Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

TheGummyBear wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Right? He'd totally be the type to help her out and offer her a safe place to crash.

Also, loving the avatar 😌
You posted it yesterday and I woke up and decided I needed it

Cuz I'm all in on the trans Gwen train. And after certain interactions with a certain person yesterday, I want to wear it proud. She's an amazing icon for our movement, and helps bring us all closer.


B-Dubs wrote:With allegations this explosive, and this close to the sort of conspiracy theories that bigots have been pushing the entire pandemic, we feel the thread should stay locked until other major news outlets are able to corroborate the reporting done by the UK Times.

If other outlets are able to independently corroborate this, then we can have the thread. Not before.

If such a moment comes, a reminder that bigotry of any kind will be severely punished.
5 users liked this post: benji, TacoWallace, Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
Reminds me of the thread where they decided Chris Redfield was gay and presented it as 100% fact.
haziq wrote:I'm just curious. Whenever the topic comes up, everyone always talks about how it affects those left behind, but no one ever talks about what that person might have being going through that lead them to check out.

Also... I don't know if it's necessarily okay to tell someone who's going through ideating that they have to live in pain & despair because others would be sad. Id

B-Dubs wrote:Please stop making this thread.
haziq wrote:I'm asking because so many people are tied up into the economic health of this country, and not the mental health of the people in it. Which is weird, because those two things are tied at the hip.

I already know there's been a spike in DV cases as a result of lockdowns & quarantining. That's already concerning. But America is collapsing, and I'm worried that - as people start to get evicted from their homes, and lose further income since there's been zero notable progress on a new stimulus package - that people are going to start checking out.
haziq wrote:I'm laying in my bed. There's a whole lot going wrong in my personal life, as well as the world at large. I've come to accept how useless & pointless life is.

It's simple entropy. Everything that is right will go wrong. Everything that's stable will become chaotic. Things that are healthy & beautiful will decay. Happiness will turn into sadness. On & on.

It's just pointless to keep fighting. If 400 cops can't protect a couple dozen children from one guy, there doesn't seem to be much hope in things getting better. We keep trying to fight & claw for things that will either get taken away from us, or we won't live to see the actual benefit of anyways. At best, we're treading in place. I'm over the rat race that, for some reason, we refer to as life. And as far as love goes, you'll either die alone, or be lucky enough to spend your days with someone you loved but grew to simply tolerate. Most of us won't be so lucky.

Anyways... this isn't a suicide note or whatever. Mostly because I don't know if I'm coming or going in that regard (or in most regards, really). I just kinda want to collapse into myself until I disappear. Can't do that tho. So, I guess I'll just sit & wait for heat death or whatever.
haziq wrote:I think it's honestly undignified to force someone to keep living if they don't have the ability or willingness to deal with the pain of living, however that manifests. But, we only allow assisted suicide for people who are terminally ill, as in stuff like late stage cancer, diseases with no cure, etc.

But for some reason, we don't allow such a thing for a different kind of pain: mental. Mental anguish is one of those things that go largely unseen until it absolutely boils over in destructive ways. But people who are going through any kind of long-term mental illness, like myself, should be allowed to permanently relieve themselves of the pain if they say choose. Because if you truly feel beyond saving in this regard, the alternative could potentially be a lot more destructive & less dignified methods of self-harm.

This isn't a cry for help or anything, as I don't believe I'll ever really find value in existence; it is what it is. But, I think, if we allow the choice to be made for someone going through physical suffering with no cure, it should be allowed for someone going through mental suffering with no cure.

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.
(06-11-2023, 09:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

B-Dubs wrote:With allegations this explosive, and this close to the sort of conspiracy theories that bigots have been pushing the entire pandemic, we feel the thread should stay locked until other major news outlets are able to corroborate the reporting done by the UK Times.

If other outlets are able to independently corroborate this, then we can have the thread. Not before.

If such a moment comes, a reminder that bigotry of any kind will be severely punished.

Ah yes, the conspiracy theories that it was created in a Chinese lab Trumps
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Just have a post credit sequence in the future showing Gwen about to give birth to her and Miles kid.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 09:22 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
haziq wrote:I'm just curious. Whenever the topic comes up, everyone always talks about how it affects those left behind, but no one ever talks about what that person might have being going through that lead them to check out.

