Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:Another breakaway hit from china, queue people dumbfounded that china has the biggest entertainment market in the world.

Egomaniac  Juche

Let’s just ignore how much Mihoyo pretends not being Chinese. Awesome  Teehee

Hope the CCP doesn’t sabotage the Chinese gaming market again. But that's none of my business...
As long as Azur Lane and Mihoyo games exist, I don’t care.
(08-22-2024, 01:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-22-2024, 12:55 AM)Potato wrote:
(08-21-2024, 10:53 PM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)

I love how a show that was "set up to fail" was given a budget which would dwarf most feature films and the director given complete creative control.

Disney even fails at setting something up to fail.

It's so over Acolyte bros

[Image: K2Hnrf4.png]

Spoiler:  (click to show)
3 users liked this post: SmokyDave, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Please don't use inflammatory stereotypes with all of China as if they're men or gays. Thank you. 🙏

Robert Downey Junior says Jon Favreau is the elon musk of cinema, meaning it in a positive way, OP thinks it is an insult lmao.

OPs title wrote:Robert Downey Jr. openly insults Jon Favreau in an interview. Compares him to a transphobe

from the interview wrote:"He's always been a tech friendly guy ... as evident by [his projects] ... Look at him now"
I'd rather celebrate an achievement for china instead of supporting gay men who hate trans people.  Hmph

LBTQIA drop the gay.
2 users liked this post: SmokyDave, Taco Bell Tower
Lord Vatek wrote:My title says nothing that isn't true.

B Dumbs wrote:There's literally a rule against clickbait nonsense in thread titles

(08-22-2024, 01:50 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:


Sucking CCP cock to own the Reeeees!!!


I still don't know who that guy in the video is, but he's got huge paedo energy and looks like he enjoys when his bull pisses in his cereal.
(08-22-2024, 02:36 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): Sexist Generalization
Spinluck wrote:No one does passive aggressiveness like rich white women.

Wait, why only sexist generalisation lol
are re mods denying that rich white women and white women in general don't use their privilege to their advantage?
(08-22-2024, 02:36 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): Sexist Generalization
Spinluck wrote:No one does passive aggressiveness like rich white women.

dafuq? Era loves to complain about white women and karens literally non-stop??? No need to pull up any examples, its all over the site.
(08-22-2024, 03:34 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Thank you, white women are the very means of production of white supremacy and should not be allowed to speak over marginalized people. 🙏
(08-22-2024, 01:08 AM)Uncle wrote: has anyone made a list of...I don't know what the fuck to call them with a non-poisoned term

fuck it, "woke" failures

literally just now we have the Acolyte, Concord, Dust Born

but it feels like there are endless examples in recent memory

Forspoken, Saint's Row, Goodbye Volcano High, Velma, The Marvels, I Am Not Starfire

You leave Forspoken out of this! Cry

Spoiler:  (click to show)
I really liked it
3 users liked this post: SmokyDave, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(08-22-2024, 03:24 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Lord Vatek wrote:My title says nothing that isn't true.

B Dumbs wrote:There's literally a rule against clickbait nonsense in thread titles


Quote:User warned: clickbait thread title
if a large part of your rollout involves telling everyone about "see our cast is diverse" and thats it

it generally is a sign that thats all you are banking on

which mean you have nothing else to give

which is why all of these shows/movies/games/ect bomb because thats not enough to get people in. The reason the stuff Era have brigaded against succeed is because at their core they are good products.  There are tons of titty games released every month...none of them go beyond their base for example. Stellar Blade being an actual solid videogame at the very least (my GOTY actually but thats more about the rest of the games this year lol) helps on top of the probable spite buys from "da chudz"

But somehow the anti-chud products think that is enough to sell and it has been proven to actually be the opposite. I love Women Protags, be they super hot or not, but when said protag has the personality of a wall or are just generally unlikable...i don't think thats any different from John Space Marine lol. I keep bringing up Spider-Verse as a great example of what technically is "woke" or whatever but is great because Miles being black is never really brought up. He doesn't have the obligitory racial profiling scene, he doesn't speak in a stereotypical manner, he's just a goofy ass Peter who just happens to be Black. As a black person that is awesome to see after decades of every black protag being the same dude and almost always having the "cops hate us" moment.

but again era and its type don't really want that they just like to complain lol
(08-20-2024, 05:56 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: tpj2moF.png]

oop, mods, you dropped this
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Signal-boosting Hatesite
Curious dumbfucks of Retardera coming to visit for the first time, just a heads up that your dear leader is one of the chuds:
[Image: M7CNjUO.png]

Lots more here for you to sperg about:

Kudos to Uncle for doing hard hitting journalism with those screencaps.
(08-22-2024, 04:20 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Signal-boosting Hatesite
They banned everyone in that thread who talked about it, right? Not just this poor soul?

And nice of them to help back this up:
(08-20-2024, 05:30 AM)benji wrote: And as always, let's reiterate that any member could sign up here and post freely. Attack me, criticize our supposed racism/sexism/etc. and dispute anything anyone says.

The same is not allowed in reverse.
(08-22-2024, 05:42 AM)benji wrote: And nice of them to help back this up:
(08-20-2024, 05:30 AM)benji wrote: And as always, let's reiterate that any member could sign up here and post freely. Attack me, criticize our supposed racism/sexism/etc. and dispute anything anyone says.

