Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(07-25-2024, 06:20 AM)benji wrote: Don't trust Pink News btw:

Oh no Pink News has fallen too? Stahp

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Imagine how insane you are when Pink News thinks maybe you should rein it in
(07-25-2024, 06:31 AM)Polident wrote: hink
(07-25-2024, 05:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

WereSalamander wrote:If studies and polls are to believed then Gen Z, at least male Gen Z'ers, swing hard to the right. They probably love seeing Palestinians being slaughtered.

From everything I’ve seen, it’s the kind of the opposite. The drift towards the right is because they want to be left alone and have fun. It’s sociopath freaks like him constantly browbeating normal people that’s driving them to think neutrality isn’t an option. He’s projecting his own bloodlust onto dudes who want to play video games and party. The frat guys getting involved was a reaction to the tents and disturbances on campus. I was at university during the Obama years. No frat dude was hyping up McCain or Romney. They had Halo and Call of Duty and attractive people in movies to distract them. Sydney Sweeney has the power to sway the election.

While understandable, I think they are also mistaken if they think that the right are free thinkers that will leave them alone… I suppose that’s why many go libertarian after their conservative phase. 

Is funny many consider Trump as some sort of rebel figure when, by many accounts, he is an abusive parent that abused his sons to sycophancy. Maybe people are attracted to the self serving cynicism over the self serving “virtue”, but both paths end the same way, funny enough.
(07-25-2024, 06:33 AM)benji wrote:
(07-25-2024, 06:31 AM)Polident wrote: From everything I’ve seen, it’s the kind of the opposite. The drift towards the right is because they want to be left alone and have fun. 
We can save them:

“And the he read Marx biography and said: wait what?”
(07-25-2024, 06:31 AM)Polident wrote:
(07-25-2024, 05:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

WereSalamander wrote:If studies and polls are to believed then Gen Z, at least male Gen Z'ers, swing hard to the right. They probably love seeing Palestinians being slaughtered.

From everything I’ve seen, it’s the kind of the opposite. The drift towards the right is because they want to be left alone and have fun. It’s sociopath freaks like him constantly browbeating normal people that’s driving them to think neutrality isn’t an option. He’s projecting his own bloodlust onto dudes who want to play video games and party. The frat guys getting involved was a reaction to the tents and disturbances on campus. I was at university during the Obama years. No frat dude was hyping up McCain or Romney. They had Halo and Call of Duty and attractive people in movies to distract them. Sydney Sweeney has the power to sway the election.
More importantly, males always poll more "right" than women and therefore any population. Younger people are always "left" compared to older. And all of this is based entirely on which political party they support.

Here's your "swing hard to the right" visualized:
[Image: PP_2024.4.9_partisan-coalitions_4-03.png]

Here you can see how they're swinging hard to the right by doing so less than their predecessors:
[Image: PP_2024.4.9_partisan-coalitions_4-05.png?resize=640,408]

Thankfully it's hard-set and nobody will ever change their views:
[Image: PP_2024.4.9_partisan-coalitions_4-02.png]
[Image: PP_2024.4.9_partisan-coalitions_4-06.png?resize=420,685]

But he may be right that Gen-Z, across both genders, wants to see Palestinians slaughtered:
[Image: rhUQRJS.png]
Time preference easily explains why older people would be more conservative, they have lived experience which makes them unlikely to trust the unknown as much as younger people. This is why you don't typically worry about adults, outside of certain exceptions like Nothing Loud, wandering off with strangers.

One reason it's important to convince people of things rationally is to overcome the bias against change. Although it shouldn't be my job to educate you about this when you could just show me basic human decency.
(07-24-2024, 06:16 AM)benji wrote: Qui-Gon standing in an elevator holding the door open with the Force, sees somebody coming towards the elevator, hits the door close button with his mind while feigning like he's trying to reach the button to hold it for them.

the guy in the stall next to qui-gon absolutely shitting his brains out noisily so he force-closes the dude's butthole shut until he's ready to leave then releases it all at once on his way out the door
(07-24-2024, 07:50 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Maybe is the consequence with growing up with the Super Nintendo games were Luke has all this cool force powers… and the old trilogy has him losing his hand in a duel with his crippled dad. And years later… Revenge of the Sith happened and made Anakin way more lame even when doing acrobatics in the middle of a duel in lava planet.

