Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Fugu wrote:Look, I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, but proportionately this is almost certainly just a very small but visible sliver of the pie. This kind of behavior still overwhelmingly occurs in the familial context, and when it's not familial it's nearly always some other kind of kinship association (i.e. friends, friends-of-a-friend). I only say this because this kind of misdirection has the effect of making it harder to do what really needs to be done a lot of the time. The outrage over child porn on pornhub a few years ago, for example, was actually just an anti-sex work campaign in disguise and they ended up doing a fair bit of damage.

Hell, as someone whose practice is mainly sex assault prosecutions, I would've thought the number of arrests over a six year span would be far higher than a couple dozen.

[Image: 8y5vrn.jpg]

[Image: 8681-m.jpg]
Quote:There is some reasonable skepticism about this supposed leak, but the feature almost certainly exists even if this specific screenshot isn't legit.

So first this guy clarifies that this leak isn't real but then also claims for some reason that this is something that's happening?

Honestly falling for a fake leak is one thing, but knowing that it's fake and then claiming that what's alleged is real anyway is some extra brain worms
Era being concerned about a site having protected users who can say things that would get others banned Dead
What was Fat4all banned for?
(07-25-2024, 03:18 PM)DocWager wrote: What was Fat4all banned for?

being quoted on the bire
Bire motherfuckers complaining about having to know the barebones MCU story to fully understand new movies, while also knowing the full history of every pedo and pedo adjacent internet personality will never not make me laugh


Bunch of childless cat ladies up in here
The unfortunate reality is that there is no good real near term solution. Investment in areas that would have helped stop this has been lacking forever. These problems have been left to get to worse for years and this is the chickens coming home to roost.

Even policing is not a near term solution. It doesn't stop crime and you'll get more folks in jails and prisons who shouldn't be there.

Honestly I understand the frustration of people who haven't looked into these issues and just see videos of looting with employees basically helpless and 0 security in sight. This is obviously something that needs to be dealt with both directly at the store level and indirectly at the societal level.

On its face it looks like a failing of society and that is upsetting.


It is a failing of society. Our society is built around a system of massive exploitation.


I like how the correct opinion on shoplifting in California has changed from “this isn’t happening” to “it’s happening, but it’s only desperate people left behind by capitalism and not opportunists and organised gangs”. I wonder when the memo went out.
(07-25-2024, 03:31 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Bire motherfuckers complaining about having to know the barebones MCU story to fully understand new movies, while also knowing the full history of every pedo and pedo adjacent internet personality will never not make me laugh


Bunch of childless cat ladies up in here

I mean, one is entertaining and the other isn’t.
Thordinson wrote:Even policing is not a near term solution. It doesn't stop crime and you'll get more folks in jails and prisons who shouldn't be there.
Everyone knows Thordinson is correct that policing doesn't accomplish shit.

We need only refer to the famous example of Seattle's Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. Or CHAZ. Or whatever the fuck they were calling it within the whopping 23 days it was allowed to exist in one of the most permissive areas of the US. wrote: Police were not welcome within the zone.
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan stated that the zone had a "block party" atmosphere
The CHOP's size decreased following shootings in or near the zone on June 20, 21, and 23. On June 28, Durkan met with protesters and informed them that the city planned to remove most barricades and limit the area of the zone. In the early morning of June 29, a fourth shooting left a black 16-year-old boy dead and a black 14-year-old boy in critical condition. Calling the situation "dangerous and unacceptable", police chief Carmen Best told reporters: "Enough is enough. We need to be able to get back into the area." On July 1, after Durkan issued an executive order, Seattle police cleared the area of protesters and reclaimed the East Precinct station.
Is more like the solution piss him off and he would prefer if it is not implemented because is a problem that doesn’t affect him directly.
Idiot wrote:As many people mentioned, their isn't just one simple solution. People want an immediate solution that would just address the symptoms but not the disease. One of the issues I see is the lack of prevention and deterrence to fix the near-term problem. What's deterring potential offenders from committing a crime? Is the cost imposed on criminals adequate enough to stop them from committing repeat offenses? To many, nothing is more infuriating than having criminals know they can get away with a crime with little to no consequences.

