Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-14-2024, 03:26 AM)PogiJones wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention


So we DO have inflators


I just now noticed inflators instead of infiltrators.  Existential
(03-16-2024, 05:44 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

charmeleon wrote:Looks at Biden having a victory from Covid speech right before Delta kills a couple hundred thousand people, looks at Biden as the CDC changes the isolation guidelines telling sick people to go back to work early right before Omicron comes through and kills a couple hundred thousand people. Very proactive! Looks at Biden ending pretty much every government program and rule that helped people that was instituted during the pandemic under Trump. Yeah not seeing them do much better.

It was always be funny to me that Operation Warp Speed was by far the most helpful/important thing anyone did for Covid and Trump will never get credit due to the antivax on the right and the left just pretending it doesn't exist.
Nintex alt? hmm

I don't do alts but I agree 100%. Same with banning flights from China and sending that medical navy ship to New York.
2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-16-2024, 06:16 PM)Nintex wrote: I don't do alts


jett wrote:The "popular" opinion of people in a highly specific age bracket that grew up as little kiddies watching this stuff. That performance and character were ass back then and they are still ass today.
(03-16-2024, 06:12 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:26 AM)PogiJones wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord


So we DO have inflators


I just now noticed inflators instead of infiltrators.  Existential

Still works to be fair
(03-16-2024, 05:44 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

charmeleon wrote:Looks at Biden having a victory from Covid speech right before Delta kills a couple hundred thousand people, looks at Biden as the CDC changes the isolation guidelines telling sick people to go back to work early right before Omicron comes through and kills a couple hundred thousand people. Very proactive! Looks at Biden ending pretty much every government program and rule that helped people that was instituted during the pandemic under Trump. Yeah not seeing them do much better.

It was always be funny to me that Operation Warp Speed was by far the most helpful/important thing anyone did for Covid and Trump will never get credit due to the antivax on the right and the left just pretending it doesn't exist.
Nintex alt? hmm

On the wider topic of Gen Z. They watched how the millenials got screwed over by the boomers and did nothing to protest and now its their turn to be fucked over by Gen X and the boomers, sometimes literally. Boomers are using the younger generations as their retirement fund when they sell their homes or charge sky high rent. The only jobs most zoomers have are gigs and service jobs. They're starting to realize that they're fucked and there is very little they can do, except move to Singapore, Thailand, Portugal and other 'cheap' places as digital nomads or try their hand a social media side hustle. But even on OnlyFans 3% of all the accounts make 99% of the money. 

AI is throwing even more fuel on the fire because why hire a 'junior worker' or intern when an AI can do the same job cheaper?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2024, 02:04 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Bonus: Kyuuji whining about people not trusting her

Kyuuji wrote:I've resigned myself to cis people perpetually assuming they know more about the discourse than we do and that we're always making it out to be worse than it is. They already seem to know better than us about the way we feel, who we are, how our bodies should be and what is and isn't transphobic. May as well toss our history onto the pile too.
You're literally calling things a genocide. You make up conspiracy theories constantly. You can't articulate a theory that's not incoherent and contradictory.

(03-16-2024, 02:33 PM)BIONIC wrote: They couldn’t let him go

Surakian, post: 120529755, member: 16266 wrote:[USER=92154]Icebergslim[/USER] i wanted to address your comment in the closed thread about JK Rowling being a Nazi.

Current neo-Nazi rhetoric is focused less on Holocaust denial as a whole but focuses on specific aspects of the Holocaust as being wrong or incorrect. Typically it focuses on certain numbers being wrong (i.e. only 300k Jewish people died vs millions), certain groups were not a part of the Holocaust (i.e. trans people were not killed, POC were not included), or that certain things did not occur (i.e. book burning was exaggerated, the camps were not as people claim them to be)

JK Rowling is a Nazi because she is outright claiming medical records and research about gender and sexual diversity was not burned, and that trans people were not a group of people targeted by Nazis when we know for a fact all of this did occur as we have news reports from that time as proof of the fact.

Modern Nazism is denial about any aspect of the Holocaust being wrong. JK Rowling is a Nazi.
But this wasn't part of the Holocaust. Trans people weren't targeted because the concept didn't exist yet and the Nazis never even mentioned any of this.

Guess I'm a Nazi now for insisting on historical fact rather than accepting that random trans people inherently know better and aren't always making things out worse than they actually are always to their rhetorical benefit.

Meanwhile, these anti-Nazis want to use the state to enforce a pseudoscience occult belief on everyone and "deplatform" anything that disputes it.

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): trolling
charmeleon wrote:
Hollywood Duo wrote:Trump was literally saying before the election that Covid was essentially a hoax to try and get Biden elected. He did nothing and actively sabotaged some of the actual adults remaining in the administration.
Remember before the election when Biden and Harris were fueling vaccine skepticism? 

