Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-23-2024, 10:36 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:Yasuke is now officially a "controversial subject" and developers are gonna think twice about him when previously they didn't.
All those Yasuke games we could have had. Zaslav and Sony will probably demand they be big butt and big boobed Asian chicks to please white supremacists now. Existential

Meanwhile Yasuke is getting a fucking musical  lol
(07-23-2024, 10:32 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:It's a gateway to Ubisoft hate for some.
Not like this!
Wait...what forum is the from? ResetEra? Are we sure? Last I knew they were gleeful supporters of new and ongoing Ubisoft hate.
What happens to a forum when all the posters who make creative/original/humorous threads are banned?

Quote:So last night I turn on my PS5 to play some games before bed. Starts up like screen change.

I wait and still nothing changes, turn off the TV and turn it back on.


So I go "Well this isn't good" and then it hit me:

My dumb ass was on the wrong TV input the whole time.

Anyone else have any of these kind of silly moments in the past to make myself feel better having experienced this shit in my mid 30s? Lol

The absolute state of that place
(07-23-2024, 05:48 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Dude, honestly, I was not doing a passive aggressive non sequitur argument, I was just saying that Trump word doesn’t mean shit. 

I don’t entirely buy that the Trump’s campaign didn’t expected Biden to drop out, but is not that out there given how Trump operates.

while I don't think they're chessmasters, you don't have to be a chessmaster to see that trump would've easily beaten biden and I'm sure all the statements about biden dropping out, jokes about "kamala's running mate" were all minor strategy to bother him and his base into stubbornly keeping him in
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Boredfrom
Tansut wrote:Some of y'alls approach to Twitter, while 1000% understandable, borders on the "If you don't like the country you're in, just move" mentality.

Because it's like.... where are people supposed to go exactly? You can't expect very deeply developed and intrinsic communities to just up and relocate collectively when there hasn't been anything remotely close to a standardized substitute. And even if anecdotally you're not a part of any, there are a lot of really positive, nurturing, and supportive communities on Twitter. It completely sucks it's being ruined by the owner but it seems unfair to criticize folks for still using it when the alternative is abandoning whole groups of people that, for some, are probably pretty important on multiple levels.

This just in: Twitter is now a country. 

Logging off is a privilege, chud!

Have you seen the trans users on Resetera, Planetsmasher? They love that shit!
(07-23-2024, 01:58 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

Have you seen the trans users on Resetera, Planetsmasher? They love that shit!

Lady Dimitrescu (aka Tyrant) will be perfect to respond to that thread
They’re too busy marching up and down the road grinding their teeth
(07-23-2024, 11:32 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Assassin's Creed basically wants to have it's cake and eat it too. They'll argue that it's historically accurate to include Yasuke but then go on to talk about how it's actually just meant to be a fun videogame with a made up plot.

I think that is the main core of the issue. Ubisoft has been promoting Yasuke with weird ass claims that would rub anyone with little knowledge of Japan’s history the wrong way. We know that Ubisoft is kind of proud of the “digital tourism” aspect of old AssCreed games while putting stupid nonsense in their games, and I think it never bite them in the ass until know.

I’m pretty sure Japan is pretty willing to accept Yasuke in the most out there fantasy depictions of the warring states period (like in Nioh were he appears as a boss), but is kind of baffling they are a promoting a game like he was the most decisive figure of that period ( which he wasn’t, not even close) and presuming is historically accurate. 

RE bitched about The Rise of the Ronin depiction of an East Asian controversial Japanese figure, but you play the game and discover is all kinds of silly stuff to take hyper seriously. I bet you that Ubisoft would have done the same stuff but without a hint of self awareness.
Well at least we have discovered something that is not contained in the Era bubble-wealthy people getting defensive about their class position.

Eh I only get defensive for it when people judge me for it and that's it. It is the exact same thing if I judged people for being poor. No one should be judged on their finances but their actions that got them there, basically. I give people the benefit of the doubt, especially on here. Wealth or lack thereof shouldn't matter.