The same is not allowed in reverse.

We even promise not to call you a retard UNTIL you start acting like one.
(08-22-2024, 03:43 AM)benji wrote:
(08-22-2024, 03:34 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Thank you, white women are the very means of production of white supremacy and should not be allowed to speak over marginalized people. 🙏

When you’re right, you ain’t white.
They probably just banned him because unintentionally (?) exposed Princess Bubblegum.
(08-21-2024, 09:04 PM)malfoyking wrote:

This should/could be good!!


Yet if you compared gay men to straight men of similar income and racial groups I bet they'd still be significantly more progressive than their peers lol. 

This "cis gay betrayal" is based on a revisionist history weaving a completely outsized trans presence into decades of gay/lesbian history (such as the new "common knowledge" about Stonewall) in order to create a debt that they're owed and now needs to be paid. Interesting isn't it how many activists actually from the era don't recall this participation during fights over marriage equality, sodomy laws, employment discrimination, military service, etc. 

Also many of the trans individuals that were present in the milieu of the gay/lesbian scene at the time were there because they were homosexual men and women that transitioned. 

This outsized militant cohort of transbians of the 2010s-on certainly weren't out there "doing the work"...well because they were straight men.

Upright House of Gourds wrote:All things being equal, Asians being 40% even in Affirmative Action years at a place like MIT indicates that other factors favor them considering they make up 6% of the US population (let's put aside international enrollment for a sec). Regardless of individual efforts, Asians have a systemic advantage going on that Affirmative Action is meant to act as a counter balance in order to give already systematically disadvantaged minorities a shot. This is something one would hope for in a society trying to course-correct after centuries of historical and systemic injustices.

Or you don't hope for it, because you believe that there are cultural and inherent characteristics that Asians possess where they "deserve" that kind of disproportional representation and others should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, in which case - yikes!

Palas wrote:
Claire Delune wrote:This strikes me as a distinction without difference.
In politics? That's everything. Trump can come out tomorrow and say, "I'm a bumbling idiot and don't know much about anything but the things I believe in are not stupid" and things will stay the same. Forget about strongman image projection, it doesn't hurt him. He's fundamentally motivated by truth and good. But if he says, "I'm smart but my worldview is stupid", suddenly there's something wrong with him. There are a lot of reasons why you can be smart but profess stupid ideas. You become out of touch at best and downright evil at worst.

Which is why personal attacks against Trump's intelligence have never ever ever ever worked. He can be as stupid as you say, but if people believe what he's for isn't stupid, that doesn't matter. People will easily dissociate like that. And that's why it's so important for Harris and Walz to build a positive general message that's not about them: they become more resilient to personal attacks.
If sitting back and laughing at their retarded, hypocritical takes and incompetent leadership makes us a "hate site", then they'd have to deem >90% of the internet as hateful since our takes on Reeee is not at all outside the norm.
(08-22-2024, 06:24 AM)Ribosome wrote:
(08-21-2024, 09:04 PM)malfoyking wrote:

This should/could be good!!


Yet if you compared gay men to straight men of similar income and racial groups I bet they'd still be significantly more progressive than their peers lol. 

This "cis gay betrayal" is based on a revisionist history weaving a completely outsized trans presence into decades of gay/lesbian history (such as the new "common knowledge" about Stonewall) in order to create a debt that they're owed and now needs to be paid. Interesting isn't it how many activists actually from the era don't recall this participation during fights over marriage equality, sodomy laws, employment discrimination, military service, etc. 

Also many of the trans individuals that were present in the milieu of the gay/lesbian scene at the time were there because they were homosexual men and women that transitioned. 

This outsized militant cohort of transbians of the 2010s-on certainly weren't out there "doing the work"...well because they were straight men.
We also need to point out that they're demanding that the "debt" be repaid with the elimination of homosexuals as a concept. Reducing them to, at best, "genital fetishists" and at worst people whose sexualities are inherently bigoted and therefore should be outlawed.
(08-22-2024, 05:42 AM)benji wrote:
(08-22-2024, 04:20 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Signal-boosting Hatesite
They banned everyone in that thread who talked about it, right? Not just this poor soul?

And nice of them to help back this up:
(08-20-2024, 05:30 AM)benji wrote: And as always, let's reiterate that any member could sign up here and post freely. Attack me, criticize our supposed racism/sexism/etc. and dispute anything anyone says.

The same is not allowed in reverse.
Just merely pointing out their bans is enough to get Reee mods upset and label you hateful. Remember Banbot? They absolutely hated it when it existed. If all your actions as mods are above board as you love to insist, B-Dumbs, why then did the Banbot upset you lot so much Confused
Why did it matter that you and your mods' bans were documented if they were all fair bans?
Sign up to post Resets of every race, color, religion, gender and creed. 

Who knows not locking yourself up in the gulag might actually make you less miserable.
Maybe the next one who signs up will actually stick around to explain why they think Nepenthe is so smart rather than disappearing after saying that.
They are totally convinced everyone outside of Reee are blood thirsty incel Nazis that want to genocide them from existence.

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