But that just addresses the symptom, what about the disease? That's a far greater problem that's going to takes years and investment to address. Education, wealth gap, social services, corporate greed, corruption, inadequate laws, etc. Overall, it just seems societal apathy has grown more over the years thanks to the increase of all the other problems. It's hard to think about improving society when you're just trying to make it through your day. And I think trying to change that mindset is toughest challenge

Yes motherfucker, people will like a fucking short solution over waiting that things get better in a hypothetical future.


“So you want people to go to jail yet you live in a capitalist society? I’m so smart.” 

But that's none of my business...
(07-24-2024, 05:26 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:100% bet there's a bunch of transphobes somewhere on a right wing forum or message board, that in a few years come to a realisation they're trans and deconstruct all the shit they said because they felt too afraid to come out and lose the safety of which patriarchal society and their peers offer.

the 4Chan -> Online Trans Activist pipeline is almost a trope at this point, and multiple TRAs on era have talked about what an obnoxious edgelord piece of shit they were on messageboards before they found Jesus Hormones and became the obnoxious right-side-of-history piece of shit they are today
(07-24-2024, 08:17 PM)Snoopy wrote: If “masking” is their excuse for being terrible people before they became trans, then what’s their excuse for being terrible people now?

asshole wrote:Unless you want a completely locked down police state, there aren't any. Any solution is going to be gradual. These problems didn't happen overnight and its going to take longer than 4 years to fix it.

(07-24-2024, 10:33 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-24-2024, 10:11 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): White fragility
SpiritDusk wrote:You're a racist, then.

lol  That's not even what white fragility means!  Had the person said, "systemic issues promote white voices on youtube," and the other guy defended it without consideration then that would be be white fragility.

They don't even understand the meaning of these words they feel the need to use and defend.

           Dismissing Concerns Of A Serious Topic, Whataboutism
is this?
(07-24-2024, 11:14 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
shinobi602 wrote:I don't like people that clap for genocidal dictators either. If the pick is anyone in your 'happy' group, fine, good all the same. But if it's Shapiro or Kelly too, I'll bite my tongue because the other option would be bye bye democracy and human rights in this country. It's as simple as that.


Why does this idiot keep posting about politics.

EA didn't make a sequel to Mass Effect: Andromeda yet
(07-25-2024, 03:51 PM)NekoFever wrote:

I like how the correct opinion on shoplifting in California has changed from “this isn’t happening” to “it’s happening, but it’s only desperate people left behind by capitalism and not opportunists and organised gangs”. I wonder when the memo went out.

There are only so many ways to say these guys are sheltered with no life experience.

Like, if you're saying something like this

Quote:Even policing is not a near term solution. It doesn't stop crime and you'll get more folks in jails and prisons who shouldn't be there.

you have zero perspective. You don't interact with society in any meaningful way to have the context to be critical. You haven't met people.
Lumination wrote:I loathe your typical "tough on crime" bs legislation. But in cases like this, waxing lyrical about wage theft sadly isn't enough. Like, you have to make the real cause known, but you still have to address the issue short-term, because in our current reality, the real cause isn't going to be addressed.

Birds are eating your garden fruits. Well, they only migrated here because climate change has allowed them to, so I'll just wait until the climate goes back to normal and they'll leave.

