Journal of Other Forum Analysis

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Sexist Commentary; Boys Club Behaviour
Scuttlefluff wrote:Has anyone said Galactussy yet“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-28?post=121153002#post-121153002

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121148430, member: 40323 wrote:I think one thing to point out is that while the current rhetoric of "woke" and crap we're mocking in this thread is so blatant, obvious and very fun to make fun is that we need to remember to stay vigilant to it and to call it out and refuse it to allow to take root.

Years ago, long before Woke or SJW and Gamergate, the catchphrase for these people was "I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist" and this seemed to dupe A LOT of people both offline and online, men and women, especially from "intellectual" white men (the same type of people who mistake being snarky and smug for being actually smart) like I remember this rhetoric being everywhere back around 2011-2014 in the UK and US and there being a lot of stock phrases like "I believe in equal rights for everyone no just women" completely misunderstanding what feminism is (or that you can a feminist and humanist but it seemed none of these people took the 10 second to actually look up what humanism is). I remember the moral handwringing and the chuds of then having a fit when Beyonce openly and proudly called herself a feminist and refused to back down.

I remember at University their was a lecture where the lecturer asked everyone to raise their hand is they considered themselves a feminist; Every woman in the room raised their hand but only one man did and when the lecturer asked why the rest of the men why they didn't consider themselves feminists, they just repeated the "I'm a humanist" rhetoric verbatim and when the lecturer point out the logical flaws of their arguments, they didn't have a responses and just continued to parrot the phrases that were fed to them from the same sources the "woke" rhetoric of today is fed from.

Thankfully this shit died to the point it seems like a lot of people have forgotten it was ever a thing but my point is that we need to be aware of how insidious it can be and to not allow to take shape or that just because you can recognize it one form, doesn't mean your immune to it; I fully believe that one of the reasons why the alt right is so strong in gaming, comic and internet circles is because we failed to push against this (and failed to listen to the women, POC, LGBTQ+ people etc who were calling it out) back during the 00s, both the community and the companies that profited from it and refused to step in like Steam and didn't see where "PC Master Race" jokes were leading to and allowing into the community.

PlanetSmasher, post: 121153002, member: 6260 wrote:God, I remember those days. When I was still a teenager, I was intensely opposed to labeling myself as anything. I didn't want to be thought of as a nerd, as a feminist, as anything. I pushed back on all of that shit because I was so desperate to be thought of as "normal" after spending middle school as an outcast, so I tried to use faux-intellectual logic like that to talk my way around having to use any labels.

I'm significantly more socialist than I was then, primarily because I had a bunch of female friends who repeatedly punched holes in my logic and sat me down to be like "you know that if you believe all the same stuff we do, you ARE a feminist, even if you don't like the container, right?" Once I outgrew the need to kneejerk reject any label thrown at me things became a lot easier.

EntelechyFuff, post: 121161045, member: 61531 wrote:Yeah, people are getting really aggro in this thread. Take the blinders off, folks: there's kind of a goofy intra-forum brigading effect happening between this thread and the sexualized character designs thread, which really isn't worth it.

The clincher for me was "Eve has this certain realism and sensitivity to her, and I love it."

Like, c'mon now.

EntelechyFuff, post: 121163436, member: 61531 wrote:Weird how it is easier to post (and read) any Activision-Blizzard or Ubisoft game thread than this one.

Half of this thread is ban bait, and at this point I don't buy that there's really any virtuous motive to it--at least at this point.

I haven't even played the demo, nor will I be buying the game--for all the reasons stated--but the backdoor attempt to ban conversation of the game by sealioning everyone who mentions having a significant other or positive impressions is really tacky and insincere.

I think Xenoblade 2 character designs were gross, I didn't buy that game, and I did post about it in threads where it came up. But I didn't go hunting in every XB2 thread like a predator animal trying to drag posters across some infraction threshold in the dubious name of gender equity in Japan (or elsewhere).

I think it's less that they're afraid it won't sell, and more that they want to capture the jiggly-seeking audience that comprises their massively successful other game (Nikke). I think it would do great without that stuff, but I mean, just look at the engagement when you include it!

Rotimi wrote:So the demo was pretty fun and replayed the boss battle multiple times.

