Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Why is watching their meltdowns so freaking fun  Rejoice
Switters dateline='[url=tel:1698970037' wrote: 1698970037[/url]']
The barbarians are at the gate! Rome is falling!!! And Jeff the super carney can't man the walls! 


No, they're not
No, it isn't
Yes, I actually can

Switters da gawd Rejoice
Quote:The writers' room for the show includes a Better Call Saul alum as the head writer + deaf writers, indigenous writers, and writers who worked on Daredevil/Punisher, so I'm more hopeful than most about this show.

Looks like a real winner.
(11-02-2023, 11:36 PM)benji wrote:
(11-02-2023, 11:27 PM)Venice wrote:

Congratulations on your womb transplant and pregnancy, Kyuuji <3
ClickyCal wrote:This is potentially universal changing for trans people if it could lead to that.
Kyuuji wrote:Not for awhile sadly, but perhaps a couple of generations down the line!
OP wrote:Indeed. As a layman reading the thoughts of people with professional knowledge in this field, it seems like this is a foundational step and something Trans people could well utilise in the future.

Lol no, all people are going to want to use labs instead of pregnancy out of liberation of bodies and autonomy and not long it'll be perfect conditions than in a womb.

Feminism has been about unleashing these shackles.

But I mean sure if it makes them happy, it's just weird to want pregnancy.
(11-02-2023, 11:27 PM)Venice wrote:
(11-02-2023, 07:24 PM)Jordi L'Engorge wrote: Or is Trang a punished Meatloaf in the belly of a big titty robot?

Top of page Trang
[Image: Ce2IOvcWIAAFqfz.jpg]

Congratulations on your womb transplant and pregnancy, Kyuuji <3

Hey man some of us are high here stop gas light krang.
Quote:The MCU in freefall

Zeo: actually its not, these numbers are quite good

Reeeeees keep showing their love for our good friend jeffCU
(11-03-2023, 12:23 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: I can't be bothered to find it, but there was an amazing reply tweet to Bernie Sanders talking about the synagogue mass shooting anniversary that ended with "A WHITE MAN" that has been living rent free in my head since I read it. Always get a chuckle out of it.
I got you since I posted it:
[Image: F9fsajvbcAA4_56?format=jpg&name=small]
(11-03-2023, 12:11 AM)books wrote:
(11-02-2023, 11:41 PM)benji wrote: People who complain about the MCU are easy to explain: it is the vile jealousy of untalented vultures who have absolutely nothing in the way of anything personal or worthwhile to say (because if they did, well, they'd be making art by now), because they think the process of making art itself is the problem. They think learning, exploring, and improving yourself, that using the process of creating art as a means of self-expression and humanism, are inherently useless. They literally do not like being artists. They instead like what they believe is a shortcut to financial gain and respect that comes with being an artist. And ultimately, the world would legitimately be better off without these people.

Nah. They're asocial retards with arrested development.

edit- oooh, you meant the haters. THey're racists and transphobes.
It's Nepenthe's paragraph about people who make AI. Teehee
TheBigJuice wrote:
Solo said: wrote:The MCU in freefall

Zeo: actually its not, these numbers are quite good

They gotta free my brother Zeo, let these non-believers know the truth about what's going on.

denx wrote:Zeo truly does live rent-free in some of ya'll heads.

the tide will turn! Inshallah!  Rejoice
(11-03-2023, 12:51 AM)benji wrote: It's Nepenthe's paragraph about people who make AI. Teehee

The lore is deeper than skyrim.
I'll let good ol' Jeff live in my head rent free as much as he wants. He makes me laugh so much
(11-03-2023, 01:30 AM)Not an Alt Account wrote: I'll let good ol' Jeff live in my head rent free as much as he wants. He makes me laugh so much

Yeah, they're acting like dunking on a spaz who takes things waaay too seriously is a bad thing. JeffMarvel is necessary for the biome to keep on keeping on since we all have a place in this Marvel (occasionally WWE) universe.
(11-03-2023, 01:30 AM)Not an Alt Account wrote: I'll let good ol' Jeff live in my head rent free as much as he wants. He makes me laugh so much

He's gotta live somewhere since his job prospects are pretty slim...
(11-02-2023, 05:00 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Modwhining; Ignoring Staff Post

I love modwhining

was purely invented by resetera  lol

look at these results, it's either era, gaf, or spinoff forums mocking/complaining about it  lol lol lol
(11-03-2023, 01:53 AM)Uncle wrote:
(11-02-2023, 05:00 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Modwhining; Ignoring Staff Post

I love modwhining

was purely invented by resetera  lol
South Park did it:
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent) - Troll Account
boogybro wrote:Requesting a permanent ban. I usually come here for my gaming news but you woke motherfuckers just kill all my joy.

