Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:White people police our response to oppression more than they take action against the folks doing it.

While our leaders who dared challenge the status quo of white supremacy were assassinated by the very violence they deem abhorrent when we speak of using it in self defense. they want us to use the tools that are used to keep us oppressed in the first place to free ourselves from the oppressors and anything outside of that is uncalled for. We always have to have our conversations within the white framework.

Same thing here. White comfort takes precedent over the truth. Banned books are banned based on how it makes the white cis majority feel. Our history being taught depends on white feelings. And here whether or not we can tell the truth depends on how white people feel about it. And we just gotta sit and wait for white people to understand our feelings and come to terms with the truth before we can talk openly about it.
This post was brought to you by the word "White".
Changed the thread title and let the crazy ones go in.

Very cool, BDubs. 

Quote:White people police our response to oppression more than they take action against the folks doing it.

Just a little of chaos…
Quote:Banned books are banned based on how it makes the white cis majority feel.

Tell us about those banned books, my dear.  Society

Are like this one:
Quote:Who's gonna open the Pickle Jar checkmate

(04-19-2024, 11:23 AM)Averon wrote:
Quote:I'd like to add that, just like JK Rowling, Vavra's views are directly reflected in the work itself, as Kingdom Come Deliverance is pretty sexist in its depiction of women and, or course, still has the fundamental issue of a lack of people of color in the game (although there are some) due to "historical accuracy".

Oh, that's why Hogwarts Legacy is actually very progressive, and has been praised for the options available in its character creator?

But that's none of my business...
Kyuuji wrote:Fifth playthrough going strong. I stand by everything.
(04-19-2024, 12:44 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
benji wrote:
Quote:Yeah, the bar gets raised against us all the time.
Like, in regards to sourcing. Even outside this thread, if I ever want to post a seemingly leftist or pro-Palestinian source/account/writer/etc, I gotta triple check on whether they've ever had a bad opinion on any subject even if it had nothing to do with Palestine (or really progressive issues in general), because I know the moment I post it someone's gonna get in my face about how dare I cite this person?! They said x about y!

Meanwhile, we have to tone-police ourselves even before getting tone-policed by others over those who are considered respectable, and it doesn't matter what despicable shit they've done or said, they're not leftists or pro-Palestinian, they get a pass!

Moments ago I've seen a clip of Owen Jones saying the following, and it's very spot on:
"These people walk from crime scene to crime scene, spattered with blood, calling for more blood - and are still presented as men and women of moderation!"
OK. I hate to be the one to stick up for dumbs but get a grip people.
B-Dumbs: “Hey everyone, I agree that the NYT has issues but let’s refrain from using this conspiratorial tone and bad faith arguments to discredit the paper. This is the same type of tactic used by conservatives and has no place here.”
RE: “OMG did you just call me conservative? WTF that’s the last straw. It’s so hurtful that you would associate me with the group that doesn’t want me to exist.”

He didn’t call you a conservative you idiots. He said your extremism is blinding you to the truth and causing you to say some pretty embarrassing things. And for once he is right.

There's their actual problem with trying to have a discussion on a what is ostensibly a discussion forum, and its not unique to anyone in particular.

It's that the moderation decided to enforce 'banned sources' for criteria unrelated to reliability.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Also that the fucking 'banned sources' list exists entirely in random moderators fucking heads so nobody even knows who is on it
(04-19-2024, 05:46 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Fifth playthrough going strong. I stand by everything.

Saw this on my timeline. fits to kyuuji

(04-19-2024, 02:59 PM)Uncle wrote: I found it

[Image: YXYfX2x.png]

[Image: wxST2I0.jpeg]
(04-19-2024, 04:45 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:White people police our response to oppression more than they take action against the folks doing it.

While our leaders who dared challenge the status quo of white supremacy were assassinated by the very violence they deem abhorrent when we speak of using it in self defense. they want us to use the tools that are used to keep us oppressed in the first place to free ourselves from the oppressors and anything outside of that is uncalled for. We always have to have our conversations within the white framework.

