Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-23-2024, 07:59 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Even one of the female streamers I follow who is usually pretty tuned into the progressive mindset but also a "girly girl"  thought the characters were garbage and was basically like "where is my cute blonde girl? That's who I want to play" (she's a blond girl)

What's her twitch? Where is my cute blonde girl?
(08-23-2024, 07:59 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Even one of the female streamers I follow who is usually pretty tuned into the progressive mindset but also a "girly girl"  thought the characters were garbage and was basically like "where is my cute blonde girl? That's who I want to play" (she's a blond girl)
Contary to what mentally ill spaces constantly preach, many women also like attractive girls to play as. Hell, I'd argue most of them do. The people that want nothing but Concord uggos are always in the minority.

Now I don't know if the woman you're speaking about is a "too far gone" type of progressive, but I think even some of those people still prefer conventionally attractive girls to play as. Beautiful characters are popular for a reason.
Been trying to catch up with this thread since Monday Outfoxxed
(08-23-2024, 08:08 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Not surprised, even my wife who doesn't game at all is asking me if I'm buying this game.

I told her no since I don't play this type of games and why she asked since she's never took interest in my gaming habits and she was like "Oh it been all over weibo, xiaohongshu, douban telling people to buy this game since racist western media is trying to make us look bad since they're jealous and racist".

So that IGN article has probably been a positive to the game sales. Ironically gavinized the Chinese market.

Why the banned this guy? He is not dismissing anything in that post, just telling you why there is a big segment of Chinese people buying the game. This has happened multiple times and many at RE are aware how insane the Chinese nationalists can get or that they are also not above misinformation (ironic Curious ).

Not as bad as this one:

(08-23-2024, 07:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns around misogyny. Account in junior phase.
paraluman wrote:I hate how abhorrent their views are but ngl I played my cousin's copy and it's a really great game tbh. It's surprising how much there is on their first AAA game. Goes to show that there are a lot of great, talented studio out there, and kudos to Sony and other initiatives to support them

Whose concerns did they dismiss?? HE LITERALLY SAYS THE VIEWS ARE ABHORRENT!

Dbl pst
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
BananaBlast dateline='[url=tel:1724466284' wrote: 1724466284[/url]']
I truly am annoyed, angered, disturbed, and fascinated by the inner workings of Messofanego. I don't even know how a man could end up like him. I don't even know how the little cuck can live with himself being such a massive walking hypocrite.

And I'm not trying to racially profile anyone, so forgive me if I've gotten this wrong, but isn't he a Muslim somewhere from the middle east?

I genuinely cannot begin to comprehend how someone, who is from there, and is still seemingly currently practicing many of their customs, has more energy to bitch about completely meaningless shit (this female character's boobs are too big and her face is too cute and attractive maf ) but says virtually nothing about how muslim cultures actually treat women.

I mean, my god, if you're going to be an obnoxious feminist virtue signaling cuck, the very least you can do is virtue signal towards actual real world issues that are actually worth a damn, like how women showing skin in certain Muslim countries means a severe beating or stoning to death.

People that have interacted with him outside the forum have mentioned that he is pretty double faced and doesn’t seem to care either way. 

Ironically, he seems to be one of the less combative religious people from Muslim ERA.
If you need some Islamic Counseling, Messofanego is associated with this place:
Intersectionality is a tough cookie to crack, and we're not going to solve it here:
(08-24-2024, 03:32 AM)benji wrote: If you need some Islamic Counseling, Messofanego is associated with this place:

“Why people are othering Muslims?” Six  Social Justice Warrior 2

“Anyway, Islamic Counseling is here to save your arranged marriage!”  SCIENCE!
(08-24-2024, 03:29 AM)BIONIC wrote: Been trying to catch up with this thread since Monday Outfoxxed

Right? Aside from being sick of Era, I was glad to find a slower moving forum to participate in. Now TheBire has as many CCU as Black Myth Wukong.
(08-24-2024, 03:41 AM)benji wrote: Intersectionality is a tough cookie to crack, and we're not going to solve it here:
Talk about a plot twist. I thought the white woman was being falsely accused of calling her the N-word, but nope.... she repeats it in clear detail to prove that she did say it, and that she is racist. 😳

Going by the dyed hair, I'm willing to bet she's one of those severely mentally ill progressive leftists that love to preach progressive talking points, but also have an instant mental switch where they turn into unapologetic, far right racists.

The worst of both worlds, as I like to call it.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Commentary; Account in Junior Phase
wutangflan wrote:
Sheev wrote:English culture in one word? Transphobia.
Shut up.

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Inappropriate comparison and trolling over multiple posts. Account in junior phase.
kOsmikcoffee wrote:Watching this game fail is like the OceanGate disaster all over again. You knew they were dead, you had a select few hoping for the best, and you had the majority of people making fun and making memes about it.

Me, I'm laughin.
(08-24-2024, 04:22 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Commentary; Account in Junior Phase
wutangflan wrote:
Sheev wrote:English culture in one word? Transphobia.
Shut up.
Genuinely based response.

Surprised that wasn't a 1 month ban.
(08-24-2024, 01:42 AM)killamajig wrote:
There's a reason why I generally stay out of Star Wars OT. I'll argue about the MCU to death but I can't do Star Wars discourse.

Anyway, The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and The Acolyte deserves a second season.

Actual retard
(08-24-2024, 02:09 AM)benji wrote: [Image: GVsk9Ppa8AA3t-p?format=jpg&name=small]

Correction should be for erroneously referring to Gadsby as a comedian.
(08-24-2024, 04:24 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Inappropriate comparison and trolling over multiple posts. Account in junior phase.
kOsmikcoffee wrote:Watching this game fail is like the OceanGate disaster all over again. You knew they were dead, you had a select few hoping for the best, and you had the majority of people making fun and making memes about it.