Also can't wait for this game.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent) - Troll Account
Tekkum wrote:same lol (ban request, coming here for news, and looking forward to the game)

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Drive-by antagonizing another member, history of similar behavior
Solo wrote:The MCU in freefall

Zeo: actually its not, these numbers are quite good
(11-03-2023, 02:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Drive-by antagonizing another member, history of similar behavior
Solo wrote:The MCU in freefall

Zeo: actually its not, these numbers are quite good

ZeoVGM: Awww, the Era mods still care about me [Image: JkkDDSq.jpg]
(11-03-2023, 01:53 AM)Uncle wrote:
(11-02-2023, 05:00 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Modwhining; Ignoring Staff Post

I love modwhining

was purely invented by resetera  lol

look at these results, it's either era, gaf, or spinoff forums mocking/complaining about it  lol lol lol

That link led me to this gem

Darkknight2149 wrote:
Revived Half Dead wrote:No matter how strict places like ResetEra or NeoGAF are you always know when someone has been actioned and WHY. They don't hide it.

Honestly, I wouldn't take the ban rationales on ResetEra as gospel. Those are only there for the administrators to set a narrative and give the illusion of transparency. They often don't even match the reasons given in the unban tickets. The admins make all of their decisions in an invisible bubble that no one can see. Their "modwhining" rules (which are literally enforced as "contradicting the staff in any way") are there to keep people from exposing them or calling them out on their bullshit. Even calling their rules "strict" is misleading, because those are enforced wildly inconsistently and at the whim of administrators that don't have any integrity.

Case of point, I'm suing them for defamation of character within the coming months over this gem*. I sent them a legal notice warning them as such and they ignored it, which means this is probably going to have to go to court.

[Image: rUUJsOw.jpeg]

(Yes, there's absolutely a story here. The short version is that there was no harassment or disrespect leading up to the permanent ban, or anything that can be loosely construed as such. Their real reasons for banning me involved a multi-paragraph rant from Hecht about how I'm annoying and won't let people enjoy things, and Transistor telling me that I'm "making people miserable" by criticising an upcoming video game, even though many people have thanked me for the level of detail and effort I put into my posts. The rationale you see above was added days later as a retroactive attempt to justify an otherwise unjustifiable ban.)

That being said, we should make a distinction between the administrators (the people running the site) and the moderators (who are usually volunteers). Many of the moderators I have interacted with (such as Jawmuncher and Queen Vulpix) are great people that don't deserve any kind of condemnation. As someone who stayed off of sensitive threads and mostly frequented the PlayStation, Silent Hill, DC Games, and horror communities, I also think the community itself (despite there being some toxic elements) is great and the people I hung out with are awesome. It's just a shame that the site is controlled by unscrupulous jerks that moderate it as their own personal sandbox and use bans in the same way a Redditor uses downvotes.

I'm actually the last person I ever expected to get permanently banned from that site, because I had been a productive member of that community for years. To give one example, I had been regularly updating the Silent Hill OT with any news, merchandise, interview updates, and Masahiro Ito's Silent Hill tweets, which is another thing I've been thanked for by multiple people. I even earned the site positive media coverage for one of my posts (a couple of them: 1, 2) and I was hoping to get my own flair at some point. Predictably, several people were upset to learn I was banned.

It stings, but at the end of the day, there's a reason why when people read the ban rationale, their first thought is "What the f**k? I know Darkknight2149 can get passionate, but that doesn't sound like them." Meanwhile, the ResetEra administrators are downright infamous for banning people for asinine and arbitrary reasons.

From what I'm reading on this thread, D-Pad sounds even worse though.

*The term "gem" here is used ironically and sarcastically to express derision of the dishonesty of the rationale

They really do behave like battered wives.

"But he told me he loves me..."


Darkknight2149 wrote:Haha.

To be fair, it's not like I go around making legal threats or anything. This was just an instance of actual libel, which wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't have a reputation outside of ResetEra. (Besides, hiring a lawyer for this suit is stretching my finances. I wouldn't have the money for frivolous suits. I also saw some people on that site using that ban rationale to make fun of Silent Hill fans in general, which isn't good.)

You guys don't have to worry about me attacking the staff over a ban, especially a one-week ban of all things. I did get into a flamewar with the admins after the ban was made permanent (which started because I used the ticket system to call them out on their dishonesty, not even the ban itself, which led to them firing back with snark, which escalated the exchanges from there). However, I was very polite and cooperative in my appeals, as I was for the duration of my time on the site.