Not saying that force powers aren’t dumb, but that people genuinely have different perceptions of Star Wars depending of what films you grow with, for better or worse.  So, to me, Darth Vader is inherently lame because it is obvious that the dude in the costume can barely move and the prequel arc paints him like a dunce.

darth vader isn't lame, he can turn into a scorpion and doesn't afraid of anything

(07-24-2024, 10:56 AM)Snoopy wrote: Wasn't he just bragging about cruising for homo in Rome?

no romo

Do Not Want

Glio wrote:Hamas sucks, but I don't find anything incorrect in their description of Netanyahu's visit.
[Image: f11.png]
Royalan wrote:I wonder if Kamala reverse sears her steaks...

You know she has a position on this.
fat4all wrote:im thinking of all the youtube cooking shows she could get on

mythical kitchen
sous vide everything
allrecepies chef john
sorted food (yeah theyre british but whatever)
Royalan wrote:I want a ASMR video of Kamala cooking in a scenic woodland area with an absurdly huge knife.
What is this?
(07-24-2024, 10:50 PM)nachobro wrote: [Image: DWxx2Pc.png]

young people? you're all 30-40+ year old shut ins!

neiteio created his avatar in 2012 based on a joke character in resident evil revelations who says "that would be tits" once which is the most hilarious thing ever uttered by anyone, then added a bunch of random shit to it over the next few weeks because every new lolrandom addition like chuck e. cheese only increased the hilarity

then he never changed it for over 10 years, even in transition from gaf to era
(07-25-2024, 08:14 AM)Uncle wrote:
(07-24-2024, 10:50 PM)nachobro wrote: [Image: DWxx2Pc.png]

young people? you're all 30-40+ year old shut ins!

neiteio created his avatar in 2012 based on a joke character in resident evil revelations who says "that would be tits" once which is the most hilarious thing ever uttered by anyone, then added a bunch of random shit to it over the next few weeks because every new lolrandom addition like chuck e. cheese only increased the hilarity

then he never changed it for over 10 years, even in transition from gaf to era

Just like Angie uses a eternal variation of Rapunzel and Jawmancher uses Dino Crisis as a life gimmick.
Remember those assholes that used “Mortal Kombat’s character does something mundane”?
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, killamajig, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle

lol lol lol

And Slayven did a thread last week just to gloat about DC selling badly… and Marvel puts this shit Trumps

entremet wrote:Come on, Feige.

This is so anti comics history.


(07-25-2024, 03:28 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:We bought our first house in 2022 in an old neighborhood and I'm seeing first hand the amount of devastation these deer are doing to the vegeation in the area. Not only that but they are spreading ticks and chronic wasting disease, which is the deer version of mad cow disease and can actually be ingested by vegetation.

I lived in Calfornia for well over a decade and while we had mountain lions, wolves and bears, attacks on humans were rare.

So why doesn't the east coast reintroduce these predators to control these nasty deer?

I don't know.

Do they know they don't have to post if they don't have an answer?

I don't know.
(07-25-2024, 05:49 AM)Jansen wrote:
(07-25-2024, 04:23 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Would you really want Melds cooking your food or taking care of your children?  lol

No, but at least they can take their lazy ass outside and have a life.

Not sure that's even possible.

(07-25-2024, 07:13 AM)benji wrote: Although it shouldn't be my job to educate you about this when you could just show me basic human decency.

But I don't want to show you basic human decency.
3 users liked this post: Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-25-2024, 08:21 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Remember those assholes that used “Mortal Kombat’s character does something mundane”?

I feel like some of those were the start of the era-like insanity? was it liu kang baking a pie who was politically nuts?

same era had Lime...was Lime the one who used  Reeeeee or was that someone else? and at some point changed their name to JustAMouse
(07-25-2024, 05:49 AM)Jansen wrote:
(07-25-2024, 04:23 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Would you really want Melds cooking your food or taking care of your children?  lol

No, but at least they can take their lazy ass outside and have a life.

There’s this old anime called Welcome to the NHK. A minor character is this miserable shut in asshole who spends all his time online and is abusing toward his sister. He depends on her for everything. Money, food, shelter. And she indulges it out of guilt or responsibility. Through her own story she stops coming home. He stomps on the floor and yells for days. Eventually basic necessities take over and he has to go outside to eat. Literally crawls to the nearest restaurant. He doesn’t have money, but the owner lets him eat if he does some work. Some time later you see him happy and healthy riding his bike to deliver food.

I think some psychologists or sociologists or some logist would call it learned helplessness.
(07-24-2024, 11:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
zeovgm wrote:While you're absolutely not wrong that a trans person is more likely to face consequences than a cis person, this isn't comparable to what happened with James Gunn.

Gunn got in trouble for disgusting, edgelord tweets that he had already publicly spoken about and apologized for, years before controversy. Ava was actually being inappropriate with a minor.