Same thing here. White comfort takes precedent over the truth. Banned books are banned based on how it makes the white cis majority feel. Our history being taught depends on white feelings. And here whether or not we can tell the truth depends on how white people feel about it. And we just gotta sit and wait for white people to understand our feelings and come to terms with the truth before we can talk openly about it.
This post was brought to you by the word "White".

We sheltered them, we fed them, we clothed them, we educated them, we gave them all the opportunities they could ever want with our tax money. 
Hell these days we even invent bullshit DEI jobs for them.
And all they do is complain. Never once a 'thank you' or being happy that they're safely in the west, free to voice their opinions and not dying in some shithole. 

Fuck 'em. Just give them what they want and send them to Hamas if they love them so much or let them experience the greatness of communism first hand in a North Korean labour camp.

Fat4all, post: 121880892, member: 906 wrote:ive got low t but it also fits my lifestyle

lift a weight, fatty! you might not die a virgin if you start now! nothot
(04-19-2024, 03:07 PM)Not an Alt Account wrote: Boreigender  lol lol lol lol

Someone just set themselves on fire outside the Trump trial. Wut

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Reply wrote:I am not surprised by this at all.

OCR text:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
I had a meeting on September 21 with Dr. Cass and members ofher team. This was arranged by Dr.
Ritta Kaltiala, a Finnish psychiatrist who I have worked with in the past. Dr. Cass sent me an email
after our meeting with information she wanted to share with the board. I forwarded that onto to you
on 922/22. I will resend it to you. The email to contact the Cass Review is
I have also sent an email to the AAP's executive director, Mr. Mark Del Monte, asking to to
him or a designated AAP leader regarding AAP policy. Hilary Cass is the former president of the
Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, which is Great Britains equivalent to our AAP. Dr.
Cass had questions AAP policy that I could not answer. After having to and learned
much from leaders in gender medicine in Finland, Sweden, England. Canada, the US and other
countries. I thought it only prudent to try to with AAP leadership. lhis week is the AAP's
annual national conference. I am cærtain Mr. Del Monte is busy with that conference. I will let you
know if I hear from him.
I also exchanged a few emails with Erica Aruierson Monday night. As we discussed, Erica is a
transgender woman. She and I have exchanged emails and by phone regarding youth sex
transitions. She was the president Of US-PATH but did not serve and resigned after coming
under criticism for expressing safety concerns regarding youth transitions, Quoting from her email
last night, she suggested the followmg nught worth contacting.
"My former colleague Stephen Rosenthal, MI) was a President of the Pediatric Endocrine Society
and one the the authors of their 2017 Guidelines, At WPATI-I if your focus is youth standards I'd
suggest Scott MI) one of the Adolescent leads. He is a highly regarded child and
adolescent psychiatrist and now on the WPATII Board." I asked for their email addresses but she is
gomg to have to think atx»ut sharing those and get back to me.
The following links are to articles that feature Erica Anderson.

Thank you,


Even by the usual rejecting reality and substituting their own, how THE FUCK can you read this and come to the conclusion its a 'smoking gun' proof that the results of a 5 year investigative report were rigged from the get go?

Like... it is fucking LITERALLY "I as a professional provided contact details of other professionals in my field to another professional who requested it", with a super sized side order of implicit guilt purely by association

Reply wrote:I wish people would stop with the diaper stuff. You're not funny. You're not clever. It's just cruelty to someone you don't care about being cruel to, but Trump won't see your posts (unless you're on the jury) but people here who suffer from health issues and are disabled will. And they don't deserve mockery.

So who is disabled on Restera?

[Image: everyone-gary-oldman.gif]
(04-19-2024, 06:19 PM)Nintex wrote: Someone just set themselves on fire outside the Trump trial. Wut

Tony72495 wrote:Most sane Trump supporter.

TaySan wrote:What does NYU have to do with Trump? Curious

3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower

I'm just gonna go ahead and use my psychic powers to predict there will be a very different tone in this thread to the one about that soldier who set himself on fire to protest palestine
(04-19-2024, 06:35 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I'm just gonna go ahead and use my psychic powers to predict there will be a very different tone in this thread to the one about that soldier who set himself on fire to protest palestine

Aaron Bushnell is a hero, this guy is "anti-government crazy person". Guess it matters what you light yourself on fire for.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(04-19-2024, 06:40 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-19-2024, 06:35 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I'm just gonna go ahead and use my psychic powers to predict there will be a very different tone in this thread to the one about that soldier who set himself on fire to protest palestine

Aaron Bushnell is a hero, this guy is "anti-government crazy person". Guess it matters what you light yourself on fire for.


