(08-29-2024, 02:10 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/so-can-people-like-jet-li-and-donny-yen-really-fight-or-is-it-just-for-the-films.966573/post-127872345
One of the important things to keep in mind is that stage fighting and screen fighting are entirely designed around making something that looks cool but doesn't actually hurt the other person. Your whole goal is to basically manufacture an illusion that makes an audience think they're watching a fight, but it's really a visual representation of a chunk of story played out through actions instead of dialogue.
Real fights don't look anything like what you see on screen, though. They're usually very frantic and over extremely quickly. Most real-world fights I've seen are about 80% bluster and then maybe one or two hits before someone's down.
Yeah. Chuck sucks nowadays, but when I was young, I remember a lot of my martial arts masters talking about him like an absolute genuine pro from the tournament circuit.
Depending on the martial art, yeah, it's not going to help you against someone who just wants to end you in a second. There are elements of the training you COULD theoretically apply to a real fight, but most people aren't going to be able to do that in the moment if genuinely forced to defend themselves. It takes a level of skill (and more importantly discipline and improvisation) that most people just will not have in that kind of situation.
Most of the martial arts I learned were really only useful for show fights and tournament fighting where the entire point was the art. It's an entirely different discussion when the other person you're fighting is deliberately using the same style as you are.
I enjoyed this episode of Smasher's Blatantly Common Things Presented As Deep Arcane Knowledge. but the revelation he had "martial arts masters." was next level. Fantastic.
That thread is full of people who believe all that phony martial arts bullshit. They've all been huffing Bruce Lee's farts too long. Reading that thread gave me an aneurysm.
Time to get on my PlanetSmasher high horse. Working in a prison you see lots of real fights. So I can speak speak on this subject with a little bit of authority. Any martial arts you learn that doesn't include full contact sparring is worthless. Some guy with a good year's worth of MMA training would wipe the floor with these actors and their Kung Fu.
I kind of thought we moved past all this, one guy can take on 10 guys crap. This kind of stuff triggers me because it's one of those things that could result in getting seriously hurt or killed if you believe in your own bullshit.
And honestly you can do serious martial arts, MMA self-defense training for years and some guy can just throw a brick at your head and you're dead. That's a real fight. Or while you're kicking some guy's ass, his buddy comes up behind you and smashes a bar stool over your head. That's a real fight.
I won't bore you with my own prison war stories, but I will say real fights are scary and chaotic and you should try and avoid them if you can.
12 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, FUME5, Daffy Duck, BananaBlast, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Boredfrom, Alpacx, D3RANG3D
(08-29-2024, 01:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Retarded dinosaur dating game came out a year ago apparently
https://www.resetera.com/threads/one-year-ago-the-best-game-of-2023-came-out-did-you-play-it.967077/ Everyone just dunking on the art style
(08-29-2024, 02:10 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/so-can-people-like-jet-li-and-donny-yen-really-fight-or-is-it-just-for-the-films.966573/post-127872345
One of the important things to keep in mind is that stage fighting and screen fighting are entirely designed around making something that looks cool but doesn't actually hurt the other person. Your whole goal is to basically manufacture an illusion that makes an audience think they're watching a fight, but it's really a visual representation of a chunk of story played out through actions instead of dialogue.
Real fights don't look anything like what you see on screen, though. They're usually very frantic and over extremely quickly. Most real-world fights I've seen are about 80% bluster and then maybe one or two hits before someone's down.
Yeah. Chuck sucks nowadays, but when I was young, I remember a lot of my martial arts masters talking about him like an absolute genuine pro from the tournament circuit.
Depending on the martial art, yeah, it's not going to help you against someone who just wants to end you in a second. There are elements of the training you COULD theoretically apply to a real fight, but most people aren't going to be able to do that in the moment if genuinely forced to defend themselves. It takes a level of skill (and more importantly discipline and improvisation) that most people just will not have in that kind of situation.
Most of the martial arts I learned were really only useful for show fights and tournament fighting where the entire point was the art. It's an entirely different discussion when the other person you're fighting is deliberately using the same style as you are. Fucking hell  It just never ends with this cunt.
15 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, NekoFever, clockwork5, BananaBlast, Potato, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, kaleidoscopium, D3RANG3D, killamajig, EaldNarche
So, if I'm keeping track, PlanetSmasher is a twinkish former actor (that refused the casting couch!) who also happens to be a martial arts expert?