Now if I make a post saying I made my money on the tears of orphans then yes, judge away.

Quote:A More Normal Bird
You don't seem to have grasped that people who are critical of landlords are doing so based on a completely internally valid moral argument. I'm sorry that makes you feel bad, but they don't need to know you for the argument to hold. That you would compare something you have complete control over and benefits you materially to people being poor is a good indicator of how defensive and out of touch you are.
Quote:subpar spatula

I feel this is where the disconnect is. You have an argument and you don't see anything else. Being a landlord isn't bad. The system surrounding housing and renting is bonkers. Unless a house is paid off, it is at the whims of entities beyond the landlord's control. The entire argument about renting and landlords is moot when the overall bad which is investment companies and the extremely wealthy are slowly gobbling that up. Mom and pop landlords generally aren't the issue.


It's a bad comparison you are right.

Quote:A More Normal Bird
There's no disconnect. There are numerous arguments as to whether or not being a landlord, something that inherently has moral implications, is morally good or bad. The fact that you don't know or find convincing any arguments that it is immoral doesn't mean that those that do are necessarily missing something or being inconsistent.

For a simpler example, there are some people who believe that eating animals is immoral. We can make numerous arguments about to what extent personal consumption decisions, activism etc... may be able to influence broader systems of production and consumption in minimising or eliminating the killing of animals for food. That doesn't mean that people who say "I believe that eating animals is wrong and we shouldn't do it" aren't making a very clear and valid moral argument that isn't actually rebutted by statements like "but you don't know me personally," or "here's the disconnect; eating animals isn't bad."

There's nothing illogical about someone who believes, for example, "landlords love to reap where they never sowed," being critical of someone reaping where they never sowed, regardless of how judiciously one may reap or any other things they may do.

Your argument on the other hand is actually illogical, because your rebuttal is that people should be judged on their actions rather than something they can't control, and you've given 3 examples (being a landlord, driving a car, and using high power draw gaming devices) that are voluntary actions and not involuntary categories of identity or status. Now personally, whilst I do believe there are moral dimensions to personal resource use patterns, I don't consider driving a car or playing videogames to be mortal sins (in fact, I don't even consider being a landlord to be one), but there is no defence of these that starts with "judge me by my actions," because the answer would just be "I am".
Quote:Fantastic, they have now immortalized this for everyone to see for generations to come. Yasuke is now officially a "controversial subject" and developers are gonna think twice about him when previously they didn't.

Boneheaded thing to acknowledge

Don’t you see anything wrong to give a corpo so much power to say whatever something is cultural relevant or controversial?
Booshka wrote:Well at least we have discovered something that is not contained in the Era bubble-wealthy people getting defensive about their class position.

“I wonder why rich scum gets defensive to admit they are rich in a leftist forum… afraid of the guillotines?”

Quote: Being a landlord isn't bad. The system surrounding housing and renting is bonkers.


I have read comments from the forum calling their landlords scum from the earth, the forum even called people like Hannibal Buress scum for renting departments.
(07-23-2024, 11:00 AM)RetiredSkunk wrote: Racists are mad about a game that changes it music to hip hop whenever the black character gets in to a fight?

Not liking Hip Hop is racist.


Quote:Idk it doesn't feel good her just resigning. She likely had nothing to do with what happened and what went wrong, and idk it's hard for me to tell what could be a security concern giving away how the Secret Service operates or something they can viably explain to the public when she was grilled yesterday. Idk i watched a fair bit of it now and all i got were vibes that she was stuck and literally cannot give the answers they want and all they did was keep demanding her resignation

Literal reetard
Thordinson wrote:I don't know how anyone would feel safe with the Secret Service period.

I still remember when they didn't know someone shot at the White House in like 2011 until days later when a housekeeper reported broken glass.