The idea that the ban was made permanent due to "harassment of staff," and the ticket system was used to "continue" said harassment, is just a lie. I would dare any ResetEra administrator reading this to prove that actually happened. I was shocked at how brazen they were to change it to that.

Then things escalated quickly

Darkknight2149 wrote:Sheesh. I've never been on D-pad or NeoGAF, but it seems like all of those forums are run by seedy a-holes who treat the sites as their own personal playground.

I think the only reason ResetEra has so many professionals and journalists is because of the staff's superficial, disingenuous facade of respectability and caring about social issues.


Bryank75, Founder wrote:I even saw recently Daniel Ahmed was kinda lamenting his hand in it's creation and the route it has gone...


KiryuRealty wrote:Has he lamented the kiddie porn discord he was part of with the other mods from there?

Whoo But that's none of my business...
(11-03-2023, 02:55 AM)Venice wrote:
(11-03-2023, 02:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Drive-by antagonizing another member, history of similar behavior
Solo wrote:The MCU in freefall

Zeo: actually its not, these numbers are quite good

ZeoVGM: Awww, the Era mods still care about me [Image: JkkDDSq.jpg]

One week? ZeoVGM got 3 months for less. This is bullshit.  maf
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Listen, Bobberts walked so Michael Samuel Jackson could run. I don't hate the guy, but the comics discourse is so much improved BY HIS ABSENSE that people are getting banned for stating as much. 

Things that make you go Hmmmm... - C+C Music Factory 1990
No follow up on the defamation suit after nearly a year?
This was on the recent pages of that thread. lol
(11-03-2023, 03:15 AM)benji wrote: No follow up on the defamation suit after nearly a year?

I'm flipping through the thread, not seen anything yet.

He did post this though, which is kinda funny

Darkknight2149 wrote:A thread I made got copy/pasted to NeoGAF without proper attribution.

If anyone with a GAF account wants to post a link to the original thread, I'd appreciate it.

Pretty funny that the shower elf's forum is just content stolen from other forums.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1698970703' wrote: 1698970703[/url]'] wrote:Addressing some complaints

Hi addressing some complaints here. Version 1.0 added pronouns to character creation in Lunacid, which some people are upset about because they exist, and some people are upset because they think it’s a cheap tactic to make people mad, and that I’m hurting people who normally use them.

Originally yes, I did add them as a spiteful response to a similar drama about Starfield. Earlier than that when I noticed them in Baulder’s Gate 3 I was happy that I could be my NB self, and thought wow I really should have added them in my Character Creator. I’ve had similar ideas about adding a gender slider in the past. But that idea didn’t really have a purpose in my eyes until I got mad that day.

Some people who are quoting my tweet have also been leaving out my second one, where I clarified a bit because I thought it could be interpreted badly. I said this under my “I’m adding em, Just to make people mad”,

In a fantasy world you should be able to be whatever you want.

I do think it helps roleplaying a bit, even though there’s no place they are used in-game. I tried to think of some scenarios when they would be used, but talking about the player in third person only happens once in the game, and it’s after the final boss anyway.

Games should be a safe place, where we can experience a world we cannot in real life. And while pronouns are more and more commonplace in real life, where I live in NC, they are not. Which gives me more of a reaction than some to outrages over this small thing.

I wanted to use my control over my world, but I understand that Lunacid isn’t just mine. It belongs to all of you. If you don’t like pronouns existing at all, you are going to have a tougher and tougher time coping as the world progresses without you. And if I hurt you because you feel that I weaponized your differences or your pain, then I am very sorry.

I want this game to be uplifting, I want it to be a dream in which you can experience triumph over impossible odds and then wake up at the end and bring newfound confidence with you. In reality I am just emulating the dreams I had when I was near ending my life. They became lucid and when I triumphed in them and woke up, I brought those feelings with me, and they helped me. That’s what this game is about, and if I’m doing the opposite then I’m not a very good game designer.
Thank you for your service!

I will only say:

I dunno how a man child throwing a hissy fit made a dev so mad enough to create a pronouns option and announcing it in the most aggressive way at Twitter. Then again, seems that the game is pretty good regardless so… Yeshrug
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia
From the community thread:

Alexandros wrote:I would like to draw the staff's attention to a matter that seems troubling to me. In the "crisis at Marvel" thread and now in the Loki Nielsen ratings thread, there are multiple posts (might be 15-20 between both threads) by various users making fun of a specific poster that is currently banned. Regardless of whether anyone believes that said user 'had it coming', targeted online attacks by multiple people against a single person who isn't even able to respond and defend themselves verges on online bullying.
For a forum that hates cops there sure are a lot of fucking snitches on it.
HELP POLICE a shitty hostile user is being mocked
Another Jeff fan, there's still hope for the MCU


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