Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
GamerJM wrote:I don't understand why having an actual revolution where we violently ovethrow the current status quo is so completely out of the question for something that could happen some day in America. I know many leftists who are willing to throw down, for whom it's not simply cosplay or LARP.

[Image: 32065-m.jpg]
(03-22-2024, 04:46 AM)Potato wrote:
(03-22-2024, 03:30 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Hasan's 3 hour videos is just a rip of his livestream where he gets lost in his thought until suddenly he gets sidetracked by a random chatter that turns into a 40 minute argument with chat.

Cutting edge content.

If you watch that shit, you should be shot.

(03-22-2024, 04:15 AM)Polident wrote:
(03-22-2024, 12:24 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
No surprised DrForester happily posted this.

There’s absolutely a hypocrisy to saying this here… how the fuck are these guys constantly active across era, Twitter, and Reddit. Hardly surprising they lack any identity when their life experience is aggregated by browsing various social media bubbles. But it’s at a scale where it’s like they don’t watch or play or read any media.

This, but dumber

No point them having watched, read or played any of that stuff as they will ALWAYS take a literal view of any message in any media.

Don't you dare humanise the nazi/racist/republican/cop! Morally grey antagonists are morally wrong!!!!!1!1!!!1!
(03-22-2024, 04:31 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Thoughtslime sprung off the serfstv if I recall correctly and is of similar low intelligence, not even worth hate watching he’s just really dull. Also a Canadian
Oh god, I had no idea. Jeanluc

(03-22-2024, 04:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
GamerJM wrote:I don't understand why having an actual revolution where we violently ovethrow the current status quo is so completely out of the question for something that could happen some day in America. I know many leftists who are willing to throw down, for whom it's not simply cosplay or LARP.

Because the status quo is better than the impoverished totalitarian slavery alternative you're proposing?
(03-22-2024, 04:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
GamerJM wrote:I don't understand why having an actual revolution where we violently ovethrow the current status quo is so completely out of the question for something that could happen some day in America. I know many leftists who are willing to throw down, for whom it's not simply cosplay or LARP.

and his name is George…uh, Glass. George Glass. He’s a poly queer freedom fighter. He goes to a different school.
Quote:While I'm down for a broader coalition of the left, I think you should always be wary of aligning with liberal and centrists. They're going to be the ones who cry about breaking up the alliance because you're not willing to let capitalist forces do just a little more racism/sexism/transphobia/exploitation of the workers and generally make material conditions worse in exchange for something aesthetically pleasing to them. Also, as others have noted, these are the same forces that will instantly throw you to the wolves when conservatives come with a "compromise"/payday. My only warning is allies are only useful until they are not.
Hesright Eliminate the wreckers within the Party first!

Quote:I really don't understand why leftists go for the low hanging fruit and getting that done. That being:

20 days mandatory PTO a year
Paid paternity and maternity leave
Nationwide ban on corporate housing, with a federal housing bill(each state needs to build x amount of homes to meet demand)
32 hour work week
Make layoffs effectively illegal.
Heavy regulation on insurance companies, making pre authorization illegal, and essentially make it so insurance cannot obtain health information.
Corporate Tax at pre 80s levels.

Like these are literally common sense, and would get the support of like 80% of Americans.
Dead Dead Dead Dead 

Quote:This article was originally written in 1996 and still is just as applicable today. Might help clear things up for you. Saying "liberals can be a little irritating" is such a huge fucking understatement.
Adolph Reed Jr.? That transphobic Uncle Tom who's against identity politics??? Yikes
Thordinson wrote:Both Red Scares and programs like COINTELPRO happened.

It's weird that folks are saying the reason is that folks have splintered due to social media but the Left has always splintered and fought. Many of these fights and divisions were caused by the government.
lozjam wrote:With that said, I am in complete agreement. I really don't understand why leftists go for the low hanging fruit and getting that done. That being:

20 days mandatory PTO a year
Paid paternity and maternity leave
Nationwide ban on corporate housing, with a federal housing bill(each state needs to build x amount of homes to meet demand)
32 hour work week
Make layoffs effectively illegal.
Heavy regulation on insurance companies, making pre authorization illegal, and essentially make it so insurance cannot obtain health information.
Corporate Tax at pre 80s levels.

Like these are literally common sense, and would get the support of like 80% of Americans

Is it tho?
You can't fire anybody and any business except the largest corporations is taxed into dirt while insurance is illegal and you have to live in state housing. This is common sense and would get support by 80% of Americans who are all being radicalized by YouTube.
danm999 using AOC as an example tells me enough.