They are cops. They've always been incompetent.
Not like those wise and good cops of the CCP that's for sure, these white house cops are just a bunch of bozos

Quote:That user is pretty infamous here for their extreme hatred of these type of movies.

Now mention zeovgm for the opposite and watch your ass get banned

Always love these threads on Reeee, people who mostly live in comfy surroundings or never leave the house because of their multiple ‘ailments’ not seeing how bloody awful this sort of crime is. Most don’t do it out of necessity but because they know nobody will really stop them.

Look at these nuggets of wisdom from fucking idiot Thordinson

hanshen, post: 126214452, member: 45359 wrote:I agree with you on all these points. But here in Chicago we have a real issue with smash& grab rings targeting small independent retailers and restaurants. It's not a good look when a bakery gets robbed multiple times in a row and the city does nothing.

Thordinson, post: 126214599, member: 46373 wrote:I will say that mom and pop stores are not some inherently good thing either. They can steal wages just as Walmart does.

It's not a good look but mass incarceration is not the solution either.
"that mom and pop store was no angel"
Quote:Please don't judge my son or me for this, I just want to be able to talk it off my soul.

So I had been planning the trip of my lifetime for years, finally visting the US. It's never been possible financially but I have been setting aside 50 Euros here, 100 Euros there, and was up to 1,600 by now. Not nearly enough, but I was getting there and had reason to believe I could make it happen next summer.

We don't own a safe, don't usually need one, and that's where burglars would look first anyway. Had a great hiding place for the money no one knew about, except my family, of course.

Well, it turns out that was a mistake. Couple of weeks ago my eight year old son decided to steal it and spend almost everything on candy and soccer trading cards. So he did, and I just found out yesterday.

"Hold on, how can you spend upwards of a thousand Euros on candy and cards?!?", you might say. Well, he took good care of his many friends as well, also gifted them money, it seems. Things are not entirely cleared up yet.

Anyway, a friend's dad saw him pay with a 200€ bill and told us. I checked the stash, it was empty, we confronted him, and he gave me the few pitiful bucks that were left.

I am aware it was a mistake to store the money like that, to have the kids know where it is, and he seems to be a wannabe criminal in the making. Please don't tell me that. I know.

My wife is a little bit to blame because she made him think we're well off, despite being a totally average middle class family. Probably due to stupid YouTubers he likes to watch he is apparently a bit obsessed with the question of being rich, and my wife told him we're situated well. He took it as "we're millionaires" and argued that 1,600 Euros is basically nothing to us, what's the big deal.

It's not just that the money's lost. It's shaken me in my core that he did this….he's usually…..well, he's lively and sometimes a bit hot headed but a very smart and nice young lad. Much more easy-going than our 13 year old, who has never done anything like THIS. Also there have to be stern consequences which at the same time have to be realistic. No more media time till he's 14 is not doable, for example.

I'm still wrapping my head around all this. Just needed to get it off my chest…again, please don't judge any of us for this disaster, it's already horrible and soul-shattering.

Thanks for reading <3

Quote:On the plus side, he shared the wealth! That's at least one positive you can take from it. Kid thought of others and not just themselves.
(07-23-2024, 08:59 AM)benji wrote:
Spoiler: Nsfw (click to show)

I checked out her twitter from this.  How does she have 2 porsche 911s?  Wasn't her art studio a failure?  Her game dev job a bust?  Her journalism job at a local paper was for like 1 year...her political career a complete disaster?  Where is she getting her money from, she's a human money pit.  What the fuck? 

edit: oh, her husband seems successful
(07-23-2024, 04:54 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Please don't judge my son or me for this, I just want to be able to talk it off my soul.

So I had been planning the trip of my lifetime for years, finally visting the US. It's never been possible financially but I have been setting aside 50 Euros here, 100 Euros there, and was up to 1,600 by now. Not nearly enough, but I was getting there and had reason to believe I could make it happen next summer.