Me, I'm laughin.

unless era admins are suddenly sympathetic to the oceangate boys, this ban makes no fucking sense.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
jk, its pretty obvious they think people dying in a horrifying submarine disaster is a joke, but the failure of a game where robots have pronouns is a real tragedy deserving of somber respect.
I hate it when they pretend to have morals concerning the deaths of people. There were instances I recall of the staff letting favored users mock certain people's deaths because they were acceptable targets of hate.
(08-24-2024, 04:09 AM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-24-2024, 03:41 AM)benji wrote: Intersectionality is a tough cookie to crack, and we're not going to solve it here:
Talk about a plot twist. I thought the white woman was being falsely accused of calling her the N-word, but nope.... she repeats it in clear detail to prove that she did say it, and that she is racist. 😳

Going by the dyed hair, I'm willing to bet she's one of those severely mentally ill progressive leftists that love to preach progressive talking points, but also have an instant mental switch where they turn into unapologetic, far right racists.

The worst of both worlds, as I like to call it.

Easier just to assume it's an attention seeking troll. Political affiliation doesn't matter much to them.  lol
(08-24-2024, 04:46 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Easier just to assume it's an attention seeking troll. Political affiliation doesn't matter much to them.  lol
Yeah, good point. I assumed it was a case of two omega liberals in-fighting, but it's probably more likely that it the racist woman "crashed the party"
Concord bros I don't feel so good:
[Image: VkdSTIy.png]

[Image: fVjcZny.png][Image: vd2mx31.png][Image: gOIq8Zo.png][Image: lAcaP6L.png]

[Image: aix34Rg.png]
why would I want to play as a fat person when I can play as monkey?
[Image: 9E5FF72F98419C7E777B25AA313BDE90A7901329]

She's not playing at all, just standing in tutorial area while she fucks around on her phone. Also she's topless. lol

Maybe this will be good:
[Image: 92680D1DE53F921935B4F01507EB8C9B152B02B9]
[Image: EDC4240A4DAB1B86B241B7BAF56C77082C35CF8C]

From chat:
[Image: B34BC0C5DCD91B1A68ECC764E7DAF065AD5407F9]

I've been clicking on random Twitch streamers and three of the five have complained about BIGOTS coming into their chat to insult the game and how they're having to ban them for attacking such a POSITIVE and HAPPY community. lol
we rarely talk about this poster, but he's probably among the most mentally ill there. see, for instance:
ContractHolder, post: 127628931, member: 6328 wrote:So previously I've been able to find that out when major Disney films get uploaded to Disney+ internal servers. It wasn't through hacking or anything illegal. Basically what happened was whenever Disney+ had trailer pages to promote films in theaters, they would eventually convert those pages into the official page to access the film on Disney+ (you know, the press play to watch page). The trailer pages always had a run time of 2 minutes or so. But what would happen is when they uploaded the film to their internal server and kept it on private, it would show the full runtime of the film (aka the video file runtime) before they officially announced a release date/allowed D+ subscribers to access the film. (I also previously caught them putting the "coming to D+ on Month Day, Year" like a day before the official announcement back in Late 2022/Early 2023. They long stopped doing that).

Now you may be saying "Come on CH, would a giant corp actually give a shit?"

Yes they did! Because now all the trailer pages no longer show run times as of a few days ago. They do not want people catching on early to films being uploaded to the server. And so I thought, "Game Over. We can't figure out when films are uploaded to the internal server anymore without seeing the length of video time. It's over".

... Is what I thought. But I quickly thought "Ok, well why would they do this now? Is it to cover for Inside Out 2 being uploaded early?" And I realized that they actually forgot to remove some other more subtle signs that a movie is on the internal server and prepping for release announcement. Because I'm that weirdo. So let's make some Disney Execs sweat until Monday Morning when they can tell people to deal with this.

Here's the evidence:

- Go to the Inside Out 2 Trailer page (that will eventually become the actual movie page):

- You'll notice a CC and AD square next to the rating and and HD square. If you're on mobile, a 5.1 square should be seen.

- Go to the Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer page:

- You'll notice only the rating and the HD square is present on this page.

- Go to the Moana 2 Trailer Page:

- You'll notice only the HD square is present on this page because it hasn't been officially rated.

- Go to Elemental's Movie Page:

- You'll notice that uploaded films have the rating, HD square, CC square, and AD square (as well as 5.1 square if you're on mobile).

They took away the video file runtime on trailer pages to prevent people from knowing when they've uploaded films to their internal server. However, they forgot to remove the other signs of it being uploaded to the internal server like the CC, AD, and (for mobile) the 5.1 squares.

Inside Out 2 is 100% on the internal server. It's a question of when now that they announce the release date. And it absolutely will be soon.

Most of you won't personally give a shit. That's fair. But if you enjoy the idea of some execs on the weekend being like "How the fuck did the internet ruin our announcement plan?" for the LOLs, and the fact that they won't be able to get to it until the weekend... Well, here you go.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Wow! Disney is going to put one of their films on Disney+??? Gladbron
(08-24-2024, 05:41 AM)benji wrote: She's not playing at all, just standing in tutorial area while she fucks around on her phone. Also she's topless. lol

Went to watch before checking the bire and laughed at her not even playing.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, D3RANG3D
(08-24-2024, 05:41 AM)benji wrote: She's not playing at all, just standing in tutorial area while she fucks around on her phone. Also she's topless. lol

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Game devs: "We finally made characters that represent you!"

They're ugly, devoid of character and absolute unlikable cunts.

"Wow, thanks!"

If these devs weren't this fucking retarded you'd think they're kind of based. The black main character in Dustborn is a fucking criminal for fuck's sake...

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