AOC is as fake as a "socialist" as Bernie Sanders. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wonder how much the outfit cost?  Wink
[Image: D94JGvUXUAAbMRP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]
(03-22-2024, 05:25 AM)benji wrote: You can't fire anybody and any business except the largest corporations is taxed into dirt while insurance is illegal and you have to live in state housing. This is common sense and would get support by 80% of Americans who are all being radicalized by YouTube.

Do it like the Japanese. Don't they need to give advance notice about possible layoffs and have a good reason for it with proof they tried everything to prevent it?
(03-22-2024, 06:12 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: danm999 using AOC as an example tells me enough.

AOC is as fake as a "socialist" as Bernie Sanders. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wonder how much the outfit cost?  Wink
[Image: D94JGvUXUAAbMRP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

Please tell me that's Trump's border wall and she's fake crying over it
(03-22-2024, 06:12 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: danm999 using AOC as an example tells me enough.

AOC is as fake as a "socialist" as Bernie Sanders. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wonder how much the outfit cost?  Wink
[Image: D94JGvUXUAAbMRP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

Woah at that photo. 

That shit that AOC is pulling is as corny as Trump hugging the U.S. flag.
(03-22-2024, 06:25 AM)Potato wrote:
(03-22-2024, 06:12 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: danm999 using AOC as an example tells me enough.

AOC is as fake as a "socialist" as Bernie Sanders. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wonder how much the outfit cost?  Wink
[Image: D94JGvUXUAAbMRP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

Please tell me that's Trump's border wall and she's fake crying over it

That is kind of worse.  lol
How many Era posters does it take to change a light bulb?

(03-22-2024, 07:27 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: How many Era posters does it take to change a light bulb?

After the revolution, all you need is to find a guy whose hobby is replacing lightbulbs. Simple.

Well, also need people who actively enjoy running the electrical grid. And supplying the grid. And maintenance. And making the lightbulbs. And the mining the components to make the lightbulbs. Lots and lots of carrots.
Nothing political on my youtube. There is a lot of Sean Lock though, and he once suggested bringing back the Nazi's and putting them on a tropical island.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Our boy Irish Ninja is back and ready to ban bait!

Irish Ninja wrote:
strangelove777 said: wrote:I think you just described this forum.

how's that?

BringBackSonics said wrote:It's kind of strange seeing some on the left turn on AOC, because some of her stances have been pragmatic. Its actually allowed me to really appreciate the work that she puts in

she, bernie & others have predictably been disappointing with the ongoing genocide of palestinians, not sure where pragmatism factors in there

AdamE said wrote:The Atlantic is a left punching publication, so i'm wondering who this article is actually for?

thank you - to be honest, the media bar in this country is so low, many folks assume NYT leans left, despite its long history of fascist apologia/platforming, so in comparison, atlantic appears more "left", certainly to those who do not read/practice outside of the terribly small us red v blue dichotomy
that said, neither site challenges power/capital. it's especially dire given the speed & effort of media consolidation here

AdamE said wrote:Like, right now many liberals are complaining that a lot of Leftists not wanting to support Biden because of their opposition to genocide. Is that included?
Anyway, as someone who isn't American, the definition of who is considered a leftist is amusing because of how far right the Overton window is.
strongly agreed, and that window is creeping right at such a pace that even fascist talking points (great replacement theory, etc) are normalized in recent years

stranger still that "leftist" is often - at least, online - thrown about vaguely, when historically it's understood as a wide umbrella of anticapitalists, a hard line between said groups and those wishing simply reform the hierarchies of capitalist empire (liberals, progressives)
in the top 5 stupid cunts of history for that website, that lad
These dudes are so weird with this shit. This aggressive ignorance where they have this utter disdain for people who aren't as blind as they are.

Irish Ninja wrote:thank you - to be honest, the media bar in this country is so low, many folks assume NYT leans left, despite its long history of fascist apologia/platforming, so in comparison, atlantic appears more "left", certainly to those who do not read/practice outside of the terribly small us red v blue dichotomy
This is just, like, obviously wrong. The Atlantic has always been to the "right" of the New York Times which is one of the most leftward mainstream media publications. The Atlantic has its roots in what settled in the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party.

Yeah, sure, none of them are calling for the immediate violent overthrow of the state to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat but that's because there's no audience for that in the United States and never has been. (Although, see after next quote.)

