Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-10-2024, 01:56 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:I'm in a certain kind of long-term relationship, so N/A.
Addie wrote:All I can say is that I feel you, OP. Best of luck with it, and please keep us posted with how it goes. Would love to hear solutions to this issue.
Addie wrote:Only in terms of food.
Addie wrote:You lost me at the sex part too. From what I can remember, probably blinds partially open though.
Addie wrote:hey're both important to me — or, looks were, at least. It's character now. As someone who's settled into a relationship with a wonderful partner who doesn't have a libido or express any interest in my looks (not that they're anything to write home about) and only moderately about their own, it's mattering less to me, I guess?

Way, way less than it used to.

While I wish I could wave a magic wand and improve things — and hey, throw in a raise and a puppy for good measure — that's just not in the cards.

Life is hard, and finding someone to fight those constant battles with you seems more important. If we're lucky, we'll all get old and wrinkly and decrepit anyway. Plus having someone to share financial responsibilities with is critical.
Addie wrote:
Rune Walsh wrote:I must be Japanese.
Yep. I feel you. (Maybe!)

As someone in a long-term, committed relationship, the lack of intimacy used to bother me until I retained myself not to care.

There's too much to worry about as it is.
The only good romance scenes in games are in Saints Row IV because they were true to the characters. When Keith David is the only one to refuse, you don't question it.

Had to really scroll down to find one with a woman character, guess not too many EGGS playing SRIV:

I continued with the foreign woman voice after she was so funny in The Third. (Wait am I an egg?)
(06-10-2024, 02:09 AM)benji wrote:
(06-10-2024, 02:03 AM)benji wrote: It's like expecting me to come to Jesus because I like some Christian bands. Or expecting that after force feeding me Kirk Cameron movies.

Spoiler: top of the page beyond sexy GRAMMY AWARD WINNING Christian music that's not as bad as Newsboys (click to show)
but does have a video with a plot that's more inexplicable:

Holy shit. The last time I heard that Petra song I was at a CHIRSTIAN SKATE NIGHT politely nodding at a youth pastor explaining  that the next Einstein might be / or had already been, aborted.
(06-10-2024, 01:56 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:I'm in a certain kind of long-term relationship, so N/A.

What did he meant by N/A, not available?  Wut
(06-10-2024, 02:54 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(06-10-2024, 01:56 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:I'm in a certain kind of long-term relationship, so N/A.

What did he meant by N/A, not available?  Wut

No anal
(06-10-2024, 02:50 AM)Switters wrote: Holy shit. The last time I heard that Petra song I was at a CHIRSTIAN SKATE NIGHT politely nodding at a youth pastor explaining  that the next Einstein might be / or had already been, aborted.
And you haven't had an abortion since. That's why Petra won a Grammy, the power of their message.

Ashes of Dreams, post: 124231317, member: 69945 wrote:I don't think purple is the issue. I think putting out a purely CGI trailer that looks like all the hero shooter live service trailers we've been getting is the issue. I think changing the name of the game a few months before release (to something much worse) is the issue. It's like they are trying to make this game look as bad as possible. And I'm just kind of chuckling at the fact that they've clearly sent out a message to internet content creators and Friends of Bioware they have worked with to start talking about how great the gameplay we're going to see on Tuesday is, because a bunch of them all started doing it at the same time after the backlash to this trailer.

Jibbajabbawockky, post: 124231875, member: 18125 wrote:Yeah, the glut of Twitter influencer types crawling out of the woodwork to rally their minions into waiting to judge the game when the gameplay reveals Tuesday is pretty cringey.

Its like a bunch of pre-release Twitter impressions for Batman V. Superman or something acting like its the most amazing movie ever put to film, or some commercial for a game or movie with a bunch of pull quotes, not from actual reviewers but Twitter user xxxGangaMan42069xxx.

The marketing team or whoever made that trailer fucked up relative to what a lot of people were expecting. They've got to deal with it until they show gameplay that hopefully changes people's minds- which if its just pure action-y like the leaks, it better look awfully good cause moving further away from party based tactical combat will piss off even more people. But personally, that's what I was expecting to be annoyed with- the gameplay changes. The art style and tonal shift based on the trailer came as an unwelcome surprise.

shinobi602, post: 124232922, member: 36 wrote:Kinda crummy to call normal ass people "minions" just for sharing excitement, but sure I guess. There's no weird conspiracy to these things. Games in development have cycles they go through before launch. When it comes to how they're communicated to the world, they go through lots of steps. This is the first time the game's been shown to media, influencers, etc outside of the studio.

There's a process to these things. Reveal trailer ->behind closed doors sessions->maybe screenshots get shared->there's an agreed upon 'soft embargo' where then people can say "hey I saw this thing! I thought it looked cool" or whatever people feel like saying->full gameplay reveal->previews from those behind closed door sessions come out properly, and so on. TONS of games do this exact same thing. I mean...I know because I work in it too and have been on the developer end lol. It's just done this way because if there isn't some order to these things, then people can just go willy nilly and share anything and information gets mixed up, etc.