11 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Anti-Monitor, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, BananaBlast, Potato, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, killamajig
11 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Gameboy Nostalgia, BananaBlast, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, jooseloose, killamajig, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, kaleidoscopium, Polident, D3RANG3D
Phil has like 8 black belts in post counts. The entire bore team can't even keep up collectively in the best of times.
A true samurai or whatever the fuck you'd call it. Chief samurai planet-san
(08-29-2024, 02:40 PM)killamajig wrote: I won't bore you with my own prison war stories
it is the forum namesake, we demand it
(08-29-2024, 11:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I believe we reached the ultimate Concord cope
Quote:This game, its (unbelievably high/strong) qualities, and the trash discourse and reception around it are all hugely symbolic of the cultural decay modern developed civilization is currently experiencing to be quite honest with you. It's stunning actually, and I can very easily see this game and its reaction being something that art historians/anthropologists/sociologists in the distant future look at as a reflection of the culture. Because it's something else.
As someone who was in a terrible but very serious emotionally/psychologically abusive relationship with an extremely intelligent, capable person that was all about denying reality/trying to control my perception of things, let me tell you, I can spot/smell the bullshit from a mile a way. Shit's actually both disgusting and pathetic to me on a deep level. The reaction to this game at large has viscerally affected me personally because I'm intimately familiar with the mental games of deranged people.
And when I say the response phenomenon to this game is fascism at work, I am deadly serious. One of the core tenets of fascist movements is to bring culture to heel using the force and influence of terror. Precisely what's going on here. They are simultaneously trying to both deny perception and to shape reality.
I love how used the post to shill his own YouTube channel. And nobody at RE will watch him.
08-29-2024, 03:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 03:56 PM by Venice.)
(08-29-2024, 02:46 PM)EaldNarche wrote: So, if I'm keeping track, PlanetSmasher is a twinkish former actor (that refused the casting couch!) who also happens to be a martial arts expert? 
I used to find PlanetSmasher very, very annoying, with all his alleged bullshit real life stories that conveniently make him qualified to make a comment in almost every thread, but I'm always reminded of Greatness Gone's comment back in June when Benji did one of this 'exposes' (complete with Insta and LinkedIn):
Spoiler: Benji the Doxxer hard at work (click to show)(click to hide)
Quote:Creative professional with interests in entertainment, gaming and the arts currently seeking career opportunities as a content creator. Unique credentials include:
Web entrepreneur: Founded gaming industry website OneLastContinue.com at age 23, managing daily content schedule and a staff of a dozen all-volunteer contributors.
Multiple years as freelance content writer, including contract positions and projects with HowStuffWorks, Cisco Systems, Harris Bank, Central DuPage Hospital and WebEx.
Four years training at Chicago's Second City Training Center, including programs in improvisation, music, acting and stage combat.
Wrote, produced and directed several stage shows and short films.
Quote:Denison University
BA, English: Creative Writing
2003 - 2007
Activities and societies: Denison Film Society, Denison Independent Theatre Association, Denison Ultimate Frisbee Club, Denison Democrats, Gaming Guild, Outing Club
Completed a full-length film screenplay as part of senior writing program, as well as a compilation of short stories and writing pieces. Participated in the production of several short films in a writing, acting, and production capacity. Participated in a lead role in a Denison Independent Theatre Association one-act play.
Second City Training Center - Chicago
Musical Improvisation, Improv
2011 - 20132011 - 2013
Currently attending the Second City Training Center in downtown Chicago, studying musical improvisation, stage combat and a number of other related topics.
Quote:American Dental Association
6 yrs
AMS/CRM Customer Service Specialist
Nov 2021 - Present · 2 yrs 8 mos
Member Service Advisor
Jul 2018 - Nov 2021 · 3 yrs 5 mos
Chicago, IL
Position with the American Dental Association as part of its Member Service Center team. Responsibilities include reporting and data analytics, assistance with the ADA's large-scale Find-a-Dentist campaign, inbound and outbound customer service calls, Aptify CRM management and assisting/training other agents.
Quote:Founder, Editor in Chief
One Last Continue
Jan 2009 - Aug 2012 · 3 yrs 8 mos
Chief editorial duties for One Last Continue, a video game industry journal, including market and industry research, forming relationships with 20+ game developers and publishers, authoring news, reviews, and editorial posts, as well as managing staff and contributing writers, scheduling posts, and various other duties keyed to the site's continued growth and well-being.