The New York Times, like much of the equivalent media, platformed/supported fascists because fascism was seen as progressive in the 1920's and 1930's just like Stalin was. The "left" didn't develop problems with the fascists until they started competing for all the same places in Europe. Ideologically they always agreed on most everything except the international nature of the totalitarian socialist state.

Irish Ninja wrote:it's especially dire given the speed & effort of media consolidation here
This is just factually false too. There's more media outlets than ever, the fact that the "socialist" outlets these guys all read can exist today is proof of just how far the media has expanded not consolidated. These guys seems to think there was this huge swath of media in the 1980's or even 1990's. There was ABC, CBS and NBC which were all exactly the same, your one local station that was no different and one newspaper. And the first part were basically enforced by state-corporate-fiat that didn't allow distinctive voices. PBS was actually the more hospitable place to non-Democratic Party views. CNN barely existed yet.

These guys hear about radio stations (or the last newspapers standing) being bought up because they delusionally think there's somehow a local audience to sustain all those stations with programming that's not syndicated out. Even though that stopped being viable in the 1980's. They think their local stations are going to put on readings of Lenin on a shoestring budget rather than just go out of business without a corporate parent?

And if they got their way and the Fairness Doctrine was back these stations would even less likely to platform anything radical because it would mean they have to balance the debate. You know what that would lead to? Exactly what it did back then, not putting on contentious issues at all.

They're again bitching about an environment that's more favorable to them today.

Irish Ninja wrote:
AdamE said wrote:Anyway, as someone who isn't American, the definition of who is considered a leftist is amusing because of how far right the Overton window is.
strongly agreed, and that window is creeping right at such a pace that even fascist talking points (great replacement theory, etc) are normalized in recent year.
The state has more power than ever in the United States, the bureaucracy is larger and has more control than ever, with all of this growing exponentially and exactly how the "left" has demanded for my entire life and yet we're supposedly flying to the right? The Overton Window is "far right" compared to 1980? 1990? 2000? With a how much more massive state with its tentacles increasingly everywhere in everyway?

This is the complete incoherence of their views. I stripped it but he, like many on that forum, talk about the left being anti-capitalists. And what is anti-capitalist? Centralized control where everything is owned by a single corporate monopoly and where disagreement with that corporate plan is treason. No trade with others, no laboring for yourself, no choosing your profession, no purchasing what you want, simply organized top-down production and distribution by the self-selected elite. You can't allow any of this stuff or capitalism inherently creeps back in. Anti-capitalists who allow for the good parts of capitalism like Nepenthe seems to want? Well then damn, look who's the one who actually has moved the Overton Window to the right since Lenin!

The fascists were violent revolutionaries who wanted to overthrow the status quo, destroy all existing institutions, seize all property, eliminate capitalism and refashion society until there was nothing between it and the state. Where everything was the domain of politics with a constant state-directed struggle against the "enemy" forces that would sap the "will" of "the people" from being directed to the utopia the party had the divine grant to create. They believed their morality was superior to things like the law which should not bind the revolutionary spirit. Exactly what these guys support. Exactly what basically every communist revolutionary called for and did.

They spend all their days with these angry diatribes about how they're the TRUE left and they're in an endless struggle against fascism and the need for violence to sweep away modern society for unceasing politics completely ignorant of all of this because it's about not ever actually thinking about anything except how to posture and express your righteous emotions against Emmanuel Goldstein.

Totalitarians raging against reality for eluding their personal control.
(03-22-2024, 09:17 AM)benji wrote: These dudes are so weird with this shit. This aggressive ignorance where they have this utter disdain for people who aren't as blind as they are.

Irish Ninja wrote:thank you - to be honest, the media bar in this country is so low, many folks assume NYT leans left, despite its long history of fascist apologia/platforming, so in comparison, atlantic appears more "left", certainly to those who do not read/practice outside of the terribly small us red v blue dichotomy
This is just, like, obviously wrong. The Atlantic has always been to the "right" of the New York Times which is one of the most leftward mainstream media publications. The Atlantic has its roots in what settled in the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party.

Yeah, sure, none of them are calling for the immediate violent overthrow of the state to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat but that's because there's no audience for that in the United States and never has been. (Although, see after next quote.)

The New York Times, like much of the equivalent media, platformed/supported fascists because fascism was seen as progressive in the 1920's and 1930's just like Stalin was. The "left" didn't develop problems with the fascists until they started competing for all the same places in Europe. Ideologically they always agreed on most everything except the international nature of the totalitarian socialist state.