We don't own a safe, don't usually need one, and that's where burglars would look first anyway. Had a great hiding place for the money no one knew about, except my family, of course.

Well, it turns out that was a mistake. Couple of weeks ago my eight year old son decided to steal it and spend almost everything on candy and soccer trading cards. So he did, and I just found out yesterday.

"Hold on, how can you spend upwards of a thousand Euros on candy and cards?!?", you might say. Well, he took good care of his many friends as well, also gifted them money, it seems. Things are not entirely cleared up yet.

Anyway, a friend's dad saw him pay with a 200€ bill and told us. I checked the stash, it was empty, we confronted him, and he gave me the few pitiful bucks that were left.

I am aware it was a mistake to store the money like that, to have the kids know where it is, and he seems to be a wannabe criminal in the making. Please don't tell me that. I know.

My wife is a little bit to blame because she made him think we're well off, despite being a totally average middle class family. Probably due to stupid YouTubers he likes to watch he is apparently a bit obsessed with the question of being rich, and my wife told him we're situated well. He took it as "we're millionaires" and argued that 1,600 Euros is basically nothing to us, what's the big deal.

It's not just that the money's lost. It's shaken me in my core that he did this….he's usually…..well, he's lively and sometimes a bit hot headed but a very smart and nice young lad. Much more easy-going than our 13 year old, who has never done anything like THIS. Also there have to be stern consequences which at the same time have to be realistic. No more media time till he's 14 is not doable, for example.

I'm still wrapping my head around all this. Just needed to get it off my chest…again, please don't judge any of us for this disaster, it's already horrible and soul-shattering.

Thanks for reading <3

Quote:On the plus side, he shared the wealth! That's at least one positive you can take from it. Kid thought of others and not just themselves.

Groceries: 200
Bills: 500
Gas: 100
A random jar in my house: 1600

Can someone please help me my family is dying!
Quote:My wife is a little bit to blame

And there it is
[Image: Qykk0UA.png]

[Image: kcguJd8.png]

[Image: LeG004D.png]

[Image: 5YosFOI.png]
Quote:Just make the game you want to make, and people will either buy it or they wont.

What about Cyberpunk 2077

Or Hogwarts
Quote:Does he have a tablet, game console, laptop, or anything like that? Sell them off to partially pay you back while making him watch. Also no Christmas or birthday gifts for a year


Fuck’s sake. These ACAB cunts are off the hook when it comes to crime and punishment
[Image: CllXZxl.png]

Resetera teaching morality in a nutshell. Constant negative reinforcement in the form of testing problematic behaviour to guilt people with external, arbitrary rules instead of real values.
Over in a neighboring thread, I am learning no one steals unless they bear the burden of privation. 

Perhaps this parent should check his privilege: he is clearly not giving his impoverished 8 year old enough candy to prevent these types of smash and grabs. Always treating the symptoms, not the sickness!  Rolleyes
Where was the outrage when Kingdom Come tried to be historically accurate and not have a bunch of black folks roam around the countryside of Poland in the year 1100 or some shit

Oh right, the outrage was that this was ridiculous, and ofcourse there should be black people in the game! Because its POSSIBLE that some black people traveled there.

I remember being flabbergasted it wasn't even covered by Giantbomb. In those days they made a quicklook for every game under the sun.
But not Kingdom Come Deliverance! It had some weird people working on it! And no black folks! What a racist ass game.
(07-23-2024, 05:17 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Over in a neighboring thread, I am learning no one steals unless they bear the burden of privation. 

Perhaps this parent should check his privilege: he is clearly not giving his impoverished 8 year old enough candy to prevent these types of smash and grabs. Always treating the symptoms, not the sickness!  Rolleyes

It could be worse.  It could have been the thread about Florida loosening up its child labor laws.  Even in fascist Florida, the state has not yet allowed this 8 year old to work, which sucks because the OP is gonna need to wait almost a decade to garnish 1000 dollars from this kid's wages.

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