Regarding her design, I feel it's fine it's for a particular audience, except the boob physics are ridiculous and really unneeded

My question is do you think the Model who some of you claim was heavily changed cares?

This Model and others like her use camera angles and filters to glamorize and emphasize already on Instagram and Twitch. Are they going after general male warped sexual desires? Yep.

I personally see that this is transferring that same moral questionable energy into games
They know their target audience

Though it is annoying the "anti-woke mob" has made too much noise causing an equally annoying reactions
Respectable, level-headed posters. Their point about Twitch is so on point. Also, no one replies to Fluff's part about the intra-forum brigading because that's the main cause of derailment here and why this thread will end up locked, for the third time.
Quote:I'm so tired of culture war bullshit, and this game is at the forefront of the current one regarding SweetBaby Inc.
Too bad, we're going to Finish The Fight OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
the whoreswhoreswhores thread are acting like they're taking a moral stand against the hordes of chuds that randomly selected this game to post their colours to.

[Image: PBF-Deeply_Held_Beliefs.png]
I'm so glad I know pop singer Shakira's opinion of the 2023 box office smash-hit Barbie. Thanks, Resetera.

Zero-ELEC, post: 121154730, member: 236 wrote:Oh boy, it's another year of dating sim/adventure/VN parodies made by people who know nothing of the genre yet somehow have an intense disdain for it.

Bigshow Anime Expert
At least the normies had Easter/trans visibility Sunday to enjoy having normal convos about an anticipated video game. For that, I thank the retards on their restraint. 

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Constructive, where someone asks for a rules clarification as reporting doesn't seem to do anything:
FatalT wrote:What is and isn't okay when it comes to talking about wanting people to die? I wouldn't think it would be okay to hope for anyone to die at all but it seems like posts wishing for people to die go by without any action when I report them.

Someone immediately wants context because you can't just have rules:
XR. wrote:Is this about terrorists? Or genocide?

I feel context is very important here.
FatalT wrote:Like an individual person, not like "I hope all bad guys die."

Someone worries that off-site hate groups will put Era on a watchlist:
haziq, post: 121164558, member: 24217 wrote:It's not a good idea to try to split the baby here. Especially since there were voiced concerns in this thread about this forum maybe being put on a watchlist because of some shit that happened off-site iirc. Meanwhile, there seems to be no concern about how people wishing death on the current president because of I/P could put a nice hot spotlight on this forum.

And then people immediately jump to guessing specifics on who it is:
cartoon_soldier wrote:Let me guess, did someone wish for Biden to die?
ClickyCal' wrote:I'm pretty sure that is who is being referenced.
FatalT wrote:Does it matter who?

Slippery slope and all but it started with "You can have a little grave dancing sometimes, as a treat" and now we're at "No, see, context means wishing death on prominent political figures is all good." I'm sure it'll stop there.
(04-01-2024, 06:58 PM)nobody of note wrote: Slippery slope and all but it started with "You can have a little grave dancing sometimes, as a treat" and now we're at "No, see, context means wishing death on prominent political figures is all good." I'm sure it'll stop there.

Any pretence they are anything but monstrous ghouls must have gone out the window when they were cheering Dianne Feinsteins death with a "roast in hell, bitch" because of a random filmed attempt at a manipulative gotcha on environmental issues
Honestly, I left the forum during the George HW Bush death thread. Not even a great president, but the gaslighting of the man’s life and the celebratory posts were just the straw that broke my back. 

And I didn’t care that posters came to celebrate, good for them, it was the deafening silence from the staff.
CuckyCal, wrote:
Kyuntuji wrote:I'm guessing because it was/is supposed to be a hit. High profile Sony exclusive with a main character designed around appealing to male sex fantasies, at a time when they've spent years whining about how Aloy etc. look. Coupled with a CEO who basically admits he's designing it around keeping his dick up, it's basically a bullseye on wanting to annoy 'woke' people. Which is their entire existence outside of staring at jiggle physics and making sure people on twitter know they definitely have felt boobs before.
It was straight up designed in every way to be a game championed by the Gamers of what games are "supposed to be about", backed by the misogynistic devs themselves. They want and need this to be a game that straight up eliminates "wokeness", characters like Abby, Aloy, etc, and Make Games Great Again™. Coinciding perfectly with the SBI/gamergate .5 movement.