Irish Ninja wrote:it's especially dire given the speed & effort of media consolidation here
This is just factually false too. There's more media outlets than ever, the fact that the "socialist" outlets these guys all read can exist today is proof of just how far the media has expanded not consolidated. These guys seems to think there was this huge swath of media in the 1980's or even 1990's. There was ABC, CBS and NBC which were all exactly the same, your one local station that was no different and one newspaper. And the first part were basically enforced by state-corporate-fiat that didn't allow distinctive voices. PBS was actually the more hospitable place to non-Democratic Party views. CNN barely existed yet.

These guys hear about radio stations (or the last newspapers standing) being bought up because they delusionally think there's somehow a local audience to sustain all those stations with programming that's not syndicated out. Even though that stopped being viable in the 1980's. They think their local stations are going to put on readings of Lenin on a shoestring budget rather than just go out of business without a corporate parent?

And if they got their way and the Fairness Doctrine was back these stations would even less likely to platform anything radical because it would mean they have to balance the debate. You know what that would lead to? Exactly what it did back then, not putting on contentious issues at all.

They're again bitching about an environment that's more favorable to them today.

Irish Ninja wrote:
AdamE said wrote:Anyway, as someone who isn't American, the definition of who is considered a leftist is amusing because of how far right the Overton window is.
strongly agreed, and that window is creeping right at such a pace that even fascist talking points (great replacement theory, etc) are normalized in recent year.
The state has more power than ever in the United States, the bureaucracy is larger and has more control than ever, with all of this growing exponentially and exactly how the "left" has demanded for my entire life and yet we're supposedly flying to the right? The Overton Window is "far right" compared to 1980? 1990? 2000? With a how much more massive state with its tentacles increasingly everywhere in everyway?

This is the complete incoherence of their views. I stripped it but he, like many on that forum, talk about the left being anti-capitalists. And what is anti-capitalist? Centralized control where everything is owned by a single corporate monopoly and where disagreement with that corporate plan is treason. No trade with others, no laboring for yourself, no choosing your profession, no purchasing what you want, simply organized top-down production and distribution by the self-selected elite. You can't allow any of this stuff or capitalism inherently creeps back in. Anti-capitalists who allow for the good parts of capitalism like Nepenthe seems to want? Well then damn, look who's the one who actually has moved the Overton Window to the right since Lenin!

The fascists were violent revolutionaries who wanted to overthrow the status quo, destroy all existing institutions, seize all property, eliminate capitalism and refashion society until there was nothing between it and the state. Where everything was the domain of politics with a constant state-directed struggle against the "enemy" forces that would sap the "will" of "the people" from being directed to the utopia the party had the divine grant to create. They believed their morality was superior to things like the law which should not bind the revolutionary spirit. Exactly what these guys support. Exactly what basically every communist revolutionary called for and did.

They spend all their days with these angry diatribes about how they're the TRUE left and they're in an endless struggle against fascism and the need for violence to sweep away modern society for unceasing politics completely ignorant of all of this because it's about not ever actually thinking about anything except how to posture and express your righteous emotions against Emmanuel Goldstein.

Totalitarians raging against reality for eluding their personal control.
[Image: galcares.png]

EchosOfTheCyborg openly lusting for a female character from a children’s game.
Are your headmates talking to each other @benji?

(03-22-2024, 09:31 AM)Boredfrom wrote:émon-champion.829842/
EchosOfTheCyborg openly lusting for a female character from a children’s game.

What a nonce
(03-22-2024, 09:31 AM)Boredfrom wrote:émon-champion.829842/

EchosOfTheCyborg openly lusting for a female character from a children’s game.

Nah Lance is best champion cus he has a cape and thinks dragons are cool.  Pimp

Keep your transbian fetish to yourself, my dude Ma'am Whatever you are at this point in time.
what are the fucking black droplet things in her hair, she looks like a sheep
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-22-2024, 11:05 AM)Uncle wrote: what are the fucking black droplet things in her hair, she looks like a sheep

Is supposed to be a reference to Umbreon, as Echos Of the Transbian said:

EchosOfTheFetish wrote:She really seems to love to base her clothes off her favourite Pokemon. Like her classic clothes invoke Umbreon
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:Capcom deserves the backlash, it was overdue, even if it's mostly coming from misinformation.

That is so leftist and right wing lunatic:

“X deserves the backlash, it was overdue, even if it’s mostly coming from misinformation.”

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