Quote:Production Assistant
Sirona Studios
Jun 2007 - Aug 2007 · 3 mos
As a production assistant on the film "Deception", my position is defined by the necessity of the production: whatever the film needs, if I can do it, I do it. Examples of actions I've been called upon to perform are as follows:
-Setting up scenes and sets for screen tests
-Supervising and filling in for actors during the casting call process
-Operating the XL-2 camera during screen tests
-Location scouting for the final project
PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-top-10-most-regretted-college-majors-%E2%80%94-and-the-degrees-graduates-wish-they-had-pursued-instead.653883/post-96531042 wrote:I was an English Writing major in college, with sub-concentrations in Film, East Asian Studies and Philosophy. I'm a writer now, and I work for a healthcare nonprofit during the day. PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/fantastic-beasts-2-is-the-worst-prequel-i-have-ever-seen-across-any-media-or-franchise.83261/post-15395413 wrote:Yup. Speaking as someone with a degree in screenwriting PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/did-you-get-into-a-different-career-than-the-education-you-received.627805/post-92610424 wrote:So, kind of. My degree is in fiction writing, but my day job is in healthcare nonprofit. PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/first-movie-that-opened-your-eyes-to-the-art-of-filmmaking.742716/post-109026843 wrote:The Usual Suspects is the reason I have a degree in screenwriting. PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/spider-man-across-the-spider-verse-official-trailer-2.704903/post-103664993 wrote:I do have a degree in screenwriting, lol. PlanetSmasher, https://www.resetera.com/threads/final-fantasy-xvi-spoiler-thread-open-spoilers.731475/post-108491589 wrote:Especially because to me, as someone who has a degree in screenwriting THE SMOCKING GUN:
https://n4g.com/news/400327/demons-souls-review-one-last-continue wrote:PLANETSMASHER|5382D AGO |REVIEW|2|
One Last Continue revisits the localized version of Demon's Souls for the final time, on the eve of its US release. edit: this entire account is dedicated to posting articles from his site: https://n4g.com/user/home/planetsmasher
And Greatness Gone's comment:
(06-20-2024, 04:11 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: Damn…looks aren't everything obviously, but he’s a handsome guy. Something must have went really sideways in his life to end up where he is now, because he should be living life on easy mode rather than being one nintendo game away from a psychotic break.
That's all I tend to think of whenever PlanetSmasher posts crap. Benji found PlanetSmasher's Instagram (it's in the spoiler above) and PlasMa (lol) really should be living a good, easy life instead of buying every AAA or AA game the day it's released, only to then complain across dozens of posts about how miserable he is spending hundreds of hours playing it. He must have had a mental snap somewhere because every post of his reads like he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
PlanetSmasher is a prime example of what happens when you fall too deep down the extreme-left, ResetEra rabbit hole and start passionately believing in things no one gives a shit about in the real world.
He's become so heavily invested in online social activism that he's given up on actually living a normal life.
16 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Chumbawumbafan69, kaleidoscopium, BananaBlast, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, MJBarret, killamajig, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, EaldNarche, Echelon, D3RANG3D
08-29-2024, 03:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 03:50 PM by Jansen.)
(08-29-2024, 11:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I believe we reached the ultimate Concord cope
Quote:This game, its (unbelievably high/strong) qualities, and the trash discourse and reception around it are all hugely symbolic of the cultural decay modern developed civilization is currently experiencing to be quite honest with you. It's stunning actually, and I can very easily see this game and its reaction being something that art historians/anthropologists/sociologists in the distant future look at as a reflection of the culture. Because it's something else.
As someone who was in a terrible but very serious emotionally/psychologically abusive relationship with an extremely intelligent, capable person that was all about denying reality/trying to control my perception of things, let me tell you, I can spot/smell the bullshit from a mile a way. Shit's actually both disgusting and pathetic to me on a deep level. The reaction to this game at large has viscerally affected me personally because I'm intimately familiar with the mental games of deranged people.
And when I say the response phenomenon to this game is fascism at work, I am deadly serious. One of the core tenets of fascist movements is to bring culture to heel using the force and influence of terror. Precisely what's going on here. They are simultaneously trying to both deny perception and to shape reality.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/concord-ot-calling-all-freegunners-56k-warning.957465/page-42#post-127851540 Quote:The reaction to this game at large has viscerally affected me personally because I'm intimately familiar with the mental games of deranged people
Ya just gotta love the lack of self reflection. Calling other people deranged when this is the most unhinged post I've seen about concord yet.
17 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Anti-Monitor, Chudder Barbarity, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, NekoFever, BananaBlast, Greatness Gone, Propagandhim, ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, killamajig, HaughtyFrank, D3RANG3D, Venice
(08-29-2024, 03:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (08-29-2024, 02:52 PM)malfoyking wrote: (08-29-2024, 01:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Retarded dinosaur dating game came out a year ago apparently
Directly quoting known gamergator and CHUD Daniel Vavra
Its such a disgusting-looking game.