Quote:Asked by CNN's Dana Bash in a clip released Saturday whether she would get a vaccine that was approved and distributed before the election, Harris replied, "Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us."
Quote:When asked by Bash whether she thought that public health experts and scientists would get the last word on the efficacy of a vaccine, Harris predicted that they will not.

"If past is prologue that they will not, they'll be muzzled, they'll be suppressed, they will be sidelined," Harris said. "Because he's looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he's grasping to get whatever he can to pretend he has been a leader on this issue when he is not."
(03-16-2024, 07:13 PM)benji wrote: I'm a Nazi now
[Image: EMPxK0BXkAA_aDn?format=jpg&name=small]

Twohearts wrote:I think its ok to have a tricky relationship with harry potter, I'm trans and I play some of the really old video games sometimes, but I run them from discs I bought when I was a kid and I'm not giving her any money and I don't talk about it publically, it's just a ways of destressing for a little bit.
No one's telling them to sell the books, just to not keep giving her money or public attention

Thank you for your service!

Stiltzkin, post: 120541263, member: 6263 wrote:You know how at the beginning of a road trip you're so excited and talking a lot and then by about hour 7 you have nothing to say to each other lol

RoadTripSmasher, post: 120541305, member: 6260 wrote:I'm usually the opposite. Because I stay up all night before a road trip so I don't sleep in and miss the departure, I usually sleep in the car for the first couple hours and then wake up when everybody else is getting tired of driving, ha.

Yeah exactly. They stop talking when you wake up because they’re tired But that's none of my business... Girlslaff
People were posting pictures of burning their already owned Harry Potter books on resetera a few years ago… 😂

Sheev wrote:But yeah, I've known people who are massive HP fans and cut them out when they haven't cared in the slightest about her hate. I was such a massive fun as a kid who'd read all the books, watched the films religiously and delved deep into the lore and I still managed to cut the franchise out of my life completely when she showed her ass. It is impossible to separate such a hateful person from her work.

If people actually cared about the lives of queer people they would be able to simply not support her work easily, but here we are.

Take note TwoHearts !
(03-16-2024, 02:49 PM)malfoyking wrote: I wonder how many who are left/liberal do not feel welcome in the era/twitter/r-gamingcirclejerk "left"/"progressive" circles. We all know when you doubt them or dont blanket agree with them, you are labelled a nazi. So many black/poc nazi's running around.

I would say the vast majority of normal "left leaning" people would not feel welcome. I'm "left leaning" and have a decent mix of liberal and conservative friends/family/coworkers(sorry REEEE, I don't plan on cutting off my conservative family/friends.) I've never run into anyone in the real world that gives a shit about JK Rowling, Trans Genocide, Titties in Gaming, ect.... 

Anyway, fuck internet communities. They will almost always turn into a one-sided cunt filled bubble. These people will never be happy and can't see how privileged they are to have been born in a relatively stable and peaceful country. The only good thing about these internet hellholes is the drama they create.
When hachikoma randomly appears in my timeline

(03-16-2024, 03:11 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-15-2024, 04:55 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Captain from Outer Space wrote:The trash UK media is getting into the Black Panther dev news with all of the nuance of a wrecking ball.

Curious what context would make this:

Quote:'ValiDate has a team of all people of color. We have no white people on our team,' she shared during a talk at the Game Devs of Color Expo.

'I did that because I wanted to create a safe environment, and I know the best way for an environment to be safe is to be around people who are just like me.

She added: 'I’m not saying white people are creating unsafe environments, I’m saying sometimes it’s hard to work with white people because sometimes they think something is okay, but it’s actually a microaggression.

'And no one wants to deal with that while you're trying to make a game that they love.'

Totally okay and not racist?

As a follow up: turns out the devs ended up getting microagressioned anyway by the small number of people who bought the game  lol

Keatan cute as fuck no homo
3 users liked this post: Potato, Kadayi, Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2024, 12:33 PM)Uncle wrote:
(03-16-2024, 07:11 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: [Image: ck8mCiV.png]

[Image: amN2PwB.png]

2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower
TwoHearts has this She/her/it in pronouns and quite a few other user too

i want to see what actually happen if somebody on reee actually talk to these people constantly as "it" and ignore the she/her

i wonder how quickly trans mafia will be upset for trying to be "slick"
Also, kyuuji cunt not knowing they talk about. sees someone think harry potter adults making harry potter themed weddings are dumb, there for thinks this person hates terf bitch jk rowlings and pro trans:

Kyuuji, post: 120542946, member: 31943 wrote:She also started distancing herself from Potter and Rowling in *2020*, when precious few cis people were listening to trans people who'd been sounding the alarm for over a year.

but then

shacklesmcgee, post: 120543084, member: 3676 wrote:Uhhhh...