Edit: And I fully agree it wasn't the right trailer for the game (imo).


This lil shill bitch Dead Dead Dead
I'm never forgetting Shinobi endlessly hyping mass effect Andromeda after he got an early look. I'm surprised he didn't crawl into a hole after that
(06-10-2024, 03:25 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm never forgetting Shinobi endlessly hyping mass effect Andromeda after he got an early look. I'm surprised he didn't crawl into a hole after that

You weren't lying
(06-10-2024, 03:25 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm never forgetting Shinobi endlessly hyping mass effect Andromeda after he got an early look. I'm surprised he didn't crawl into a hole after that

He was too busy shilling for that turd instead of voting in the 2016 election in fucking Florida Dead
(06-10-2024, 03:17 AM)BIONIC wrote:

Ashes of Dreams, post: 124231317, member: 69945 wrote:I don't think purple is the issue. I think putting out a purely CGI trailer that looks like all the hero shooter live service trailers we've been getting is the issue. I think changing the name of the game a few months before release (to something much worse) is the issue. It's like they are trying to make this game look as bad as possible. And I'm just kind of chuckling at the fact that they've clearly sent out a message to internet content creators and Friends of Bioware they have worked with to start talking about how great the gameplay we're going to see on Tuesday is, because a bunch of them all started doing it at the same time after the backlash to this trailer.

Jibbajabbawockky, post: 124231875, member: 18125 wrote:Yeah, the glut of Twitter influencer types crawling out of the woodwork to rally their minions into waiting to judge the game when the gameplay reveals Tuesday is pretty cringey.

Its like a bunch of pre-release Twitter impressions for Batman V. Superman or something acting like its the most amazing movie ever put to film, or some commercial for a game or movie with a bunch of pull quotes, not from actual reviewers but Twitter user xxxGangaMan42069xxx.

The marketing team or whoever made that trailer fucked up relative to what a lot of people were expecting. They've got to deal with it until they show gameplay that hopefully changes people's minds- which if its just pure action-y like the leaks, it better look awfully good cause moving further away from party based tactical combat will piss off even more people. But personally, that's what I was expecting to be annoyed with- the gameplay changes. The art style and tonal shift based on the trailer came as an unwelcome surprise.

shinobi602, post: 124232922, member: 36 wrote:Kinda crummy to call normal ass people "minions" just for sharing excitement, but sure I guess. There's no weird conspiracy to these things. Games in development have cycles they go through before launch. When it comes to how they're communicated to the world, they go through lots of steps. This is the first time the game's been shown to media, influencers, etc outside of the studio.

There's a process to these things. Reveal trailer ->behind closed doors sessions->maybe screenshots get shared->there's an agreed upon 'soft embargo' where then people can say "hey I saw this thing! I thought it looked cool" or whatever people feel like saying->full gameplay reveal->previews from those behind closed door sessions come out properly, and so on. TONS of games do this exact same thing. I mean...I know because I work in it too and have been on the developer end lol. It's just done this way because if there isn't some order to these things, then people can just go willy nilly and share anything and information gets mixed up, etc.

Edit: And I fully agree it wasn't the right trailer for the game (imo).


This lil shill bitch Dead Dead Dead

Quote:a very fine ass
Boys rhetorical club?
is this?
(06-10-2024, 03:44 AM)BIONIC wrote:
(06-10-2024, 03:25 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm never forgetting Shinobi endlessly hyping mass effect Andromeda after he got an early look. I'm surprised he didn't crawl into a hole after that

He was too busy shilling for that turd instead of voting in the 2016 election in fucking Florida Dead

He probably listened to PoliGAF when they were telling everyone non-stop that the election was in the bag lol.

(06-10-2024, 05:05 AM)Ribosome wrote:
(06-10-2024, 03:44 AM)BIONIC wrote:
(06-10-2024, 03:25 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm never forgetting Shinobi endlessly hyping mass effect Andromeda after he got an early look. I'm surprised he didn't crawl into a hole after that

He was too busy shilling for that turd instead of voting in the 2016 election in fucking Florida Dead

He probably listened to PoliGAF when they were telling everyone non-stop that the election was in the bag lol.

He has never voted in his life til Trump won  lol
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(06-10-2024, 03:17 AM)BIONIC wrote:

shinobi602, post: 124232922, member: 36 wrote:Kinda crummy to call normal ass people "minions" just for sharing excitement, but sure I guess. There's no weird conspiracy to these things. Games in development have cycles they go through before launch. When it comes to how they're communicated to the world, they go through lots of steps. This is the first time the game's been shown to media, influencers, etc outside of the studio.