Also... I don't know if it's necessarily okay to tell someone who's going through ideating that they have to live in pain & despair because others would be sad. Id

B-Dubs wrote:Please stop making this thread.
haziq wrote:I'm asking because so many people are tied up into the economic health of this country, and not the mental health of the people in it. Which is weird, because those two things are tied at the hip.

I already know there's been a spike in DV cases as a result of lockdowns & quarantining. That's already concerning. But America is collapsing, and I'm worried that - as people start to get evicted from their homes, and lose further income since there's been zero notable progress on a new stimulus package - that people are going to start checking out.
haziq wrote:I'm laying in my bed. There's a whole lot going wrong in my personal life, as well as the world at large. I've come to accept how useless & pointless life is.

It's simple entropy. Everything that is right will go wrong. Everything that's stable will become chaotic. Things that are healthy & beautiful will decay. Happiness will turn into sadness. On & on.

It's just pointless to keep fighting. If 400 cops can't protect a couple dozen children from one guy, there doesn't seem to be much hope in things getting better. We keep trying to fight & claw for things that will either get taken away from us, or we won't live to see the actual benefit of anyways. At best, we're treading in place. I'm over the rat race that, for some reason, we refer to as life. And as far as love goes, you'll either die alone, or be lucky enough to spend your days with someone you loved but grew to simply tolerate. Most of us won't be so lucky.

Anyways... this isn't a suicide note or whatever. Mostly because I don't know if I'm coming or going in that regard (or in most regards, really). I just kinda want to collapse into myself until I disappear. Can't do that tho. So, I guess I'll just sit & wait for heat death or whatever.
haziq wrote:I think it's honestly undignified to force someone to keep living if they don't have the ability or willingness to deal with the pain of living, however that manifests. But, we only allow assisted suicide for people who are terminally ill, as in stuff like late stage cancer, diseases with no cure, etc.

But for some reason, we don't allow such a thing for a different kind of pain: mental. Mental anguish is one of those things that go largely unseen until it absolutely boils over in destructive ways. But people who are going through any kind of long-term mental illness, like myself, should be allowed to permanently relieve themselves of the pain if they say choose. Because if you truly feel beyond saving in this regard, the alternative could potentially be a lot more destructive & less dignified methods of self-harm.

This isn't a cry for help or anything, as I don't believe I'll ever really find value in existence; it is what it is. But, I think, if we allow the choice to be made for someone going through physical suffering with no cure, it should be allowed for someone going through mental suffering with no cure.

[Image: ab44bee132451813d5bd778c88e94623.gif]
4 users liked this post: YuYu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Jansen, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 09:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

B-Dubs wrote:With allegations this explosive, and this close to the sort of conspiracy theories that bigots have been pushing the entire pandemic, we feel the thread should stay locked until other major news outlets are able to corroborate the reporting done by the UK Times.

If other outlets are able to independently corroborate this, then we can have the thread. Not before.

If such a moment comes, a reminder that bigotry of any kind will be severely punished.

3 months ago

Covid-19 likely came from lab leak, says news report citing US energy department

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

After reading all that insane Spider-Gwen nonsense...

How many biologically born women actively post on ResetEra?

It often seems like the only 'women' that post on RE are Kyuuji and the transmafia.
5 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, YuYu, Jansen, Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower

Jeanluc No.
4 users liked this post: benji, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 10:07 PM)Venice wrote: Question:

After reading all that insane Spider-Gwen nonsense...

How many biologically born women actively post on ResetEra?

It often seems like the only 'women' that post on RE are Kyuuji and the transmafia.

Zero, Ree drove them off the site.
5 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, TacoWallace, D3RANG3D, Nintex, Venice
(06-11-2023, 08:44 PM)YuYu wrote: These fucking weirdos think everyone's trans, unless stated otherwise. GAMERGATE!

To these lunatics, you can twist everything or anyone to make them trans. You could even make Jesus's entire life a trans allegory. Example.

Jesus and his 12 disciples (LGBTQ 'allies') are hunted and killed by the Romans (transphobes). 

They hang him up on a cross with hundreds of other people (trans-genocide), he 'dies' for three days (undergoes gender reassignment surgery), is then 'reborn' into his true body (just like trans folk), and comes out of a cave (just like coming out of the closet) to live his new life.
Quote:The Answer is bad and I never intended to play as the female protag so this doesn't really effect me. Still excited.
Admins or mods, ban this person for being sexist!
9 pages of Ree freaking out over no FemMC
1 user liked this post: Greatness Gone
(06-11-2023, 09:27 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.