"Miriam Margolyes has spoken out in defence of JK Rowling, saying that anger at the author's views on trans people has been "misplaced"."
She also says of rowlings:
Quote:I admire her as a human being. She's a generous woman, she's a brilliant writer."

kyuuji caught clearly posting shit by the minute and not knowing wtf they even talking about 

Did Kyuuji just get out Potter'd by another member?  literally shaking
They genuinely forgot how hard they went against Rowling already. Is kind of delusional to think “people are going to hate her little by little” when the backlash was stronger years before.
"Sounding the alarm" lmao. You dumb motherfucker. How do you not understand that there is nothing you can do to a rich person as a peasant once they're already rich? Kanye killed his Adidas deal by opening his mouth and the guy still lives a life better than 99% of anyone who has ever been alive. 

You can't hurt Rowling even if you wanted to, but what you do end up doing by boycotting her franchise is also negatively impacting the thousands of other wage salves that depend on that franchise to feed their own family. All in the name of your righteous crusade to snuff our her right to free speech and having an opinion.
(03-16-2024, 09:20 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
Kyuuji, post: 120542946, member: 31943 wrote:She also started distancing herself from Potter and Rowling in *2020*, when precious few cis people were listening to trans people who'd been sounding the alarm for over a year.

but then
shacklesmcgee, post: 120543084, member: 3676 wrote:Uhhhh...

"Miriam Margolyes has spoken out in defence of JK Rowling, saying that anger at the author's views on trans people has been "misplaced"."
She also says of rowlings:
Quote:I admire her as a human being. She's a generous woman, she's a brilliant writer."
(03-16-2024, 02:04 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:I've resigned myself to cis people perpetually assuming they know more about the discourse than we do and that we're always making it out to be worse than it is.
Quote:"Why are we talking and not listening?" he asked. "We've lost trust in the media and politicians. And some in the media are wonderful and some politicians are wonderful—on both sides of the divide. I have a political position and I have good friends on the other side of that political divide. Honestly, I'm not trying to be cute: What's so hard about that? Why are we shutting [conversation] down? Left and right are ideological arguments about how to run a state. That's all they are. They are not a right or wrong, or good and bad. It's which do you think has greater efficacy? That's it. You try one, and if that doesn't work out, you vote it out, and you try again a different way. That's a process. But we've made it into 'good and bad.' We made it into a moral issue, and it's fucking idiotic, and incredibly dangerous … I personally [blame] some of this on social media. There is a an interaction that exists human-to-human that floats away when it reaches a public forum."

Both sides, huh. gtfo of here Alex Garland. For me this really smothers any potential excitement generated by Chaw's tweet. Garland talks like he doesn't have skin in the game... and as a rich white dude I guess he doesn't?

Alex Garland: "This supposed good and evil divide in politics is dumb and even dangerous"

They're trained to see any semblance of conciliation and daylight between opposing parties as wrong.  Like, instantly.  They don't even think about it: BOTH SIDES?!? It's fucking cultic.
"Joanne is a Nazi!"
*Joanne posts anything*

*repeat endlessly*
(03-16-2024, 09:41 PM)Propagandhim wrote: They're trained to see any semblance of conciliation and daylight between opposing parties as wrong.  Like, instantly.  They don't even think about it: BOTH SIDES?!? It's fucking cultic.
Exactly what an enemy of the people would say to undermine solidarity against their enemies. ufup
(03-16-2024, 09:37 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:"Why are we talking and not listening?" he asked. "We've lost trust in the media and politicians. And some in the media are wonderful and some politicians are wonderful—on both sides of the divide. I have a political position and I have good friends on the other side of that political divide. Honestly, I'm not trying to be cute: What's so hard about that? Why are we shutting [conversation] down? Left and right are ideological arguments about how to run a state. That's all they are. They are not a right or wrong, or good and bad. It's which do you think has greater efficacy? That's it. You try one, and if that doesn't work out, you vote it out, and you try again a different way. That's a process. But we've made it into 'good and bad.' We made it into a moral issue, and it's fucking idiotic, and incredibly dangerous … I personally [blame] some of this on social media. There is a an interaction that exists human-to-human that floats away when it reaches a public forum."

Both sides, huh. gtfo of here Alex Garland. For me this really smothers any potential excitement generated by Chaw's tweet. Garland talks like he doesn't have skin in the game... and as a rich white dude I guess he doesn't?

Alex Garland: "This supposed good and evil divide in politics is dumb and even dangerous"


if you cheer for sport team I don't like then you are evil.  maf
(03-16-2024, 09:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote: They genuinely forgot how hard they went against Rowling already. Is kind of delusional to think “people are going to hate her little by little” when the backlash was stronger years before.
There were times they were so confused they even had to asked TransRee if they're supposed to hate Rowling.
If Joanne doesn't support a militarized single-party Aryan ethnostate then why doesn't she agree with me on everything?

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