The problem with "let people steal underwear" is that shit doesn't just affect rich people. They don't need to shop at walmart. Or use street parking. Or walk in the sketchy area.
perfectchaos007 wrote:The transphobe corner of youtube got some dirt on Ava Kris Tyson, and now they're attacking her and MrBeast with 10x more energy than they did Dr Disrespect. It's so predictable

"The transphobe corner of youtube got some PEDO dirt on Ava Kris Tyson, and now resetera is defending her and MrBeast with 10x more energy than they did Dr Disrespect. It's so predictable"
(07-25-2024, 02:45 AM)benji wrote: To connect those two posts, they really think it makes perfect sense to other people to completely throw out every belief you hold on a dime to adopt an entirely new set of them across the board about every subject in every way. When this is not how actually changing your mind works. It's how revelation does though!

egg post
(07-25-2024, 07:13 AM)benji wrote: Time preference easily explains why older people would be more conservative, they have lived experience which makes them unlikely to trust the unknown as much as younger people. This is why you don't typically worry about adults, outside of certain exceptions like Nothing Loud, wandering off with strangers.

One reason it's important to convince people of things rationally is to overcome the bias against change. Although it shouldn't be my job to educate you about this when you could just show me basic human decency.

Beyond 'lived experience', there's also just the general accumulation of things over time; if you don't actually own any property sounds pretty great to say property is theft and get free property. If you don't have any kids, its pretty easy to say who cares if schools let kids pretend theyre actually a cat. If you don't have any professional skills or reputation, seems harmless to hire people based on diversity checklists not qualifications and experience. If you're not paying any tax, why get mad about stupid boondoggles on the government dime while real issues get underfunded.
(07-25-2024, 04:19 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
perfectchaos007 wrote:The transphobe corner of youtube got some dirt on Ava Kris Tyson, and now they're attacking her and MrBeast with 10x more energy than they did Dr Disrespect. It's so predictable

"The transphobe corner of youtube got some PEDO dirt on Ava Kris Tyson, and now resetera is defending her and MrBeast with 10x more energy than they did Dr Disrespect. It's so predictable"

I mean, Mr Beast is more directly associated with kids and he made a big deal about Ava transitioning. She was “virtuous” while Dr Disrespected isn’t, in mainstream reception. The other side is also bitching about people defending Ava over Disrespect, so is totally culture war reality distortion. Yeshrug
Quote:The only new content seems to be some kind of soft core porn?
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: GTV4uY8bcAA75Pr?format=jpg&name=medium]
(07-25-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
Fugu wrote:Look, I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, but proportionately this is almost certainly just a very small but visible sliver of the pie. This kind of behavior still overwhelmingly occurs in the familial context, and when it's not familial it's nearly always some other kind of kinship association (i.e. friends, friends-of-a-friend). I only say this because this kind of misdirection has the effect of making it harder to do what really needs to be done a lot of the time. The outrage over child porn on pornhub a few years ago, for example, was actually just an anti-sex work campaign in disguise and they ended up doing a fair bit of damage.

Hell, as someone whose practice is mainly sex assault prosecutions, I would've thought the number of arrests over a six year span would be far higher than a couple dozen.

It was anti-'sex work' of minors.
Because an investigation found CP laughably easy, and the oversight to prevent it laughably lack lustre.

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
(07-25-2024, 04:51 PM)killamajig wrote: Thordinson
Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)

what was the offending post this time?
(07-25-2024, 04:44 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(07-25-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
Fugu wrote:Look, I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, but proportionately this is almost certainly just a very small but visible sliver of the pie. This kind of behavior still overwhelmingly occurs in the familial context, and when it's not familial it's nearly always some other kind of kinship association (i.e. friends, friends-of-a-friend). I only say this because this kind of misdirection has the effect of making it harder to do what really needs to be done a lot of the time. The outrage over child porn on pornhub a few years ago, for example, was actually just an anti-sex work campaign in disguise and they ended up doing a fair bit of damage.

Hell, as someone whose practice is mainly sex assault prosecutions, I would've thought the number of arrests over a six year span would be far higher than a couple dozen.

It was anti-'sex work' of minors.
Because an investigation found CP laughably easy, and the oversight to prevent it laughably lack lustre.