Absolutely. If you reversed one of their own insane arguments, like saying that Gwen is Cis because she has small hands, they'd ban you in a heartbeat.

Even if the filmmaker were to stand up and say "well, we didn't mean she was literally trans" they'd probably bec declared transphobes for not letting trans people have that one thing
2 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower

mrmickfran, post: 107123979, member: 10448 wrote:Ichiban showing us that cake 🥵🥵

Hours Left, post: 107165190, member: 8551 wrote:This trailer really said Happy Pride Month! 😎🍑✨

Koppai, post: 107167080, member: 2944 wrote:Yes please. Too bad there isn't any frontal but we all know how the world feels about male nudity 🙄

          Boys Club Rhetoric
is this?
(06-11-2023, 09:27 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.

"Hold up Miles.  I need to buy some tampons to insert in my vagina."

httpwwwyahoocom wrote:
Sky Chief wrote:Literally, 90% of people should think Trump is disqualified from being president
People don't get their news from unbiased sources anymore.

5 users liked this post: BIONIC, benji, ClothedMac, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 08:33 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Quote:- She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
- Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

There's no're trans now.
Professor Scott Steiner
I do like how the cute, feminine and conventionally attractive characters they latch on to are definitely trans, but whenever questions about Marisa in SF6 or Abby in TLOU come up, well that’s just bigotry.
Lol. BDubs took thread making rights away from the Shit Thread Guy -

Quote:Apologies for the necrobump, but since I can’t make new threads I will have to revive this one.

After a long period of stability this cycle has repeated. 10 poops in two days.
(06-11-2023, 10:49 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(06-11-2023, 09:27 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.

"Hold up Miles.  I need to buy some tampons to insert in my vagina."

I don't think that would be considered definitive proof.

(06-09-2023, 04:04 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Just a heads up but not only persons with uteruses can get period craps. ; )
That's true. Nutters without uteruses can actually get imaginary period cramps
(06-11-2023, 10:07 PM)Venice wrote: Question:

After reading all that insane Spider-Gwen nonsense...

How many biologically born women actively post on ResetEra?

It often seems like the only 'women' that post on RE are Kyuuji and the transmafia.
Does biologically born women include all the droves of transmen that are naturally going to be participating as active members of the forum?
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 10:49 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(06-11-2023, 09:27 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.

"Hold up Miles.  I need to buy some tampons to insert in my vagina."

How many times do we need to say it chud: "Transwomen can experience menopause, so logically they can experience periods."
2 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 09:27 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

Spent a while trying and failing to figure out what hypothetical evidence of Gwen being cisgender you could even post that wouldn't immediately get you hounded and banned for transphobia. Short of the filmmakers having a scene where Gwen spells out that she's, I can't really come up with much--maybe them showing her birth video with full-frontal, but that'd wouldn't preclude her being nonbinary.

I dunno, this seems like one of those things the filmmakers might have intentionally wanted to leave open for interpretation and meant for endless fan debate about, but internet discourse being what it is it's never going to actually be a debate.

the ones that won't get you banned:
  • I haven't seen the movie but I assume people talk about her in the third person and use "she/her" and she doesn't protest
  • she uses the female name "Gwen" and hasn't changed it

the ones that will get you banned:
  • feminine-presenting, is not taking hormones, does not have a mustache etc.
  • even fucking era says "she's trans," if they really genuinely thought she was trans they would say "he's trans"
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Kyuuji already has representation in Spider-Man with the symbiote
2 users liked this post: killamajig, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 12:11 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Weirdly claiming that certain genres are more or less popular with women seems to be a big no no on circles like RE. Like when Nintendo had that Mother's day sale and they flipped their shit because it was a bunch of games that are presumed to be more popular with women
(06-11-2023, 02:07 PM)Uncle wrote: I like the posts saying "well clearly they have internal data which would indicate which games women like," which is so irrefutably logical that these people managed not to get banned for downplaying, but they're still drowned out by all the shouting around them
Am I out of touch with what women want? No, it must be the endless data everyone has that's wrong. Am I out of touch?

(06-11-2023, 06:16 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Neoxon wrote:I’m hesitant given that it’s Hashino and he has a long history of misogyny, homophobia, & transphobia.