The forum freak liked it though
fat4all wrote:it's a very good game
the general aversion to it is weird
https://www.resetera.com/threads/one-year-ago-the-best-game-of-2023-came-out-did-you-play-it.967077/#post-127878027 real talk: the “general aversion” isn’t just because of the art style. It was an obviously mismanaged project that was never going to accomplish it’s aspirations…whatever those were.
They fired the original writer due to—of course—cancel culture, rewrote the entire script from scratch, went years of development without a peep or update (for what is essentially a visual novel). AND a mocking “fan” game was built from the ground up and released faster. A middling reception was predictable lightyears away.
I say this as someone who thought the initial premise was interesting, but had my own interest dwindle to nothing over the very long period this game finally to drop.
Oh wow, it really does look like he just snapped at some point. Everything from back then points to him being accomplished and well adjusted. He's relatively attractive too, if a bit rat like (but ratboys are in right now). My guess is either what you said, going too far down an online rabbit hole and losing all perspective, or a manic episode of some kind.
He's notoriously bad at video games too, he was bitching and bitching about how hard FF16 was. I know I suck at games and had no issues with 16. So he's on a whole other level of bad.
(08-29-2024, 03:51 PM)EaldNarche wrote: Oh wow, it really does look like he just snapped at some point. Everything from back then points to him being accomplished and well adjusted. He's relatively attractive too, if a bit rat like (but ratboys are in right now). My guess is either what you said, going too far down an online rabbit hole and losing all perspective, or a manic episode of some kind.
He's notoriously bad at video games too, he was bitching and bitching about how hard FF16 was. I know I suck at games and had no issues with 16. So he's on a whole other level of bad.
I thought FF16 was super easy. And I'm terrible at games too.
One of the endearing qualities about lord zeo is he's not angling to be made king of that forum. He's literally just asking questions, putting the world in order. Sure he'll join a discord and post some, maybe even whip up a dog pile or two but he isn't doing it because he wants power over others in the in group. He just needs to do it.
(08-29-2024, 03:21 PM)Uncle wrote: (08-29-2024, 02:40 PM)killamajig wrote: I won't bore you with my own prison war stories
it is the forum namesake, we demand it Here's a funny one...
Inmates get milk in those little cartons like you get in school. Which means its delivered in those hard plastic crates. A inmate tried to clobber me with one of those. I had to dodge and parry those things coming at me like the Waffle House chick. When back up arrived he gave up and went quietly but I thought what a dumb way to go out if one of those things bonked me in the head.
Valkaria wrote:So Destin Legarie had his say on Black Myth Wukong.
"And just to address the whole 'woke' thing, Black Myth Wukong's success isn't because it's not woke"
Yes, I agree-
"Baldur's Gate 3 is probably one of the most 'woke' games you've ever played".
Yes! Exactl-
"It just does it in a way that's not pandering"
Oh… oh no…
11 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Hap Shaughnessy, killamajig, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, D3RANG3D, HaughtyFrank
08-29-2024, 04:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 04:35 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(08-29-2024, 04:25 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/gamergate-2-0-chuds-furious-about-a-consulting-company-named-“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-90#post-127826664
Valkaria wrote:So Destin Legarie had his say on Black Myth Wukong.
"And just to address the whole 'woke' thing, Black Myth Wukong's success isn't because it's not woke"
Yes, I agree-
"Baldur's Gate 3 is probably one of the most 'woke' games you've ever played".
Yes! Exactl-
"It just does it in a way that's not pandering"
Oh… oh no… ![[Image: ftcms%3Ac7b2453a-244f-48b0-87d8-4eb80cb4...=700&dpr=1]](https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/ftcms%3Ac7b2453a-244f-48b0-87d8-4eb80cb46e16?source=next-article&fit=scale-down&quality=highest&width=700&dpr=1)
I just want all of those who claim that pandering isn't a thing or whatever to play Dustborn. Or look at the general reaction to the characters in Concord. Maybe those games have some worth after all
12 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, MoonlightJazz, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Greatness Gone, Potato, killamajig, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, DavidCroquet
(08-29-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: (08-29-2024, 01:41 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Directly quoting known gamergator and CHUD Daniel Vavra 
https://www.resetera.com/threads/kingdom-come-deliverance-iis-script-has-over-2-2-million-words-potentially-making-it-the-longest-video-game-script-ever-written.967086/ Promptly removed.
