is done only through the correct means.

Nep's having none of it 

Quote:No one is saying that you cannot experience YouTube without Adblock. If you want to continuously watch those annoying Honkai Star Rail ads or the random Heritage Foundation recommendation about how Democrats are the Antichrist, then go for it. It's your time to waste, not mine.

The problem was trying to take some moral high ground by arguing that the ads are for creators' benefit (they're not; they're for the shareholders'), and then doubling down on the moral shaming by saying that not engaging in ads is somehow akin to perpetuating capitalism, which fundamentally doesn't make sense.

Guaranteed that cunt put himself on her ban list

She is such a crazy cunt. Achieved nothing in life but acts like a boss on some shitty internet forum where she works for free after stacking shelfs at retail 🤣

Also funny how she is shitting on the middle class, guess benji was right that she is from a better off family.
NSalivas isn’t human:
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, Gameboy Nostalgia
(10-12-2023, 03:10 AM)nampad wrote: She is such a crazy cunt. Achieved nothing in life but acts like a boss on some shitty internet forum where she works for free after stacking shelfs at retail 🤣

Also funny how she is shitting on the middle class, guess benji was right that she is from a better off family.
She doesn't even do that, according to her she quit the pharmacy a couple years ago. She now "works" from home on art/animation commissions. (Only one of which we're aware of.)
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(10-11-2023, 10:37 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: They will truly go to all depths to justify infanticide.
Please refer to it as late-term abortion or pro-climate activism instead of repeating colonizer propaganda, thanks.

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