They're very different situations. If Gunn was caught being inappropriate with minors in a DM or something, it's very unlikely that he would have been hired by DC or rehired by Disney.

He cannot resist defending the MCU even here lol

Fuck me, I'm agreeing with zeovgm  Not like this! 

All this shit about edgy jokes from over a decade ago is burying the fucking lede. This Mr(s?). Beast person was specifically sending inappropriate messages to a minor. It's wild that anyone, even reee, can defend that.
(07-25-2024, 08:26 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

lol lol lol

And Slayven did a thread last week just to gloat about DC selling badly… and Marvel puts this shit Trumps

entremet wrote:Come on, Feige.

This is so anti comics history.



He's a bot  lol
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-25-2024, 12:37 AM)Jansen wrote: [Image: Screenshot-20240724-192730-Chrome.jpg]

Oh bluesky uguu

All three profiles are just headmates, right?
(07-23-2024, 02:14 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Lady Dimitrescu (aka Tyrant) will be perfect to respond to that thread

Didn't dawn on me until now that Tyrant is now Lady Dimitrescu on Resetera.

And holy shit the excuses they make for people who've done horrible things if they're trans.
(07-25-2024, 02:05 AM)benji wrote:
(07-24-2024, 06:02 PM)jooseloose wrote:
NothingLoud wrote:I was genuinely looking for what to do. Some people here are successful tech people, attorneys, paralegal, business, etc and thought maybe I'd ask because it's too sensitive to post on an open forum like Reddit and my friends and family don't know much about what to do here either.

I can usually talk about my research a bit here but I basically can't in this instance actually without immediately identifying myself lol.
Is that poster new?  lol

Can someone (benji) find out what this viral dissertation covered my numerous major media outlets is?
It's literally about shitting:
[Image: PlxM11O.png][Image: qe9fADM.png][Image: rAUvSSl.png]

I also note that he took his expected PhD date off his profile. This entire turn of events is the least unexpected thing ever, but at least he's got all that shitty lighting to enjoy.

Lol, here he is carrying on like his research is setting the world ablaze and it's just being reported because it's about poop and poop is funny.

This kind of research gets reported on all the time because it's novel and funny and a cheap filler of column inches.

Literally no one who reported or read those articles cared for more than a few seconds and only really read it because...well...poop.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-25-2024, 02:42 AM)benji wrote:
(07-24-2024, 11:24 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Finale Fireworker wrote:When I was a teenager I was extremely racist, sexist, and homophobic and 100% of my political views were derived from South Park.
Not very well since the central theme of South Park is tolerance.

Again, I note that these conversation Born Again stories never say how the person learned to change and how they approach things differently now. They just say they did and now they're better so you should listen to them even as they tell you they used to be stupid, didn't do any critical thinking and just said whatever they thought would be popular. Don't you want to be saved too?

Ummm, duh, they became trans. That explains everything. 
Social Justice Warrior 2
haha yeah avatar gimmicks what kind of era loser behavior is that
was it known that hachikoma did a podcast appearance last year? 

Got an interesting headshot done for it too 
[Image: 0510-Corrine-Green.jpg]

2016 interview at LSU
Quote:Converting one of the vacant offices next to the Women’s Center into a dedicated LGBT center, removing the requirement for Tiger Cards to use student’s birth names and properly labeling gender-neutral restrooms were among the reforms suggested.

Probably lots more out there
I just can't get over NothingLoud being in college for like, 20 years, and turns out he's been researching literal shit. You can't make this stuff up.

Looks like a new thread about Mr. Beast more generally went up. Could be fun, but also likely to be buried because attacking Mr. Beast is now transphobic.

Personally, I believe Mr. Beast is committing fraud and enriching his friends as part of a phenomenon of "masking" behavior.

Allow me to educate: His financial malfeasance allows him to pass within and gain protection from the in group. Really, he identifies with being a morally virtuous and anonymous citizen. However, he fears what the consequences will be if his exposes this true, core identity. As a method of self-defense, he must continue to cynically (appear to!) enrich himself and his friends without limit. This will continue until Mr. Beast is able to deconstruct his...ah, fuck it.
Nairume wrote:Them saying Ava Tyson is the tip of the iceberg feels kind of sus, given what subsequently came out about the allegations against her.

What came out about the allegations 🤔
(07-25-2024, 01:26 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nairume wrote:Them saying Ava Tyson is the tip of the iceberg feels kind of sus, given what subsequently came out about the allegations against her.

What came out about the allegations 🤔

Whatever it is, someone should let Mr. Beast know! His statement seems extremely definitive...he is obviously misinformed.

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