Its been in development for more than 5 years you fucking morons, it has nothing to do with [MONTHLY HOT TOPIC]

although its SUPER FUCKING TELLING that recent hot button topic is fresh on YOUR minds when you decided to go fucking scorched earth on trying to get it banned
(04-01-2024, 06:52 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Zero-ELEC, post: 121154730, member: 236 wrote:Oh boy, it's another year of dating sim/adventure/VN parodies made by people who know nothing of the genre yet somehow have an intense disdain for it.

Bigshow Anime Expert

Well at least it's just some random idio- oh cool, Kotaku has the same opinion

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Ban the fucking game B-dubs you coward.  lol
(04-01-2024, 05:45 PM)Nintex wrote: They can't hide behind their usual "we just want to be seen" gaslighting anymore, they actively want non-woke content to be banned and censored.

In fact, they demand anything and everyone that goes against their ideology be purged or shipped off to the gulag.
If Eve was a burqa wearing 500 pound black woman in a wheelchair waving a trans flag, they'd cheer and call it the best game ever. 

But she isn't so they're going to shit up any thread related (and unrelated) to Stellar Blade for the coming months until B-Cuck finally bans any discussion about Stellar Blade in a condescending "*sigh*, grow up children" post aimed at the "chuds" actually playing the game. What is allowed though is threads to highlight how problematic it is.

Compare the moderation of Stellar Blade to the last Horizon game where they turned the lead character into a fat furball...

4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, HaughtyFrank, Nintex
(04-01-2024, 05:53 PM)BIONIC wrote:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121156161, member: 40323 wrote:Nah, while these April Fools are annoying, corporate AF's quickly get forgotten and don't really harm people.

The worse April Fools "jokes" and "pranks" are from people who use the day to openly be hurtful and to revel in their own worse tendencies.

Like stuff I've personally experienced are someone coming right up to my face to tell me that I you should have been aborted, beating me up, trying to push me down the stairs or punching me in the back of the head, homophobia or telling me they ran over my pet cat (aka the shit that made me despise April Fools for years).

And that's not even going into stuff using today to justify sexual assault, breaking into people's home, pretend their stealing people's cars, harass strangers etc etc. Even stuff that's considered harmless like wrecking someone's expensive lego set or filling someone's room with balloon (then expect the victim to clean it up) or jokes or pranks that end up accidently breaking other people's stuff can be really bad for people who have social issues or have flat out said they just want to left alone or are too tired; which of course then leads to the issue that the victim is then vilified for reacting badly or feeling hurt or "grassing up" the prankster because their being a "bad sports".

So no, gaming pranks like these are NO WAY the worse kind of April's Fools Prank.

Wut Mindblown Wut

Why do these people have to lie so much?

Just clearly people who didn't get enough attention from mummy and daddy as children.
cartoon_soldier wrote:Let me guess, did someone wish for Biden to die?

I'll outlive all of you queer ponies Jack and you ain't gay if you don't vote me into congress.

Donald may think he has won this erec... elect.. election but I ain't backing down until the fat black lady from Boeing calls my number and Wall Street rings the bell
Just see what happens in 4 short years when Putin is out there putting his little fingers IN DEMOCRACY DAMMIT

Just like the T... T... T... ter..ter.....term... termite... anyways.... that movie with the guy that always comes back man.

That's how you deal with a bully, you don't down back,you stand outside up for another round.

BIDEN '24 '28


Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: pti5bcdc.jpg]
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(04-01-2024, 06:11 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Phellps wrote:(which isn't the case with Stellar Blade since it completely aligns with their agenda)

(04-01-2024, 06:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-28?post=121153002#post-121153002

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121148430, member: 40323 wrote:I think one thing to point out is that while the current rhetoric of "woke" and crap we're mocking in this thread is so blatant, obvious and very fun to make fun is that we need to remember to stay vigilant to it and to call it out and refuse it to allow to take root.