That said, it’s probably late next year given that they haven’t done any English voice recording yet.

Holy shit, Neoxon. You are a fucking scumbag. Have some sort of self respect to not make yourself look like a performative asshat.
Keeping with The Simpsons theme I imagine Neoxon as Ralph Wiggum: "I'm helping!"

(06-11-2023, 06:43 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:
antispin wrote:I'm really sorry you have to go through this. Must be exhausting. You are a real hero for fighting this. Ideally, this shouldn't even be a fight but here we are... Just trying to show you my support.
Appreciate the support and kind words. For me the discussions around Gwen really highlight cisnormativity and the assumption that every character must be straight or cisgender to begin with, therefore there is a bar (and a particularly high one for trans people) that must be cleared before they are allowed to be seen as trans. Whereas if you start without that assumption and from completely neutral ground the flags alone are enough to suggest a trans identity.
When there's a 99.8% probability of something you're allowed to assume it to be true, advocating for the 0.2% probability is not a heroic act or a rational challenge to dominant narratives.

(06-11-2023, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Not going for our joy but directly replied to a trans person excited that Gwen was trans with "no lol". Then came back later in the thread at a point when we were literally like "we barely get anything, just give us this" just to reassert that you see no reason to think she's trans.

You're also not discussing why you think she's not, as much as disagreeing with why we think she is. You haven't offered anything up other than dismissals of what we've put forward. Well, aside from the "Peter is trans" thing which has like no actual thought put into it.

Meanwhile we have:
  • Gwen has a large trans flag on her bedroom wall with 'protect trans kids' written on it
  • The artists drew a trans flag on her fathers jacket and made his commendations the trans colours, tying both him and his daughter to the concept of trans pride
  • When she details how she's had to live hiding half of who she is from everyone the colours in the scene immediately snap to blue (not teal), white and pink, including banding on her hair
  • Her relationship with her father can easily be interpreted as an allegory to the trans experience of having a parent discover your identity and reject you, forcing you to find community and safety with others like you
  • She gushes when Jessica Drew uses sex instead of gender to refer to her unborn child ("we don't know the sex yet")
  • She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
  • Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?
(06-11-2023, 10:23 PM)Venice wrote:
(06-11-2023, 08:44 PM)YuYu wrote: These fucking weirdos think everyone's trans, unless stated otherwise. GAMERGATE!
To these lunatics, you can twist everything or anyone to make them trans. You could even make Jesus's entire life a trans allegory. Example.
Jesus and his 12 disciples (LGBTQ 'allies') are hunted and killed by the Romans (transphobes). 
They hang him up on a cross with hundreds of other people (trans-genocide), he 'dies' for three days (undergoes gender reassignment surgery), is then 'reborn' into his true body (just like trans folk), and comes out of a cave (just like coming out of the closet) to live his new life.
It's well known in science that you can prove any theory true if you only look for confirmation, hence the emphasis on falsifiability. (Hence, TransEra's refusal to allow this.)

(06-11-2023, 09:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

B-Dubs wrote:With allegations this explosive, and this close to the sort of conspiracy theories that bigots have been pushing the entire pandemic, we feel the thread should stay locked until other major news outlets are able to corroborate the reporting done by the UK Times.

If other outlets are able to independently corroborate this, then we can have the thread. Not before.

If such a moment comes, a reminder that bigotry of any kind will be severely punished.
Bigotry like suggesting that Chinese wet markets (a long time cultural staple and important source of income/food for lower classes) are so unhygienic they can borderline invent entirely new viruses that quickly encircle the globe naturally at any moment?

Interesting that you're trying to protect the colonizers conducting experiments on Chinese land by accusing the natives, B-Dubs. Sorry sorry, I mean "not platform chud conspiracy theories" of course.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Month): Sexist Trolling; History of Trolling
BlueManifest wrote:Basically 50% of gamers are female? Why do I never see any talking about gaming in real life
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Sexist Trolling; History of Serious Dismissive Commentary
Skyzar wrote:I think those stats seem a bit high tbh. Even 30-35% would be a great improvement. Was probably like 15-20% 20-15 years ago.
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:I don't know why we even bother posting GOP tweets. They are so predictable its boring as fuck. Granted the occasional melt down is fun.
Yeah, like Kyuuji with her JK Rowling thread  Curious
Also, I see cameron is back to his obsession with Trump 24/7 posts
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D

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