I'm also curious about the purported "fair bit of damage". Damage to what? to whom? And please, for fuck's sake, don't say "sex workers lost revenue and reach"...seriously, who gives a shit?
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
(07-25-2024, 11:04 AM)Potato wrote:
(07-25-2024, 02:05 AM)benji wrote:
(07-24-2024, 06:02 PM)jooseloose wrote:
Is that poster new?  lol

Can someone (benji) find out what this viral dissertation covered my numerous major media outlets is?
It's literally about shitting:
[Image: PlxM11O.png][Image: qe9fADM.png][Image: rAUvSSl.png]

I also note that he took his expected PhD date off his profile. This entire turn of events is the least unexpected thing ever, but at least he's got all that shitty lighting to enjoy.

Lol, here he is carrying on like his research is setting the world ablaze and it's just being reported because it's about poop and poop is funny.

This kind of research gets reported on all the time because it's novel and funny and a cheap filler of column inches.

Literally no one who reported or read those articles cared for more than a few seconds and only really read it because...well...poop.
Holy shit, that's it? lol


Nothing Loud wrote:
Mafro wrote:Did it go viral because of poop?
Hmm. Yes and no. I suppose it went viral "because it's poop" and everyone from Putin to Paris Hilton can relate to it but also I published my work in a top tier medical journal with top tier PIs, where I studied how even healthy people that report mild amounts of constipation suffer associated changes in their body and gut that produce kidney toxins that can damage kidney function. I did this through a clinical systems biologist approach and lots of statistics and data science of a deeply phenotyped cohort. Anyway I guess since it's "poop" everyone can relate to it and also when we did the press release on eurekaalert NBC and others immediately engaged to prepare articles for the embargo and now 2 weeks later it has over 130 news articles about it in over a dozen languages and an altmetric of 1000 now—which I don't understand because a score of 7-10 over a lifetime is considered top tier but I'm now at a 1000 which is like…unheard of.
He literally won't entertain the idea it went viral because poop is funny. I'm sure his Linkedin is popping off with job offers after this.

Also, I literally don't believe a word coming out of this compulsive liar's mouth, so I'm sure whatever he's on about there isn't unheard of.
(07-25-2024, 08:49 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(07-25-2024, 07:13 AM)benji wrote: Although it shouldn't be my job to educate you about this when you could just show me basic human decency.

But I don't want to show you basic human decency.
This puts staff in danger.

(07-25-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:

Fugu wrote:Look, I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, but proportionately this is almost certainly just a very small but visible sliver of the pie. This kind of behavior still overwhelmingly occurs in the familial context, and when it's not familial it's nearly always some other kind of kinship association (i.e. friends, friends-of-a-friend). I only say this because this kind of misdirection has the effect of making it harder to do what really needs to be done a lot of the time.
Wait, wait, wait. You're the one doing misdirection here. Of course sexual abuse comes from family, friends and friends-of-friends, that's who people spend all their time with! And their friends on Roblox would be friends, it's not 1994 anymore!

And what is it you're saying "really needs to be done" that this is a misdirection from?

(07-25-2024, 03:46 PM)killamajig wrote:
The unfortunate reality is that there is no good real near term solution. Investment in areas that would have helped stop this has been lacking forever. These problems have been left to get to worse for years and this is the chickens coming home to roost.

Even policing is not a near term solution. It doesn't stop crime and you'll get more folks in jails and prisons who shouldn't be there.

It is a failing of society. Our society is built around a system of massive exploitation.
Hey, buddy, pal, what happens regarding these topics under socialism? You never seem to share that with us.

(07-25-2024, 04:10 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Idiot wrote:But that just addresses the symptom, what about the disease? That's a far greater problem that's going to takes years and investment to address. Education, wealth gap, social services, corporate greed, corruption, inadequate laws, etc. Overall, it just seems societal apathy has grown more over the years thanks to the increase of all the other problems. It's hard to think about improving society when you're just trying to make it through your day. And I think trying to change that mindset is toughest challenge
The California state budget has doubled over the last 17 years in constant dollars. The federal budget has tripled over the same span. How much more of other people's money do you need?

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