There's a process to these things. Reveal trailer ->behind closed doors sessions->maybe screenshots get shared->there's an agreed upon 'soft embargo' where then people can say "hey I saw this thing! I thought it looked cool" or whatever people feel like saying->full gameplay reveal->previews from those behind closed door sessions come out properly, and so on. TONS of games do this exact same thing. I mean...I know because I work in it too and have been on the developer end lol. It's just done this way because if there isn't some order to these things, then people can just go willy nilly and share anything and information gets mixed up, etc.
I don't know if you peons understand, things aren't just done randomly. Snob
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PoliGaf in the 2016 election night thread:

Lots of load bearing accounts there. And by that i mean lots of fat nerds with umpteen billion posts.
haziq wrote:I don't get why people keep trying to crown Clark when she ain't done shit yet.
intradictus wrote:She's white

(06-09-2024, 06:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Since February , I have been having alot of pain in my upper chest, left arm, left leg and on my back. I've been to the ER a lot and to my primary doctor and it always ends the same (they can't find any specifically wrong with me, they just give me a shot and send me on my way). I've requested X-rays, I had an Endoscopy, I've had heart tests done and they cant find anything wrong. I'm just thankful that my ER visits don't cost me anything.

My wife, family and friends were initially supportive of me but lately have been getting annoyed with me and they make think I'm just being an hypochondriac since many they haven't found anything wrong. Maybe I am losing my mind or something but it's hard to explain but I experience really bad pains lately, pains I have never felt before so I do worry. It gives me peace of mind to go to the hospital.

I am paranoid about my health so I always go when I feel something unfamiliar. I'm at the ER now because I feel particularly bad today and I guess I'm just hoping for a concrete answer on what i might have. It's never been confirmed but I may have costochondritis and it might be that but the pain I feel makes me scared it could be something worse.

Forgive my ramblings , but do you peeps think I am being crazy for my thought process on this?

It's this kind of cunt that costs public health systems a fortune.
(06-09-2024, 07:43 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(06-09-2024, 07:23 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Totally a tweet worth putting someone in jail over wag

Is less about Musk being a retard and more about “Dear Leader Fauci”. 

I had family dying from Covid.

Not that I've looked into it closely, but it seems like his links to Chinese virus testing labs is something worth digging into a little more.
(06-10-2024, 05:24 AM)benji wrote:

But what does the IA2S+ mean?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(06-09-2024, 08:54 PM)HardcoreRetro wrote: "Yes. The disingenuous fragile whiny pathetic bigoted censorious anti-games harassing pissbaby moron fucks and grifters need to constantly be made to feel like they're not welcome and no one wants them around, because they aren't and we don't. Everyone's sick of their obnoxious toxic bullshit and wants them to shut the fuck up and go away. It's way past time that everyone got loud about it."

I like that some of these are vague enough that they could be talking about either side.

Everyone that fits this description should be locked into a leaky shipping container and sunk in the middle of the ocean. Everyone.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(06-09-2024, 09:20 PM)Alpacx wrote:
(06-09-2024, 07:54 PM)NekoFever wrote: Macron calls an election. wrote:I'm not as educated as to the way government work there, but that doesn't sound legal or democratic and the French people tend to not tolerate government overreach.



(06-10-2024, 08:50 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
haziq wrote:I don't get why people keep trying to crown Clark when she ain't done shit yet.
intradictus wrote:She's white


I’m only somewhat aware of what’s going on with her and the WNBA. The fact that anybody gives a shit about the WNBA is notable in itself. But it seems like people hate her for being white? Like, her presence is lifting up the league. Yet other players have an inferiority complex and are extra rough with her on court? They’re mad she’s…improving their relevance and pay? They’d rather destroy the WNBA than accept she’s a boon?

Top of the page attractive WNBA player:
No people don't hate her because she's white. It's the media. They built up insane expectations and overhyped her saying ridiculous shit like she'll be the best player in WNBA in no time, she'll be able to walk into the mens NBA easily.

She isn't living up to those expectations so her stans are just harassing everyone including Clarks own teammates. One of Clarks teammates was rookie of the season last year and even an all-star. This new system with Clark hasn't worked out well for her so she has been recieving awful insults from Clarks stans.

Clark isn't even the best rookie this year but apparently they should drop one of the vets and just put her on the team for no reason other than she was a great college player.
I think it’s neat that we have WNBA fans here. Statistically improbable, yet.
We really don’t need to do the whole “women’s basketball has fans? so cute” belittling thing that you see on Twitter. Yes, it has lots and lots of fans.

As for Clark, she just didn’t deserve a spot. Especially over all the other championship winning guards on the Olympic roster. She’s been a turnover machine so far for Indiana and a horrendous shooter outside of squeaking out a one point win over a winless team.
(06-10-2024, 09:48 AM)NekoFever wrote:
(06-10-2024, 05:24 AM)benji wrote:

But what does the IA2S+ mean?

Including Airstrikes 2 Subjugate

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