Years ago, long before Woke or SJW and Gamergate, the catchphrase for these people was "I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist" and this seemed to dupe A LOT of people both offline and online, men and women, especially from "intellectual" white men (the same type of people who mistake being snarky and smug for being actually smart) like I remember this rhetoric being everywhere back around 2011-2014 in the UK and US and there being a lot of stock phrases like "I believe in equal rights for everyone no just women" completely misunderstanding what feminism is (or that you can a feminist and humanist but it seemed none of these people took the 10 second to actually look up what humanism is).

(04-01-2024, 06:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-28?post=121153002#post-121153002
TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121148430, member: 40323 wrote:I fully believe that one of the reasons why the alt right is so strong in gaming, comic and internet circles is because we failed to push against this (and failed to listen to the women, POC, LGBTQ+ people etc who were calling it out) back during the 00s, both the community and the companies that profited from it and refused to step in like Steam and didn't see where "PC Master Race" jokes were leading to and allowing into the community.

I could write my thoughts but they're really just extended versions of Wut.
Quote:My gf and I have decided not to trust reviews when it comes to Nic Cage movies. We didn't like Mandy AT ALL

ugh, chuds bringing up their gf all the time now! As if that excuses not liking Nic Cage movies!
(04-01-2024, 06:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-28?post=121153002#post-121153002

PlanetSmasher, post: 121153002, member: 6260 wrote:God, I remember those days. When I was still a teenager, I was intensely opposed to labeling myself as anything. I didn't want to be thought of as a nerd, as a feminist, as anything. I pushed back on all of that shit because I was so desperate to be thought of as "normal" after spending middle school as an outcast, so I tried to use faux-intellectual logic like that to talk my way around having to use any labels.

I'm significantly more socialist than I was then, primarily because I had a bunch of female friends who repeatedly punched holes in my logic and sat me down to be like "you know that if you believe all the same stuff we do, you ARE a feminist, even if you don't like the container, right?" Once I outgrew the need to kneejerk reject any label thrown at me things became a lot easier.


Did this feminist awakening happen before or after he baled up a woman coworker in the closet at the cinema to pressure her into fucking him?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
ComedySmasher isn't FinaleFlenderson

The ban baiting by the Burka brigade is so obvious that even other prominent members are now starting to call it out openly:

EntelechyFuff wrote:Half of this thread is ban bait, and at this point I don't buy that there's really any virtuous motive to it--at least at this point.

I haven't even played the demo, nor will I be buying the game--for all the reasons stated--but the backdoor attempt to ban conversation of the game by sealioning everyone who mentions having a significant other or positive impressions is really tacky and insincere.

I think Xenoblade 2 character designs were gross, I didn't buy that game, and I did post about it in threads where it came up. But I didn't go hunting in every XB2 thread like a predator animal trying to drag posters across some infraction threshold in the dubious name of gender equity in Japan (or elsewhere).

"Bu bu but why are people ignoring us?" said the Burka brigade member who just spent the last two pages ban baiting people into bans.
(04-01-2024, 07:29 PM)Potato wrote:
(04-01-2024, 06:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-28?post=121153002#post-121153002

PlanetSmasher, post: 121153002, member: 6260 wrote:God, I remember those days. When I was still a teenager, I was intensely opposed to labeling myself as anything. I didn't want to be thought of as a nerd, as a feminist, as anything. I pushed back on all of that shit because I was so desperate to be thought of as "normal" after spending middle school as an outcast, so I tried to use faux-intellectual logic like that to talk my way around having to use any labels.

I'm significantly more socialist than I was then, primarily because I had a bunch of female friends who repeatedly punched holes in my logic and sat me down to be like "you know that if you believe all the same stuff we do, you ARE a feminist, even if you don't like the container, right?" Once I outgrew the need to kneejerk reject any label thrown at me things became a lot easier.


Did this feminist awakening happen before or after he bailed up a woman coworker in the closet at the cinema to pressure her into fucking him?