So the game isn’t banned, but quoting the game’s director is a no no???
texhnolyze wrote:doops. wrote:Oh. Perhaps I should have researched about it a bit more then. I just found the word count stat in isolation interesting, if slightly suspicious. Don't mind, the game is not exactly banned in here. But the topics surrounding this game have always been weird to me, it's allowed but not really, just mind your words. Ah ok, clear as mud.
I guess they lifted the KC ban cuz the admins and mods were banning people like no tomorrow who were hyped about it
08-29-2024, 05:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 06:37 PM by DocWager.)
(08-29-2024, 02:09 PM)Uncle wrote: how the fuck have we done 100 pages in 2 weeks 
We really are going to need to expand our offerings if more people with nuanced takes that left ResetEra come over. Maybe tone down on the hostility too if Benji wants to sell this place to rich oil barons/slave owners.
(08-29-2024, 05:46 PM)DocWager wrote: (08-29-2024, 02:09 PM)Uncle wrote: how the fuck have we done 100 pages in 2 weeks 
We really are going to need to expand our offerings if more people with nuanced takes that left ResetEra come over. Maybe tone down on the hostility too if Benji wants to sell this place to rich oil barons/slave owner. I just want more gaming discussion…The Bire is crying out for an official Concord clan!
(08-29-2024, 02:09 PM)Uncle wrote: how the fuck have we done 100 pages in 2 weeks 
Acolyte getting canceled, Dustborn and Concord bombing and evil Wukong stomping on all of them. It was a rough 2 weeks for Restera
We might need to”Evillore” Benji. Let’s get in contact with somebodies ass he grabbed at a night club, then create RebootAge, and we’ll sell it for a billion!
(08-29-2024, 05:48 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: (08-29-2024, 05:46 PM)DocWager wrote: (08-29-2024, 02:09 PM)Uncle wrote: how the fuck have we done 100 pages in 2 weeks 
We really are going to need to expand our offerings if more people with nuanced takes that left ResetEra come over. Maybe tone down on the hostility too if Benji wants to sell this place to rich oil barons/slave owner. I just want more gaming discussion…The Bire is crying out for an official Concord clan!
I have seen multiple communities in the past few weeks muse about taking over the game completely, becoming 95% of its player base overnight
but then it's $40 so nah
(08-29-2024, 05:51 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (08-29-2024, 02:09 PM)Uncle wrote: how the fuck have we done 100 pages in 2 weeks 
Acolyte getting canceled, Dustborn and Concord bombing and evil Wukong stomping on all of them. It was a rough 2 weeks for Restera
Don't forget the annoying ass new member
TheBire membership growing faster than ResetEra is another canary in the big beautiful coal mine.
15 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, wizardora, Gameboy Nostalgia, Polident, benji, Federal Agent, Greatness Gone, kaleidoscopium, BananaBlast, JoeBoy101, DavidCroquet, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, D3RANG3D
08-29-2024, 06:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 06:55 PM by Venice.)
From the 'Daniel Vavra is a racist chud because he hurt our feelings' thread:
internet rabbit wrote:I'm glad this thread kicked off on the Vavra is a piece of work dialogue immediately because these threads tend to go two separate ways at the same time: people feeling insane because he is clearly a bigot and people seemingly fully ignoring that
And then, just a couple of posts later:
PunkSxE wrote:I just can't wait for this. The last time I was this excited for a game was probably with The Witcher
wanderjahr wrote:#1 anticipated game
Bansai wrote:Seems like it's gonna be one chunky RPG, hopefully the writing is good
19 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Anti-Monitor, MoonlightJazz, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Greatness Gone, benji, Chumbawumbafan69, Hap Shaughnessy, MJBarret, ClothedMac, kaleidoscopium, DavidCroquet, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim, Echelon, Nintex, D3RANG3D
I wonder if bdumbs regrets caving to the trans mafia now. It's gonna be this same shit every time they don't ban a game with problematic elements/creators going forward. It makes it clear to everyone that transphobia is a much graver offense than misogyny or racism. What happened to intersectionality bdumbs?
16 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Anti-Monitor, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Hap Shaughnessy, clockwork5, D3RANG3D, MJBarret, kaleidoscopium, BananaBlast, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, Greatness Gone, Propagandhim
You guys are killing me with using the Resetera member's avatars
18 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Cheers, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Daffy Duck, clockwork5, D3RANG3D, Switters, JoeBoy101, DavidCroquet, Taco Bell Tower, Greatness Gone, Propagandhim, Uncle, HaughtyFrank, EaldNarche, Nintex