I can see why era of all places think thats crazy talk from a mentalist

But that's none of my business...
(04-19-2024, 06:35 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I'm just gonna go ahead and use my psychic powers to predict there will be a very different tone in this thread to the one about that soldier who set himself on fire to protest palestine

This dropped first in the thread about the Trump trial and the reactions there were very torn between deriding and 'maybe it's about Israel!':
TheDestructiveSquirrel wrote:Could be for another reason and just using all the media and cameras there to be seen
Volimar wrote:I think they mean it could be about Israel or something and they just did it there because that's where the cameras are.
JediMasterMatt wrote:Not trying to make fun of anyone with a mental illness; but, this is taking the orange turd's complaint about it being freezing in the court room to the extreme.

Dangerous things words can be. They can always be subject to interpretation.

Zutroy wrote:Least worth self-immolation in human history if it was for Trump
Torpedo Vegas wrote:If this was a supporter it lays to rest any doubt this is a cult.
Tamanon wrote:Era has taught me that if you support his cause, he was a brave sacrifice to it. If you don't, he was a dumbass. In truth, suicide sucks and it's another life lost.
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:"Era" taught you this? Where?
(04-19-2024, 06:46 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Tamanon wrote:Era has taught me that if you support his cause, he was a brave sacrifice to it. If you don't, he was a dumbass. In truth, suicide sucks and it's another life lost.

ZeoVGM wrote:Not to say that you're wrong for being against self-immolation but I don't think we should compare this (which looks like it might be a genuinely unwell government conspiracy theorist, if the "Trump and Biden are working together to fascist coop us" sign was his) to a man who ended his life to bring attention to a genocide our own government is taking part in.
volimar wrote:It's crazy how fast people track down info about people these days.

Or people broadcast way too much shit about themselves online 

This is a different kind of setting yourself on fire to make a point  ufup
(04-19-2024, 06:46 PM)nobody of note wrote:
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:"Era" taught you this? Where?

Nothing to see here
(04-19-2024, 05:46 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Fifth playthrough going strong. I stand by everything.

Kyuuji must be autistic right? Replaying Stellar Blade 10 billion times, watching a movie multiple times in the cinema, and this. This is what you do when you're a kid.
(04-19-2024, 07:04 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(04-19-2024, 05:46 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Fifth playthrough going strong. I stand by everything.

Kyuuji must be autistic right? Replaying Stellar Blade 10 billion times, watching a movie multiple times in the cinema, and this. This is what you do when you're a kid.

it would fit with being trans.  TERF BITCH
(04-19-2024, 10:53 AM)BIONIC wrote:

Nothing Loud, post: 121798965, member: 4041 wrote:actual doctoral clinical biochemical engineer here (ie I’m the IRL version of the main scientist character)
I was gonna post my own reactions thread with a sci-fi analysis of the concepts but maybe not.

What I'm most surprised by is how realistic/scientifically accurate the quirky sci-fi elements are here. Enzymes lowering the amount of atomic energy needed to gain new powers? That's literally what enzymes do in chemical reactions, by lowering the activation energy barrier to produce chemical reactions that would otherwise be left to random chance and very slow kinetics. 😍

Even the fallopian tubes look somewhat anatomically accurate, with mucus being understandably representative of disease and damage, and viruses with protein capsids crawling about like spiders. That's so fucking cool. The parasite enemies even look like parasites.

This game rules. It's like Mario meets Metroid meets Super Meat Boy meets scientific realism in clinical veterinary biology.

Games as a Service Snob Piss2

Egomaniac Egomaniac Egomaniac DSP
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-19-2024, 07:05 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it would fit with being trans.  TERF BITCH

I did not have guy sets himself on fire because The Simpsons, Bill Clinton sabotaged Dukakis and Peter Thiel on my bingo card Wut

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