You’re confusing with another incel mod. Easy mistake to make.
(04-01-2024, 07:34 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: ComedySmasher isn't FinaleFlenderson


Meh, same difference. They're all fucking predators.
I don't even understand how they think the PC Master Race jokes led to anything or even worked in anyway. Like, they get it was a joke right? From a progressive? Are they saying everybody went "unless... ?" And this led to support of the alt-right because it has the words "master" and "race"? And Steam did this because they're on PC? What in the fuck is even the logic and argument supposed to be in this? What are the premises? Why can I not stop trying to figure out what these dudes mean with their gibberish? Mindblown
The burqa brothers have just full on taken over the stellar blade thread. So much for moderation lol
(04-01-2024, 06:32 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: I don't know how the moderators can be this fucking stupid - I really can't, despite all fucking prior historical evidence - that they're just allowing a bunch of He/Hims from the whoreswhoreswhores thread to openly antagonise and brigade a thread on their own fucking forum.

Like, its not even the discord brigading we all know happens. Its right in the fucking open.

They are complicit, not stupid. Instead of outright banning games, because what would be left of the Gaming side if B-Dumbs allowed that to continue, they purposely let people like Kyuuji, Crossing Eden, and ComedySmasher to brigade and shit up any thread pertaining to the game in question, all the while ban baiting any members that express "too much" enthusiasm for the game. It's just a more roundabout way to control/shutdown discussion of the game. The next "best" thing than outright banning in their eyes.
(04-01-2024, 07:10 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
CuckyCal, wrote:
Kyuntuji wrote:I'm guessing because it was/is supposed to be a hit. High profile Sony exclusive with a main character designed around appealing to male sex fantasies, at a time when they've spent years whining about how Aloy etc. look. Coupled with a CEO who basically admits he's designing it around keeping his dick up, it's basically a bullseye on wanting to annoy 'woke' people. Which is their entire existence outside of staring at jiggle physics and making sure people on twitter know they definitely have felt boobs before.
It was straight up designed in every way to be a game championed by the Gamers of what games are "supposed to be about", backed by the misogynistic devs themselves. They want and need this to be a game that straight up eliminates "wokeness", characters like Abby, Aloy, etc, and Make Games Great Again™. Coinciding perfectly with the SBI/gamergate .5 movement.


Its been in development for more than 5 years you fucking morons, it has nothing to do with [MONTHLY HOT TOPIC]

although its SUPER FUCKING TELLING that recent hot button topic is fresh on YOUR minds when you decided to go fucking scorched earth on trying to get it banned

Hang on a second, these bearded ladies are lesbians…can you not argue it’s made them for them to perv over as well? Or do we a) just ignore that b) do they like the butch women?
(04-01-2024, 07:37 PM)benji wrote: I don't even understand how they think the PC Master Race jokes led to anything or even worked in anyway. Like, they get it was a joke right? From a progressive? Are they saying everybody went "unless... ?" And this led to support of the alt-right because it has the words "master" and "race"? And Steam did this because they're on PC? What in the fuck is even the logic and argument supposed to be in this? What are the premises? Why can I not stop trying to figure out what these dudes mean with their gibberish? Mindblown

It's another symptom of their insistence of reading everything at face value.

Sympathetic villain=you must be a Nazi.
(04-01-2024, 10:09 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: In another post of blatant lies that is easily provable 

Quote:If Maximilian_Dood, the veritable king of combat-focused video games, can refuse to play Stellar Blade because of its misogyny, regardless of how good the combat within it may be, then there's really no excuse for anyone else who's giving in and buying/playing it despite the glaring issues.

Load up Twitch to see him on stream playing the demo and ending the segment by him saying he’s 

Quote:Looking forward to trying the full demo

Yeah, but this video was legit painful to watch. I just skipped through the thing, but even in the five minutes I've actually watched, there were so many stupid hot-takes. I know I'm one of five weirdos in the Western world who actually follows Korean devs, so it's fine if they don't know who people are and what they've done, but just shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about, maybe? And they clearly ended up really liking the game, but couldn't admit it after shit-talking it for hours. "Reminds me of Heavenly Sword" - they thought the clearly visible wind-up animations were input lag for fuck's sake. "King of combat-focused video games" my ass, compare that shit to ENB or Fighting Cowboy, who also went in cracking jokes, but were clearly far more open minded. Also, upon rewatching the demo, it's looks very Blade & Soul. A game by the same team that came out in 2012. Heavy on parries, slow positioning but fast attacks, reactive, with color-coordinated attacks that require specific counters - that's Blade & Soul. Not Sekiro.

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